Football Thread

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eliminat0r said:
I didn't see all of the Australia vs Uruguay but i think 1-0 was good for Australia cos now we have to really show how we can play in Australia. If Australia wins the whole country will have a public holiday.....i hope

Most likely given how long we haven't been in a World Cup. If we win the World Cup there will definitely be a public holiday, maybe a public holiweek :)
And you Australians moaned when we were in the running for a public holiday when we won the Ashes!

Finally something that the Lions are better than you.
SkateBoarder said:
And you Australians moaned when we were in the running for a public holiday when we won the Ashes!

Finally something that the Lions are better than you.

I think we were just hacked off at losing the Ashes. Not that I was complaining cause I didn't even know they wanted one. :)
We drew 1-1 with bournemouth away! Not too bad a result in the context of things. On transfer news we've Signed Nathan tyson on loan until January transfer window when he will most likely join on a permanent basis. set to debut vs Southend next Saturday.
What a fantastic Weekend to be english

England 26-16 Austrlia In The Rugby
England 3-2 Argentina
England On Top Against Pakistan

I would hate to be austrlian though

Uruguay 1-0 Australia
and of course losing in the rugby to a crappy england side :D
eliminat0r said:
Australia cant be good at everything, and we let the english win the union.....

Indeed we did, Jones let the English win.

Don't worry come Wed, Aus will be a threat to the World in the World cup :D
I heard about the ticketselling for upcoming match in Australia:
87.000 tickets were sold out in two minutes.

So I guess football has an impact on lives there in Australia.
aussie1st said:
Well they know Aus have a good chance of making the playoffs. Sadly the domestic comp ain't going as well.
I think it's going okay,unfortunately Melbournwe are a bit inconsistant. :mad:
And any pom who thinks its funny that we lost 1-0 (even though we controlled large portions of th game),how about you try winning there! :)
I doubt any pom would find it funny if Australia lost. As pom originally meant Australians. :p

Taylor doubled his tally for the season last night.
They are showing the match tomorrow here on TV. :) Because of Hiddink.

But it will be during the match of Pakistan vs England also. :(
For those that want to watch Aus qualify for the World Cup here is some info.

The decisive World Cup soccer qualifying match between Australia and Uruguay will shown on a live video webcast for those viewers without access to SBS Television.

SBS and the Football Federation Australia said in a joint statement they had agreed for the match at Telstra Stadium in Sydney to be shown online.

It is the first time a Socceroos match has been streamed live on the web.

Australia need to win by two clear goals to qualify for next year's World Cup in Germany after losing 1-0 in the first leg of the playoff in Uruguay.

The webcast will show the outgoing world-feed rather than the SBS coverage of the match which starts at 20:00 AEDT.

To access the video stream, visit either The World Game homepage at or the FFA's website at and click on the links.
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