Football Thread

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Just watched another great match: Turkey vs Switzerland. Play was more faster then the Australia-Uruguay match. So far this day has been great.

Another bad note: Clarence Seedorf was robbed past Thursday in his house by four armed persons. They took about 100.000 euro away.
How is celebrating something that hasn't happened for 32 years? I don't think you appreciate what making the World Cup means to Australia, you lot make it every 4 years. This is the first timee since '74 for us.
Jarryd said:
How is celebrating something that hasn't happened for 32 years? I don't think you appreciate what making the World Cup means to Australia, you lot make it every 4 years. This is the first timee since '74 for us.
Just posting song lyric's is spam, it doesnt help the thread.
I,unfortunately was working last night,but luckily(for me)it went into extra time,and because i'm right next to fed square,i went over there and watched extra time and penalties.It was so good.Every one went mad.All the trams were held up,and flairs were going off.Go Aussies!Lets hope we can get a good Draw!
World Cup 2006 Draw will be held on 9th December 2005. And in Leipzig, which is in Germany.
A good draw would help though.But you are right,in that we do have to play the best teams in the world. But,we can do it. I trust the Aussie team,under Guus Hidink,can have an unprecedented run in next years finals.
Not knowing much about soccer....what are Australias chances??

God it would be good to win the world that would stick it up the worlds asses not being a soccer country.
I expect Australia to go home after first round. Only being on the World Cup 2006 is a big achievement for them. But Guus Hiddink is a good coach; maybe some tactics can lead them further. The draw could provide more information.
Australia certainly won't be the worst team there. About 16th in the Tourny overall i'd say.
If Australia get an easy round, I'm pretty confident they can make the last 16.
Ste said:
Results from tonights other World Cup Playoffs:

Bahrain 0-1 Trinidad & Tobago (Trinidad win 2-1 on aggregate)
Czech Republic 1-0 Norway (Agg: 2-0)
Slovakia 1-1 Spain (Agg: 2-6)
Turkey 4-2 Switzerland(Agg: 4-4, Switzerland win on away goals)

Full list of qualifers (by zone):

African Zone (5 Teams)

Ivory Coast

Amazing no Nigeria, Cameroon, Morocco. Wonder how strong these will be.

Hopefully there will be some good competition from the ?lesser? nations otherwise it just becomes a boring tournament until the quarter finals
If you remember last year's World Cup, then you'd know that teams like Senegal, South Korea, and USA qualified while Portugal, Argentina and France were all eliminated. So the lesser known nations are well capable of beating the superpowers.

But I hope none of these teams do a Greece Euro 2004, otherwise it will a boring competition. They rather play good football and lose, than win playing negative football.
Ivory Coast are the strongest of the underdogs imo, they gave Italy a run for their money yesterday! Didier Drogba plays for them too. :)

I'm looking forward to see the African teams in action, should be some fast football.
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