Football Thread

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Wahey, we can be friends now :D

Mourinho gets a wax statue in Tussauds but Cloughie doesn't, yeh that works. :rolleyes:
Mourinho picked up Coach of the Year, what a joke! Benitez is a far better 'FAIR PLAY' manager!
He really thinks he's the best and he is arrogant! I bet he though he was better than Pele when he gave him the lifetime achievement award!
Liverpool v Sao Paulo then, although it seems as though Sao Paulo didn't have the easiest of times!
Would watch the game tomorrow, but slightly more important affair of the Cricket.
Same Drewska :p, probably get someone who is at home to record it! Some Liverpool fans at my school will get the day off to watch the match!
Sureshot said:
Would watch the game tomorrow, but slightly more important affair of the Cricket.

I think I'll be following both.

But the big match is on Sunday, which more people can watch then. I don't bother which team will be in the final against Sao Paulo. Just want to see the match.
Yes true but you do want to see all the games you possibly can with the team you support.
Yes it is. I saw it on Monday when I was scrolling through the fixtures. I think Chelsea will have the biggest chance to win.
I hope Arsenal win... so Liverpool have a chance of the Title. There 3rd now but have a game in hand on Man U, looking good for liverpool.
I remember when Liverpool was about 14th place two months ago. Good comeback of them.

And Manchester really played well today when they beat Wigan with 4-0.
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