Football Thread

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Pah, he is. That tackle on Hamann was a foot over the ball (whilst the ball was rolling along the ground), he's a dirty player.
The problem with Chelsea is that in Essien and Drogba they have bought two players who have had one or maybe two (in Essien's case) good seasons at their former clubs. You dont entirerly know what you can expect from them and as we have seen recently with Essien, he cannot tackle very well, the tackle on Hamann could have easily ended his season, if not his career.

He may say he is not a dirty player and he may not have meant for the tackle to finish how it did, but if thats the case then he should learn how to time his tackles better or else he will end up in even more trouble than he already is.
There are not very many players who go out to severly injure other players,but just because they don't doen't make them dirty.He has commited a few very dirty tackles in the recent weeks,this suggests that he is a dirty tackler.He has had alot of time to perfect (or at least improve) his tackling.......
He will end someone's season early though, or like Briggsey said maybe their career. That would be very sad indeed!
hondeyho said:
He will end someone's season early though, or like Briggsey said maybe their career. That would be very sad indeed!

I imagine if he does that, there will be plenty of people looking to return the favour :p
I certainly would if it's a Liverpool player, *starts plotting the Essien assasination*
Mind that Bus!


We've got Donny Rovers and MK Dons on Monday and wednesday respectively.
Arsenal will be seeing Henry go to Barca if they dont win something and Wenger doesnt get any decent player in
No he isn't.

Henry comes in from the left, same as Ronnie, and Barca won't sell Ronnie simple as.

It goes against all football logic that henry will join Barca.

He could join Real but not Barca.

Personally he'll stay at Arsenal.
But seriously,who'd want to go to a dump like Real?They suck!

They have won 9 more European championships than your Arsenal though.

And I dont see why Ron and Henry cant play together. The former can play just behind the latter. Excellent combination imo, and deadly.

Both Ron and Laporta have said that they want Henry in the team next season, and Laporta even went to the extent of saying that he would do all that it needs to get the French striker to the Nou Camp.

I think it is pretty clear where he will be going come the end of the season.
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