Football Thread

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I'd love to see Barcalona beat them. Barcalone built up a team with about 70 million. Chelsea did it with 700 million :p.
Briggsey said:
Chelsea score goals, but only against the West Ham's and Sunderland's of this world, against the big teams they score and then shut up shop, they did it against Wigan a couple of weeks ago (not saying Wigan are a big team but a prime example of it)

Beat Liverpool 4-1 or whatever it was earlier in the season at Anfield. Alright, Liverpool weren't playing aswell as what they are now, but still a darn good team.

Last season:
3-0 v PSG
3-1 v Porto
4-0 v Blackburn
4-0 v Charlton
4-0 v Newcastle
3-2 v Liverpool
4-2 v Barcalona
4-2 v Bayern Munich
3-1 v Man Utd
2-2 v Arsenal

Doesn't suggest boring to me! :p Nah, I'm not denying that they can be boring at times, but for Samuel to say they are the most boring team to watch is totally inaccurate.

Briggsey said:
I cant wait to see Barcelona demolish them.

It would be nice to see them beat for once but I'm mostly looking forward to a couple of great games of football.
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JamesyJames3 said:
Well, the rest of Arsenal's team is pretty average. This year I would say 5th best team in the Premiership, and I think you will finish 5th. with the top 4 being United, Chelsea, Spurs and Liverpool (in no particular order).
And the time we finish behind Spurs will be an awful day!

I can't wait for the next stage of the Champions League.I'm really looking forward to Chelsea and Barcelona.As people said before,i'd love to see Barcelona demolish "Boring,Boring" Chelsea!
stevie said:
Beat Liverpool 4-1 or whatever it was earlier in the season at Anfield. Alright, Liverpool weren't playing aswell as what they are now, but still a darn good team.

Last season:
3-0 v PSG
3-1 v Porto
4-0 v Blackburn
4-0 v Charlton
4-0 v Newcastle
3-2 v Liverpool
4-2 v Barcalona
4-2 v Bayern Munich
3-1 v Man Utd
2-2 v Arsenal

Doesn't suggest boring to me! :p Nah, I'm not denying that they can be boring at times, but for Samuel to say they are the most boring team to watch is totally inaccurate.

It would be nice to see them beat for once but I'm mostly looking forward to a couple of great games of football.

Ok, there not the most boring. That title goes to Bristol :p . Manchester United, Liverpool, Tottenham, Arsenal, even Wigan play flowing attacking football. (Manchester United are the most entertaining when on top form and flowing forward).

Stephen :D , there always boring!!! They have so much money to spend and still have to make do with Diabolical Drogba and Hernan Crappo! :p
Manchester United have 2 things they havent got. 2 Quality strikers.
RVN has 140 in 170, yes he may score sitters, but so did Lineker and so does Owen.
There is no doubt that players such as Van Noodlerooy and Henry will go down as two of the best strikers the Premiership has ever seen, but Drogba and Crespo are no where near the quality of those two. Crespo should have stayed in Italy, he was having good success over their with AC and playing more than he does currently at Chelsea. Drogba had one good season at Marseille and was bought for that reason and that reason only, he will never have a season like that at Chelsea.

Henry and Van Noodlerooy have had success wherever they have been (apart from Henry at Juve) and their goal scoring records prove that, but the fact that makes Henry better is he started off as a winger and it was only when he came to Arsenal with Wenger that he was converted to one of the most lethal strikers in the world today.

Chelsea need a new striker, one that is capable of being like Henry and Van Noodlerooy in the future but tbh I cant see them doing it, maybe Mourinho should try and convert Lampard into a full time striker, he's doing much better than Crespo and Drogba at the moment :D
14 GOALS!Lampard is on fire.It helps when your the best team in the Comp of course.....Yes,Crespo will never be as good as Henry and Van Tapinrooy,but he still performs well.
sachin said:
14 GOALS!Lampard is on fire.It helps when your the best team in the Comp of course.....Yes,Crespo will never be as good as Henry and Van Tapinrooy,but he still performs well.
He performs well but doesnt score regularly enough, Noodlerooy and Henry perform well and have good all round games on a regular basis, if Crespo turned in good all round performances on a regular basis i.e. scored and had a hand in setting up goals or good moves then he would be Chelsea's main striker. Mourinho should play both Crespo and Drogba upfront instead of just one of them, he's done it recently but only when he's brough one of them off the bench, if he played them together from the start, Chelsea would have more firepower upfront and be a better unit.
On another forum someone was saying Lampard is a better shooter than Gerrard, but if you look at the stats (Official Actim) Gezza 5 shots per goal Lampard 5.6 shots per goal.
Drewska said:
Liverpool 2-2 Bolton. Bolton are sooooooooooo boring :p. Liverpool deserved to win.

Game of the day: Wycombe 4-5 Macclesfield.
Maccleseifled went 3-0 up.
Wycombe went 4-3 up
Then Macclesfield 5-4 :eek:

Liverpool didnt even deserve a point tbh, they were awful.

How Gerrard has escaped punnishment for that blatent stamp on Nolan is beyond me, has Sissoko been charged yet, or has he got off with it aswel?
Yorkie said:
Liverpool didnt even deserve a point tbh, they were awful.

How Gerrard has escaped punnishment for that blatent stamp on Nolan is beyond me, has Sissoko been charged yet, or has he got off with it aswel?
Neither have been charged, I dont think Gerrard meant to stamp on Nolan, replays showed he was nearly falling over him and was simply looking to put his foot down to stop, he just caught Nolan, nothing intentional. I havent seen Sissoko's yet but from what ive heard his wasnt intentional either and thats been shown with the FA not charging either.
Briggsey said:
He performs well but doesnt score regularly enough, Noodlerooy and Henry perform well and have good all round games on a regular basis, if Crespo turned in good all round performances on a regular basis i.e. scored and had a hand in setting up goals or good moves then he would be Chelsea's main striker. Mourinho should play both Crespo and Drogba upfront instead of just one of them, he's done it recently but only when he's brough one of them off the bench, if he played them together from the start, Chelsea would have more firepower upfront and be a better unit.
Well,thats not Crespo's fault.Mourinho would have the final say on the team lien-up.And Chelski have so many people who set up opportunities,they just need a striker.....Crespo has done fairly well in my opinion with amount of chances he's had.

Man U 0-0 Arsenal.......Brown nearly took the points late on.
Yeah i saw that on SBS.Looked like a definete penalty!In the end,the gmae was worthy of the draw,as Man U had the best chances,and we controlled the first half.
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