Football Thread

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Sureshot said:
I never debated the first.

And for the second goal Vassell was one Cole touched it once!

I know i'm right.

And I know your wrong. Sky even debated it.
I take it that you are a Man U supporter Jamesy that can't take losing the derby? Vassel was onside, that is final!
EDIT : All I heard about the 'debate' on Sky was it may of been offside :p
Harry Kewell deserved a goal today he has played fantastically in his last 4/5 games for Liverpool!
hondeyho said:
I take it that you are a Man U supporter Jamesy that can't take losing the derby? Vassel was onside, that is final!
EDIT : All I heard about the 'debate' on Sky was it may of been offside :p
Harry Kewell deserved a goal today he has played fantastically in his last 4/5 games for Liverpool!

I am making judgements as a qualified referee, not as a Man Utd supporter. So no, your statement isnt final.
JamesyJames3 said:
I am making judgements as a qualified referee, not as a Man Utd supporter. So no, your statement isnt final.
If you don't support Man U then why are you making such a big deal about it?
hondeyho said:
If you don't support Man U then why are you making such a big deal about it?

Are you dumb? I said I am a United fan, but I am making a judgement based on a qualification.
JamesyJames3 said:
And I know your wrong. Sky even debated it.

So then did you watch MOTD last night?

It clearly shows Vassell is level with Silvestre when Cole touches it.
Vassell was cleary onside, I saw it with my very own two eyes, you didn't clearly point out that you were a Man U fan, you said that your opinion was from the point of a qualified referee.
Well, anyway, Ronaldo shouldn't have been sent off. That could have changed the game, Ronaldo may have scored 2 goals, who knows?

Also, Silvestre shouldn't have played. If you know your not going to be at a club for much longer, surely you will think "whats the point?" and not put 100% in!

And this Sven story. There must be a loophole in his contract allowing the FA to sack him without compensation, maybe breaching the contract rules? ?3 million a year is a disgraceful amount for someone who couldn't give a toss about England. The FA are right plebs by entering into this contract.
hondeyho said:
Vassell was cleary onside, I saw it with my very own two eyes, you didn't clearly point out that you were a Man U fan, you said that your opinion was from the point of a qualified referee.

Which it is, and I said, the fact I am a United fan hasn't effected that decision.
themuel1 said:
Well, anyway, Ronaldo shouldn't have been sent off. That could have changed the game, Ronaldo may have scored 2 goals, who knows?
Sorry sam, you go into a tackle with your foot that high you've got to go. It makes no difference if you think he was fouled only a few moments earlier, you cant tackle like that, its dangerous.
kevmead said:
Sorry sam, you go into a tackle with your foot that high you've got to go. It makes no difference if you think he was fouled only a few moments earlier, you cant tackle like that, its dangerous.

No, sorry, that isn't a sending off. You can say it as much as you like, but no. It wasnt malicious. He threw himself in front of Cole in an attaempt to block the ball, he didnt lunge in directly at the player. If he had done that, then it would be dangerous.
Ronaldo was frustrated, because some other player made a foul on him a minute earlier and didn't get a freekick. The other player deserved actually a booking for that. And then Ronaldo made that tackle. I saw that Ronaldo tackle and he deserved the red card. If he had hit someone, someone could have been badly injured.
ZexyZahid said:
Ronaldo was frustrated, because some other player made a foul on him a minute earlier and didn't get a freekick. The other player deserved actually a booking for that. And then Ronaldo made that tackle. I saw that Ronaldo tackle and he deserved the red card. If he had hit someone, someone could have been badly injured.

COULD HAVE is the operative word there.
It doesn't mean you actually need to hit someone to get a red card. Just because the player got lucky he didn't get contact with Ronaldo's two legged tackle doesn't mean Ronaldo should have staid on the field. You can break your shin or legs with the kind of tackle he made. And I already saw some incidents where footballers broke their leg with this kind of tackle.

Being a fan of your team and supporting your team is nice, but this is not normal.
ZexyZahid said:
It doesn't mean you actually need to hit someone to get a red card. Just because the player got lucky he didn't get contact with Ronaldo's two legged tackle doesn't mean Ronaldo should have staid on the field. You can break your shin or legs with the kind of tackle he made. And I already saw some incidents where footballers broke their leg with this kind of tackle.

Being a fan of your team and supporting your team is nice, but this is not normal.

Thats if his intent was to get the player. He wasnt anywhere near Andy Cole. He dived infront of him to block the ball.
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