Football Thread

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The debate is over, I will end up lashing out as usual!

The simple fact is they are professionals, the pitches shoudn't affect their abilities.
Egypt 0-0 Ivory Coast. One of the most boring, low quality football matches I have ever seen. Egypt won on penalties. Drogba missed his :D:D:D
Drewska said:
Egypt 0-0 Ivory Coast. One of the most boring, low quality football matches I have ever seen. Egypt won on penalties. Drogba missed his :D:D:D

LOL - Lets hope it's a sign, Drogba "the dreadful" (I dub him) is unluckey. Maybe Chelsea will be fined points for financial regularities. RA's checks bounce :p
themuel1 said:
LOL - Lets hope it's a sign, Drogba "the dreadful" (I dub him) is unluckey. Maybe Chelsea will be fined points for financial regularities. RA's checks bounce :p

We can only hope Chelsea hit financial disaster shortly!

And im sure you mean cheques Sam, not checks! :p
JamesyJames3 said:
The debate is over, I will end up lashing out as usual!

The simple fact is they are professionals, the pitches shoudn't affect their abilities.

Even when the surface is that uneven? And the players don't know what the ball will do. Those type of pitches are ruining top level football, Chelsea have no excuse for not relaying it.
Sureshot said:
Even when the surface is that uneven? And the players don't know what the ball will do. Those type of pitches are ruining top level football, Chelsea have no excuse for not relaying it.

Yes even when they are that uneven. They will have played on that type of pitch when they are younger, and have obviously excelled on them then, otherwise they wouldn't be pro's. They aren't ruining top level football at all. Crowds haven't dropped as a result of poor pitches and viewers are still tuneing. The amount of goals per game hasn't changed due to the pitch either.
Yup. Considering the fact that a lot of those players grew up playing on streets and dry grounds, they should really have no problems playing on the pitch.
m_vaughan said:
Yup. Considering the fact that a lot of those players grew up playing on streets and dry grounds, they should really have no problems playing on the pitch.
I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the world, but most professional players in the UK are picked up by clubs pretty early on in life so are used to good facilities from the start, the starey eyed days of old are long gone.
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kevmead said:
I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the world, but most professional players in the UK are picked up by clubs pretty early on in life so are used to good facilities

Very true Kev, but I have to agree with mvaughan. Most of them will have experience playing on this sort of pitch. Even though most pro's get picked up at a very early stage, they tend to still turn out for their youth club's. I know this through a number of players who I played against (sadly not me :(). So they will have played on pitches like this before. Even if they havent, thats no exscuse, they are pro's and should be able to handle the conditions.
Of course they should be able to handle it, but thats not really the point, cricket players should be able to handle bad pitches too but its not allowed there and before you say the pitch has more of an effect in cricket, maybe but it only takes one bad bounce in football and the ball can bobble past the keeper for a 1-0 win. (And ending up as a what happened next on question of sport no doubt!!!)
kevmead said:
Of course they should be able to handle it, but thats not really the point, cricket players should be able to handle bad pitches too but its not allowed there and before you say the pitch has more of an effect in cricket, maybe but it only takes one bad bounce in football and the ball can bobble past the keeper for a 1-0 win.

Hmm true, the only thing I will say is that the likelihood of it happening in football is much much smaller than in cricket. As I said earlier, you cant compare cricket and football pitches on this topic, they are different dimensions and textures.
The mighty boro! get in there, fantastic stuff. Shame Arsenal are losing though! :( Why cant we beat Bolton!!

Bradford 1-0 Swindon :D:D
Yup...quite an extrodinary match
Chelsea 0 Boro thats what I like to see...

Arsenal also played good footbal but are unlucky to only draw it...
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