Football Thread

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Sureshot said:
The thing is, you can't say it was Handball because he had no time to react to move his hands anyway, would never be given.

The point is that his hands were up in the first place! They weren't up by the sides they were there to, it would seem, block the ball. I can't believe some of the handballs (not talking about Geremi's) I see in the box now. Ones like the Rangers one, what the hell are people thinking?!!
What are people thinking? What are you talking about?

Handballs should NOT be given unless the player clearly makes an attempt to STOP it.
m_vaughan said:
What are people thinking? What are you talking about?

Handballs should NOT be given unless the player clearly makes an attempt to STOP it.

I meant what the hell are players thinking putting their hands up in the box if you read it. I also said that I wasn't including Geremi's in that, I'm talking about the one that happened in the Rangers game, where a player punches the ball near enough.

OK, so John Terry's famous blocks where he has his hands up - I'm sure he doesn't mean to handball it, but it clearly stops the ball going towards the goal, so thats handball. Even though he may NOT MEAN TO DO IT.

Up the Barca!!!!!!! :D
Sureshot said:
The thing is, you can't say it was Handball because he had no time to react to move his hands anyway, would never be given.

His hands shouldn't of been up like that, you can't do that in the area. It was a penalty, no doubt about it.
JamesyJames3 said:
His hands shouldn't of been up like that, you can't do that in the area. It was a penalty, no doubt about it.

All of you guys are still forgetting Edmilson's handball. :help

If Barca would've got a penalty for Geremi's, we'd have got a penalty too for Edmilson's.
sachin said:
Not bad! :D Not as good as Stamforde Beach though! :happy

I made up Stamford Beach!

We're playing Man City at home tommorow - should win, it's at home.
Ye Man City at home. I'm going so hopefully God can get his first goal against his old team, and bring us ever closer to manure.
Just got back from Ewood Park. Finished Blackburn 1-0 Arsenal. Arsenal were unlucky, they dominated the 2nd half.
Nobby Solano scored twice against Everton as they won 2-0, I won't be watching MOTD tonight though. I only watch it if Liverpool win :p
Anyone watching the Barcelona game now, Eto'o is refusing to play after the racist abuse being poured towards him and it looks as if he's broke down into tears as well.

Its absolutely disgusting the amount of abuse towards black players in Spain and it really needs seeing to, FIFA need to act before some of the best players in the world give up playing because of it.

Looks as if Eto'o has been convinced to carry on, he's brave and ive got the utmost respect for him for doing what he's doing because racism has no place in any form of society.
Well good to know that some Chelsea fans still know who QPR are lol I can't imagine they have many songs along the lines of "We hate Chelsea, and we hate Chelsea, hate Chelsea, and we hate Chelsea", or "Up the ****, up the ****, we'll stick the blue-flag up your ****, from stamford bridge to wembley, we'll stick the blue flag up your ****"

The most recent addition is just singing that "Jose Mourinho is gay", they're an imaginative bunch the Loftus Road faithful ;)

For some reason as QPR have gotten worse our hatred of Chelsea has grown, yet as Chelsea have gotten better, I can't imagine they even care about little old QPR anymore :p

Your right about Loftus Road being a cramped little ground with good atmosphere though, it's always a laugh, the stadium is cute, but the leg-room is appaling.

And Briggsey mate I couldn't agree with you more, The Spanish fans have been allowed to get away with racist abuse for far too long, the Spanish Football Association and FIFA need to act, there is no place for it anywhere in this World.
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