Football Thread

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Briggsey said:
The fact that Bayern also thought they had the match won also made a HUGE difference as well.

Exactly as AC Milan did........Plus, that's no excuse at the end of the day (god thats a stupid saying), a football match is 90 minutes, you should play for 90 minutes.
I'm not knocking Man Utd for winning the league cup (Winning any Cup is something to be proud of, especially if you do a cup treble :D) but it is funny how a few seasons back the league cup was seen especially by Man Utd and their fans as a waste of time and now its a marvelous achievement and how Liverpool winning the Euro Cup was a jammy fluke as Milan crumbled, but in 99 winning it was a marvelous achievement.
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kevmead said:
I'm not knocking Man Utd for winning the league cup (Winning any Cup is something to be proud of) but it is funny how a few seasons back the league cup was seen especially by Man Utd and their fans as a waste of time and now its a marvelous achievement and how Liverpool winning the Euro Cup was a jammy fluke as Milan crumbled but in 99 winning it was a marvelous achievement.

I only started the jammy fluke thing because Ste is annoying me with the constant knocks at Manchester United. A few seasons ago we had a completely world class team, now we don't.
Bayern didn't crumble. AC Milan did, thats the difference. Bayern played well, and we piled on the pressure in the last 10 mins. The winning goal from Solskjaer, Kahn couldn't do anything about it.
Uruguay tonight, at Anfield.

Bent set to make his debut, which is great for him and England. Lampard is out.
Today it's a great match: Germany against Italy. Anyone who watched the last encounter between these two countries know what a classic match they produced. Italy was great in the first half, but Germany completely overclassed Italy in the second half. In the end Italy won the match with 1-0, if I remember it well.
I'm also keeping my eye on Scotland v Paraguay and Ireland v Sweden, two other teams in our World Cup group.
gold639 said:
I hope Lampard makes it for the match against Barca! :eek:
The BBC website reports he's doubtful for the game but will undergo a scan.
Good win last night 2-1, didn't play very well till the second half.

Cole and Crouch the scorers.
I haven't watched it, but from what I've heard, Joe Cole scored in injury time. Yet again England depend on a Chelsea player to save them.... :p

Did Gary Neville play yesterday? I wonder how the Liverpool fans treated him. :D
Loving this picture. You can tell the game was at Anfield...

barmyarmy said:
Loving this picture. You can tell the game was at Anfield...

_41393900_crouchnumbers203.jpg true! :D

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Ste :p
Sureshot said:
Good win last night 2-1, didn't play very well till the second half.

Cole and Crouch the scorers.
I dont think they were that bad in the first half, except for Rio, he made so many mistakes.
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