Football Thread

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Ste said:
Did I dream going to Monaco to see this?

You actually went all the way to Monaco to see this? Must have been an expensive trip.
Lol. I went there aswell, I was on holiday near there at the time :p.

Technically it's in season because Liverpool played in the premiership before then, so it's a trophy for this season.
ZexyZahid said:
You actually went all the way to Monaco to see this? Must have been an expensive trip.

No could have been more but I stayed in Milan because there were cheap flights to there and then got the train to Monaco for 5 hours on Friday, watched the match Friday night and got the train back to Milan on Saturday before flying home on Sunday.
ChannelDelibird said:
I think Liverpool might get the FA Cup this year, although I don't think they'll beat Chelsea for it. Somebody else will knock them out and Liverpool will win the final, I reckon.

No they won't they are playing Birmingham in the next round remember :rolleyes:
Ste said:
No could have been more but I stayed in Milan because there were cheap flights to there and then got the train to Monaco for 5 hours on Friday, watched the match Friday night and got the train back to Milan on Saturday before flying home on Sunday.

I checked the dates. You actually gave up an Ashes match for that match. :)
But you didn't miss the great end of that Test match on Monday.

I remember myself that I completely forgot about that football match, although I planned it to watch. I was still in the mood of the Ashes back then and following all the matches.

Drewska said:
Lol. I went there aswell, I was on holiday near there at the time :p.

Technically it's in season because Liverpool played in the premiership before then, so it's a trophy for this season.

How big is the chance that two Planetcricket members are in a match of Liverpool outside their country? :) Not much, I would say.

And yeah, that trophy counts for this season.
ZexyZahid said:
I checked the dates. You actually gave up an Ashes match for that match. :)
But you didn't miss the great end of that Test match on Monday.

Yeah I didnt know the result until someone on the plane back from Milan knew the result as he had Sky in his hotel. Had updates on my phone before I knew it cost me a couple of pounds for a minute on WAP abroad and some guy who lived in Monaco I spoke to also told us the latest news when I was there.
gold639 said:
But Ranieri had also just got 2nd place in the league(albeit against a brilliant Arsenal). If Chelsea win the title this year I reckon Mourinho will get another chance. After all, I doubt he's gonna resign anytime soon, and if Chelsea terminate his contract they'll lose millions(not that they care :p).

I agree with you, if Chelsea would've won the group they'd have played Benfica and Liverpool would've played Barca.

Ah well, I'll be cheering on Arsenal tonight. :)

Yep, I watched that match side-by-side with the Chelsea v Barca one. When Micoud scored I thought it was over for Juventus, because they were just pathetic in the first half. Wiese was absolutely magnificent until that second-half error, which was absolutely heart-breaking. Juve might've deserved to win the match after all those chances created, but Werder deserve to go through. I hope they get drawn with Barca for the quarter-finals! Should be a cracker. :)

Did anyone see the game between Villarreal and Rangers?
Good to see you following a REAL team! :)

Good old Arsenal. I watched it on camp,woke up everybody too. Exciting match though!Whooooooooooo!!!!!!!Go Arsenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Whoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would be foolish of Chelsea to sack Jose Mourinho. He is the best man for the job. I see 0% chance of this happening, even if Chelsea somehow dont end up winning the league this season.
Ste said:
Yeah I didnt know the result until someone on the plane back from Milan knew the result as he had Sky in his hotel. Had updates on my phone before I knew it cost me a couple of pounds for a minute on WAP abroad and some guy who lived in Monaco I spoke to also told us the latest news when I was there.

I thought, backwards looking, that you could have seen the match on Monday. But I was wrongly looking at the year 2006 in my calendar and the match finished on Sunday in 2005 (in 2006 28th August is on Monday and in 2005 on Sunday) :rolleyes: So the last sentence in my previous post didn't make much sense.

But I think it was worth getting the updates. :) Although some pounds for a minute is a lot of money.

I myself remember that I was sitting all day behind my computer, like a lot of other people, following that match. What a great match that was.

m_vaughan said:
It would be foolish of Chelsea to sack Jose Mourinho. He is the best man for the job. I see 0% chance of this happening, even if Chelsea somehow dont end up winning the league this season.

I think Chelsea will win the league with a big margin. And I don't see Mourinho getting sacked, although he has a different way of communicating with the media. It's a bit unfortunate that Chelsea faced Barcelona again in the second round, otherwhile I could have seen them reaching the Quarter-Finals, when they would have faced a different opponent.
Here is how the draw for the Quarter Finals looks like:

Arsenal vs Juventus
AC Milan vs Lyon
Inter Milan/Ajax vs Villarreal
Benfica vs Barcelona

Arsenal vs Juventus is a mouth-watering tie. It should be great, we'll get to see whether Vieira made the right decision in moving to Juventus or not...might turn out like how Owen left for Real to win the CL but Liverpool won it. :p

AC Milan vs Lyon should be good, but I reckon though Lyon have done brilliantly, AC Milan are just a class above them. Anything is possible though, I wouldn't write off Lyon at all, they've already shown that they're capable of beating teams like Real Madrid.

Inter/Ajax vs Villarreal should be an interesting match, I'm tipping Inter to beat both Ajax and Villarreal.

Benfica vs Barcelona...arrgh...lucky Barca. :(
For me the best match is AC Milan against Olympique Lyon. Ajax unnecessarily wasted a 2-0 in their first match against Inter Milan.

Benfica vs Barcelona will be a match of Koeman against Rijkaard. Barcelona should go through.
Norwich City can expect an extremely tough match against Leeds United at Ellend Road tomorrow. The team aren't in good form at the moment and there have been many protests asking for Nigel Worthington to be sacked this week. At least they were peaceful protests, no violence at all involved. Just a few chants and some signs.
Damnmit!Bloody Juventus!But now that Arsenal are playing decent side they might get preference over other matches on Tv.I might be able to see them again!Whooooooooo!If Henry is in form,look forward to a great two-leg tie.
Excellent game between Tottenham and Chelsea today. What a superb goal by Gallas! :)
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