Football Thread

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Yes it was a good result

Good result for West Ham too
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hondeyho said:
Liverpool are finally scoring some goals - Robbie Fowler, who else? The other was an own goal but who cares! If Morientes scores though I shall officialy scream - anyone care to join me?
I'll scream if he doesn't leave the EPL ;)
Donny Rovers on Saturday.

From our 9 games left (we currently have 49 point) I think we need 21 to have a chance of play offs.
Good game for Liverpool...Well played but against ARSENAL, they were hopeless...
i didnt see liverpool vs fulham

what happened in that match who won

aren't there any patches for fifa 2006

No relevance what so ever, no patches on this forum for Fifa 2006. Try a dedicated fifa site.

5-1 Liverpool btw.
Bilal91 said:
Good game for Liverpool...Well played but against ARSENAL, they were hopeless...

If you saw it Bilal the only thing that was bad about Liverpool's performance was that they lost!

Momo Sissoko is back in training - brilliant news for him and Liverpool, a key player who has been sorely missed by all. You can't help but think our recent poor run of results, (excluding yesterday), was down to him not playing, he is that influential. I officialy don't hate him anymore!
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:happy :happy :happy Arsenal :happy :happy :happy :D
C'mon,need a good performance this week.Good form will be a key running into the match against Juventus.
Peter Crouch has scored again! Finally our strikers are showing their talent.

Gerrard scores again - didn't Crouch and Gerrard score the last time we played Newcastle :p
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Title race, back on!! Win our game in hand, its down to 9. If its still alive when we go to Stamford Bridge, then expect a highly entertaining finish! :)
Liverpool have the slimmest of chances now to be crowned champions. Fulham, we owe you some credit. First of all we beat you 5-1, now you beat Chelsea 1-0!
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