Football Thread

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Drewska said:
Yes, about Robbie Fowler moving to Liverpool. Have you done it yet? ;)

I did a practice lap around my local green.........all I found out is that a Cell is actually more comfortable than people give credit for :p :D ;)
Oh God!

<waits for abuse>

What a :mad day, we were missing Arteta Big Style!
As for Richard Shight! He is hopelesess as is Naysmith
Although I thought Phil Dowd's card were mostly justified, and suprised Big Dunc :hpraise didn't get Sent Off! after coming back of a 6 match ban(because of the KFA (Kopite Football Association)!

Warning to Sunderland Next Week though! I'll be there too ;)

On the bright side the 'other super blues' Carlisle United won 4-2 today :D !
Bring on Swansea at Cardiff Next Sunday in the LDV Final!
Didier Drogba! What a complete @~797jktrhrjk!!!. He just said he dived on MOTD. Then the interviewer asked him if its acceptable. Then he said he doesn't dive. He is a complete disgracful piece of crap.
Drewska said:
Didier Drogba! What a complete @~797jktrhrjk!!!. He just said he dived on MOTD. Then the interviewer asked him if its acceptable. Then he said he doesn't dive. He is a complete disgracful piece of crap.

He just said it was a handball. When they asked him if it was fair, he said something like 'Okay, take away my goal'. :rolleyes:
themuel1 said:
Well, I think the ref was good today, he carded all of those that deserved to be carded.

I never said that any of his decision's were incorrect.I just felt that taking the context of the game and the passion involved,the ref could have been a little more lenient and given a few more warning's before issuing cards.
gold639 said:
He just said it was a handball. When they asked him if it was fair, he said something like 'Okay, take away my goal'. :rolleyes:

No he said - "Sometimes I dive, sometimes I stay on my feet", and he admitted the handball. WHAT AN IDIOT :laugh
gold639 said:
He just said it was a handball. When they asked him if it was fair, he said something like 'Okay, take away my goal'. :rolleyes:

No, he sayed when he plays he dives. When they said if it was acceptable he just shut up. What an idiot.
sid_19840 said:
I never said that any of his decision's were incorrect.I just felt that taking the context of the game and the passion involved,the ref could have been a little more lenient and given a few more warning's before issuing cards.

I didn't say you did mate, was just trying to sum my opinion up on the game.

Drogba is a disgrace. Listening to TalkSport this morning and Chelsea callers all saying that everyone is against Chelsea. That is because your whole team are cheats. "But if another team did it, no one would say anything" - thats because no other team does it as regularily. I think Mouriniho has a big decision. If he backs his player he will be backing the fact he dives and cheats, whilst if he doesn't he will upset Drogba. To be honest - Chelsea don't need him.

One more point, how come so many handballs by Chelsea arn't spotted?!! J T has done it countless times as has Didier Disgrace.
3-0 United relaxed big time in the 2nd half. Can't see the Blues staying up.
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