Football Thread

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m_vaughan said:
Well I agree with Colin. Chelsea were unlucky, again, costing us another silverware this season. I was really hoping for a league and cup double, but not to be.

As far as proving which is the superior team, I think the scores explain it well:

Liverpool 1-4 Chelsea
Chelsea 2-0 Liverpool
2 drawn games @ CL
Chelsea 1-2 Liverpool

Also the number of points between the two teams is quite a lot.

Well, the luck has balanced out over the season. Chelsea have had some very lucky wins in the PL.
Damn we were so unlucky. :(

Why the hell was Ferreira in midfield and Geremi in defence? Should be the other way round. I think atleast one of our 3 wingers should've started, we lacked any creativity in the first half, especially since Lampard wasn't firing. Horrible miss by Drogba, and horrible wall. Liverpool's 2nd goal was also due to an error by Gallas. I was surprised Cudicini didn't go for it, I get this feeling Cech would've saved it(I think he'd have saved the first one too). Terry's goal should never have been disallowed, and well...I simply could not believe it when Joe Cole missed that sitter from 6 yards out. :(
gold639 said:
Damn we were so unlucky. :(

Why the hell was Ferreira in midfield and Geremi in defence? Should be the other way round. I think atleast one of our 3 wingers should've started, we lacked any creativity in the first half, especially since Lampard wasn't firing. Horrible miss by Drogba, and horrible wall. Liverpool's 2nd goal was also due to an error by Gallas. I was surprised Cudicini didn't go for it, I get this feeling Cech would've saved it(I think he'd have saved the first one too). Terry's goal should never have been disallowed, and well...I simply could not believe it when Joe Cole missed that sitter from 6 yards out. :(

Terry's goal clearly was disallowed because he climbed on the defender. That was a straight forward descision, even Terry didn't complain. Theres no way Cehc would have reached the second, he would have had to be at least a foot taller than he is.
i am so pissed off with Wneger.... Why the hell in importatnt matches does he leave HENRY on the bench like v Man Utd... and when he came on he showed his class with a superb goal to get us a draw
Nice match yesterday. Didn't think Chelsea would lose it.

And too bad Shearer's career has ended like that.

Also maybe some bad news for the Netherlands supporters:

From the preliminary (however you write it) 33-men squad Seedorf of AC Milan (yeah that one, who won three times the Europe Cup I) and Makaay of Bayern Munich aren't included.

And somehow guys like Vlaar and van Castelen got a spot. :rolleyes:
Terry's goal should never have been disallowed

Yes what with the clear usage of the defender to get above him....

Ref made the right decision.

People say Terrys challenge shouldn't have been a foul (Prior to Riises goal), I debate that, Garcia tried to volley the ball, and Terry tried to clear it with his studs showing. Something which is a foul in the rules.

Well done hammers and King Marlon.
hassan1823 said:
i am so pissed off with Wneger.... Why the hell in importatnt matches does he leave HENRY on the bench like v Man Utd... and when he came on he showed his class with a superb goal to get us a draw
I almost died when i saw the shot count at half-time!Where is Henry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?He is just awesome!Anyway,today i printed an Henry pic and stuck it to my chest.Walked around school most of the day,just to annoy a friend who is a manure supporter.Got ripped off later though,some of my mates were a little embarrassed. :D
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