Kate was also an interesting character I wish they bought on a bit earlier. Also when the series first came out had a major crush on her which helped matters haha
I do too :p

The Supremes is among my favourites, but overall, i find "The Cathedral" to be the absolute best. The scene where Bartlet curses God in Latin in the church is brilliant television.
Did you found yourself in a situation where you know you were wrong but couldn't do anything about it?
Any chance of seeing you in Cricket Leagues section?

Ohh, that's a good one. I'm going to take that one on notice and get back to you as I cant think of anything but there must be something and its too much of a cop-out/lie to say no to that.
I'm in swackers County league but I've been an atrocious participant of late. Ill remedy that. Any new time commitments are going to be a no for a while.

Ever seen a crime being committed?

Ever done anything illegal?

Ever wish you never did an AMA?

I mean technically turning without indicating is illegal, but I assume you mean something more juicy than that :)
I don't think I've ever witnessed a particularly bad crime. I was held up under threat of knife point once but that's about it.
Personally committed an illegal act? Well I don't have a body dissolving in a bath of acid in the basement or anything, but I've downloaded the odd movie, pushed the speed limit a bit on occasion type thing. Im trying to think of the 'most' criminal thing I've done and struggling to think of anything really substantial. I got drunk when I was a toddler on a few occasions but at 2 or 3 you aren't criminally responsible for your actions so probably technically wasn't illegal...

Nah, no regrets with the AMA. Thought the wife was going to really try to embarass me for a bit there but she did a shockingly bad job of it.
Thought the wife was going to really try to embarass me for a bit there but she did a shockingly bad job of it.
Tread carefully, You might bring her back in the thread with Juicy Content and I will be there with my PopCorn.
Tread carefully, You might bring her back in the thread with Juicy Content and I will be there with my PopCorn.

Haha, I think between her not really hanging out here, the sickness and the fact she knows I can give as good as I get I'm reasonably safe. Not that I embarass that easily online.

Ive thought of something to your previous question. On two occasions Ive managed to have a knife in places where I really shouldn't have. Once on a plane and the other inside a Parliament building. You bet your ass I kept my mouth shut on the plane especially...
You have been asking a good question to others which I would like to ask you.
PC Party 10 people to invite? 5 to not?[DOUBLEPOST=1501630118][/DOUBLEPOST]Can you pick president and their running mates for any 3 countries from PC members on basis of you thinking which is the best fit.
10 to invite would be:
CK, Aislabie, Caz, JR, Rudi, User, PE, sanjeevaloria, Asprin and swacker.

I didn't ask 5 not to invite that's an addition to my original question that someone else can get the credit for. I don't think I really have 5, only person who irks me a bit is 666 but aside from that...
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How do you think the world would be if USA was not in every bodies nose.
Do you like baking? If yes what is your fav thing to bake?

Why is football (soccer :noway) most global sport?

can you click your fingers on both hands

Can you whistle

Can you do backflips

If you could invite 10 dinner guests from world of celebrity/famous who would they be and why?
Do you like baking? If yes what is your fav thing to bake?

Why is football (soccer :noway) most global sport?

can you click your fingers on both hands

Can you whistle

Can you do backflips

If you could invite 10 dinner guests from world of celebrity/famous who would they be and why?

I enjoy baking. My family has a Germanic background (well, one line anyway) and Dr Oetkers German Home Baking is kinda legend in my family. Prince Regent Cake is my favourite.

I don't know the actual history of soccer. I'd guess it's portability, all you need is a ball, a bit of ground and something to mark out goals. That would allow it to speak to the masses so to speak.

Just tried it, on my non dominant hand only 50% of the time.

I suck at whistling. Can't really do it expelling air and only get some pathetically whistle inhaling air...

Hell no lol

I'll post that dinner party list when I've thought about it a bit :)
Josh or Toby?
Will or Sam?
CJ or Kate? (already know who it's gonna be :p)
Donna or Annabeth?[DOUBLEPOST=1501675532][/DOUBLEPOST]Favourite umpire?

McGrath or Akram?

Warne or Murali?

Smith, Root, Kohli or Williamson?
Josh or Toby?
Will or Sam?
CJ or Kate? (already know who it's gonna be :p)
Donna or Annabeth?

Josh hands down. Theres alot about Josh's character that personally resonates with me. There's a certain confidence in what he does, he knows is he good at the job. But the fact he wants to, and likes, being behind the scene. This line from Bartlett and this scene kinda sums it up. Once you've seen the end of season 7 I can build on this a bit.
Will - They were both great characters. I think Will went a little bit wayward when he represented Bingo Bob, but he was a great character.
Kate - Enough said :)
Donna or Annabeth is a tough one, I never really gelled with either one of them. I think they needed to portray Donna a little bit better for the role she had, she was a little bit too vulnerable through the early series.

Favourite umpire?

McGrath or Akram?

Warne or Murali?

Smith, Root, Kohli or Williamson?

From pure umpiring accuracy and consistency, it has to be the Kettlebot. Ive got a couple of contacts in retired umpires who have been incredibly generous with their time and knowledge so those sorts of reasons (including the 'pub test') id be putting Harper, Koertzen and Rowan on that list.

McGrath - For everything on and off the field (with the Jane McGrath foundation), although now T20 has developed a bit I would pick Akram as better across the 3 formats as I reckon these days a McGrath style of bowling would be taken to task by modern batsmen more than in his day.


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How do you think the world would be if USA was not in every bodies nose.

The sad thing is, this has been on the cards since the end of the Cold War. Such is the nature of liberal democracy and free trade.
Its the immediacy of the current administration that is concerning.

I think the world would undoubtedly go through a period of adjustment, I'm not convinced that there would be world anarchy like some people think. If the US shut up shop tomorrow in terms of force projection:

The US economy would collapse
Russia would take the Baltic states
China would take the South China sea
Israel would stomp on Palestine

But on the whole I think the world would largely go on. Free trade stop wars by linking everyone's success to everyone elses. There isn't a country in the world that can afford to, or is able to go full isolationist.
China is happening and is going to happen big, nothing that the US will do is going to stop it, if they are lucky its might be slowing it down by a decade, but truthfully the world hasn't seen what China is going to be able to do. Everyone says were seeing the rise of the sleeping dragon. The dragon is still asleep, what we are seeing now is it just turning in its sleep.

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