nightprowler10 said:
I don't quite understand the need for rule #4. Why should we have to post a screenshot of the score EVERY time we put up a new score? Or did I just read it wrong?
Screenshots are there for a couple of reasons,there's obviously reasons and thought behind them.
Firstly in a league system,you can play as many matches as youd want,so invariably it benefits people with more time.Keeping it to 3 screenshots and thus 3 scores gives everyone the same number of chances and also leaves them with a decision to make.If you get too excited and post 3 random scores,your best score might not eventually be your score.
Secondly a screenshot ensures that youre playing it properly.We cant exactly see if youre playing with the national team you mentioned.So you might be using a better team(Australia for eg) to try post a better score.Screenshots ensure that youre not doing this.
P.S:You dont post a screenie every time you post a score in your league,its up to you to choose 3 best times to do so per round.Also rule 4 seems to be nothing to do with screenshots,its just something that moderators shall keep a check on.
wolf said:
Sid why don't you just make an official league on the stick cricket league section? Have as many leagues as you like obviously for every group.
I am going to do that,to organize things out,but as I said with the previous reply to nightprowler,it gives people with more time in their hands more chances and also promotes using other teams.Each group will have its own league,but the final points might not be as in that league table.We will be having a league tables based on the scores posted here.
Hope you guys can understand the reasoning behind the rules.Ive obviously given it much though,tried testing a couple of leagues and tournaments out and then came to this decision.