General Music Thread

Is that you standing outside my window with a baseball bat?

What music do you like, Simmo? Apart from chav, emo and JT of course ;)
an australian band very similar to ac/dc, this is there first album
My sister went to see Muse at Wembley. I could have killed her with my jealousy.

I'm in a bit of a Kasabian mood at the moment.
I must admit I hated Kasabian at first but they are growing on me. Shoot The Runner is always in my head

Does anybody know what the song is for the Pegeout ad which gets stuck in every ones heads. the chorus is just da dadada dadada
Maybe provide a link to the Peugot ad mate? I have no idea which advert you are talking about. ;)
its a commercial on tv i dont know if its in england but i know its an english band cause they sound like poms
Whoever neg repped me without leaving a name for my personal opinion is truely sad, and i have an idea who did it :p

On a more serious note...Kasabian were ok when they first hit the scenes, too much like all the other bands now im afraid.

Lately ive been getting into the Hoosiers song, they seem to be a band, which, look to have a personality which seperates them from any groupings!!!!
Kasabian's first album is so much better than their second.

Still, Tom, Serge and the gang are absolutely amazing live.
Kasabian's first album is so much better than their second.

Still, Tom, Serge and the gang are absolutely amazing live.

See the thing with Kasabian, they had a promising start with the first two singles, then like most bands, they follow the indie road, god knows why :p

But as i said, bands like The Hoosiers seem to have some life about them, and ive seen Kasabian live and theres nothing overly special, id say the best band live would probably be Fall Out Boy, Lost Prophets, Linkin park and who can forget the memorable incident with the lead of Panic! getting bottled and his over dramatic black out, what a whoofter!

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