Hayden's 'weed' comment adds fuel to fire

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Sore losers? How about the whingeing after the Sydney Test?
We did whinge after the Sydney test but it was not about losing but about the pathetic level of umpiring, something that you cannot even attempt to claim as untrue.

Although Harbhajan most likely is an obnoxious little weed, Hayden should show more professionalism on the matter. Really, insulting people over the radio when you are a professional cricketer is a bit much. Keep your thoughts to yourself.
Thank you!
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You've said absolutely constructive and have then tried to subvert it by calling me...artistic. Seriously, if you cannot address my points, do not come with some pathetic shot calling me 'artistic'. Fact is, you've called the entire Indian cricket watching public 'feral'. If that isn't some sort of racist term meant to denigrate I don't know what is.

In fact I expect an appology from you. The term 'feral' especially used in your original context is extremely hurtful.
Bugger off. Your getting no apology, if you actually read my damn post you would of clearly seen the word 'SOME'. And if read a little further i linked this so called 'feral' behaviour to Indian supporters jumping around yelling monkey chants holding up little racist signs. It was on television for all to see...
Sharma's the one whose been sledging Hayden anyway, the idea of what he said was that someone should teach the kid some respect.
By your argument, Sharma has every right to be as arrogant as he wishes since he has been in top form this summer. Or is there some sort of period that you have to be successful in to earn this awesome right to be rude and arrogant?
Okay, so then you agree that Hayden is an arrogant twat, but since you don't have anything else to back up your argument, you bring up a completely irrelevant topic. Good luck riling up other Indian fans.
The video that was shown on foxsports news pretty much backs me up. Unless you're very mislead and can't comprehend common social logic.

What's your point? What if you're bad at Math and some kid in your class who is really good at it makes fun of you and others who pale in comparison to him on a daily basis in public about it? He's good, so he has the right to be arrogant?
Yeah well that's completely irrelevant if that struggling kid doesn't going round calling black people, monkeys, is it?
Bugger off. Your getting no apology, if you actually read my damn post you would of clearly seen the word 'SOME'. And if read a little further i linked this so called 'feral' behaviour to Indian supporters jumping around yelling monkey chants holding up little racist signs. It was on television for all to see...

Here's your post:

Stevo said:
Nice, so then we can see what a bunch of ferals the Indians supporters are when there holding their little racist signs chanting monkey chants locked inside the 'cage' sourounding the field. Yeh your right, sounds great.

Then once the Indian supporters start lighting up their efigies and dishing out death threats tot he Australian team whilsth hurtling glass bottles at them again we can then give back all you have given us this summer.

Just sounds better and better!!

I can't find the word 'some' anywhere. Infact you've just said 'we can see what a bunch of ferals the Indians supporters are'. Not once did you say 'SOME'.

You're ****ing racist scum. You've just called the entire Indian supporting group 'ferals', and have proceeded to compare us to unruly animals. I've never been more incensed over something like this. You owe all of us an appology, not only for your racist posting, but also for how pathetically illegible it is as well.

And please don't stoop to the condescending knee jerk response that seems to be part of everyone's argument. I've read your post enough to recognize intrinsic discrimination and racialism contained within.
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By your argument, Sharma has every right to be as arrogant as he wishes since he has been in top form this summer. Or is there some sort of period that you have to be successful in to earn this awesome right to be rude and arrogant?
Yeah, because his gotten Hayden out twice and Hayden's smashed him round the park on every occassion.
The video that was shown on foxsports news pretty much backs me up. Unless you're very mislead and can't comprehend common social logic.
There was a video shown on Foxsports that once you get a certain number of runs you can be an arrogant twat?

Yeah well that's completely irrelevant if that struggling kid doesn't going round calling black people, monkeys, is it?
No it isn't. You were the one who keeps claiming that Hayden, Ponting and whoever else you mentioned have a right to be arrogant because they're better than Harbhajan. Now you're just trying to twist things around and bring the racism into it so that other hotheads like yourself can begin a mud-throwing argument.
just when we thought things were getting along well........
hayden comes up with an unnecessary childlike comment
cause he has a loud mouth and cant keep his thoughts to himself......

CANT WE JUST MOVE ON !!!!! :crying:noway:mad

we've been arguing the same thing for about 2 months now......
its getting really boring,annoying and tiring......!! :boxing:swords:brickwall:gundown:cutit

back home it was sree.....now...its harbhajan....
Yeah, because his gotten Hayden out twice and Hayden's smashed him round the park on every occassion.
Okay, so then he is allowed to be arrogant or not? Come on man, give me some numbers! Can he be arrogant after he crosses 100 wickets? Or is it more like 150?
You're ****ing racist scum. You've just called the entire Indian supporting group 'ferals', and have proceeded to compare us to unruly animals. I've never been more incensed over something like this. You owe all of us an appology, not only for your racist posting, but also for how pathetically illegible it is as well.

You take things so literally. Chillax. I am not racist at all. As mentioned in posts somewhere else, I love India, ive been there and love the people and culture. What i dont like is hypocritical behaviour. Throughout then entire ODI series in India a BIG proportion of the crowd joined in chanting RACIST slurs to Symonds. That behaviour is completely unacceptable and to carry on as they were then yes, what i saw was feral behaviour. Here in Aus we have ferals, you only have to go to Bay 13 at the MCG to see your fair share of feral drunks.

I dont want another freaking flame war. I try to look at both sides and i do. Ive mentioned in many posts that Ponting has been an arrogant moron throughout the summer, I've praised Anil Kumble on how hes delt with the issues and called him one of the best captains today in cricket. And labelling me a "f'ing racist scum" is quite hurtful and i dont think i am at all.
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You take things so literally. Chillax. I am not racist at all. As mentioned in posts somewhere else, I love India, ive been there and love the people and culture. What i dont like is hypocritical behaviour. Throughout then entire ODI series in India a BIG proportion of the crowd joined in chanting RACIST slurs to Symonds. That behaviour is completely unacceptable and to carry on as they were then yes, what i saw was feral behaviour. Here in Aus we have ferals, you only have to go to Bay 13 at the MCG to see your fair share of feral drunks.

I dont want another freaking flame war. I try to look at both sides and i do. Ive mentioned in many posts that Ponting has been an arrogant moron throughout the summer, I've praised Anil Kumble on how hes delt with the issues and called him one of the best captains today in cricket. And labelling me a "f'ing racist scum" is quite hurtful and i dont think i am at all.

K good point. I'm sorry for calling you racist scum. I was just angry over the 'feral' comment.

Once again sorry.
Yeah, because his gotten Hayden out twice and Hayden's smashed him round the park on every occassion.

Sharma against Hayden (statsguru): an average of 25. Only got him once in 4 games against Australia... economy rate is 3.
There was a video shown on Foxsports that once you get a certain number of runs you can be an arrogant twat?
Oh my god, read what I said?

No it isn't. You were the one who keeps claiming that Hayden, Ponting and whoever else you mentioned have a right to be arrogant because they're better than Harbhajan. Now you're just trying to twist things around and bring the racism into it so that other hotheads like yourself can begin a mud-throwing argument.
Hothead? Maybe the entire world's just sick of India's constant whinging over every small thing that occurs. I mean why else would other countries in the world be accused of rallying behind us by Indian supporters when we're supposed to be the most hated country in the world? Comments made by Hayden aren't arrogant but more out of humour out of the way India have been carrying on over the last few months.

I'm bringing up the racisim issue because it was in reply to a comment another poster made. :rolleyes:
Sharma against Hayden (statsguru): an average of 25. Only got him once in 4 games against Australia... economy rate is 3.
Made 2 Test Centuries in the only 2 Tests his faced Sharma in. A form of the game which gives more significance over whose had the better of one and another.
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