Hayden's 'weed' comment adds fuel to fire

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I agree with Hayden, and what an artistic insult "obnoxious weed", just genius, I applaud you Mr Hayden.

Anyway, I hope all this adds up to a fantastic final series.
\ The only way the Australian cricketers can survive is by creating controversies.

Do you really think controversies win games? We survive by playing better cricket than anyone else in the world. That sounds like a sore sorry loser way of looking at it to me.
Do you really think controversies win games? We survive by playing better cricket than anyone else in the world. That sounds like a sore sorry loser way of looking at it to me.
Why would be sore losers? We have played better than anyone expected us to over the Australian summer.
So Harbhajan is pure as the driven snow and Hayden and Symonds are big bad bully boys. Why are the Indian fans so fractious about Harbhajan copping what he dishes out? And please don't drag in that tired old racism rant again. Its previously been done to death.
When Australia next tours India which fans will be burning effigies when something goes wrong? Which grounds require wire netting to assist with crowd control? Why are there hundreds of armed police and soldiers stationed at cricket grounds in India? Given the supposedly civilised nature of Indian cricket fans I must assume that such measures would be designed to stop the thousands of well-behaved gentlemen in the crowd from being attacked by eleven ferocious cricketers and two desparate umpires. Very scary. Its only a matter of time before other countries do the same thing when Australia tours. Especially the English. They are very scared of Australian cricketers.
I haven't seen derision like this in a while. So we are 'ferals' huh? It's interesting you would call us racist, when you've gone out of your way to show how we Indians are somehow a brand of subhuman inferior feral filth. Clearly that's what you are making us out to be. I haven't seen anything more racist or hate-filled in this thread. What a truly pathetic and deplorable response.

Your very artistic the way you changed what i said around to suit your argument.....
sohummisra said:
Nope, he's an arrogant twat regardless of how he performs. I don't know what it is with so many Aussie fans and thinking being really good gives you the right to be arrogant.
Just like nothing gives your country the right to threaten to boycott a tour just because you don't get your way even though it's pretty clear you're in the wrong. To me, that's 10 times worse then a player being 'arrogant' in the headlines, which Hayden wasn't even doing anyway.


Harbhajan's an idiot. What his acchieved his cricket absolutely pales in comparison to what the likes of Hayden, Ponting, Symonds, etc have acchieved.

This is hilarious that Harbhajan actually thinks his winning the verbal battle. What Hayden said on that radio article absolutely blew anything what Harbhajan said out of the water.
There is no point fighting with Aussies. Atleast Indian fans dont just defend any action of their players or board. You will not find any takers for Bhajji in India but yet there will be no Aussie deploring any of their teams conduct throughout the summer.

Hayden wants Ishant in Boxing ring. Why dont he pick someone his size? Why didnt he challenged him to a basketball game? Cos he knew he will loose there?
Although Harbhajan most likely is an obnoxious little weed, Hayden should show more professionalism on the matter. Really, insulting people over the radio when you are a professional cricketer is a bit much. Keep your thoughts to yourself.
There is no point fighting with Aussies. Atleast Indian fans dont just defend any action of their players or board. You will not find any takers for Bhajji in India but yet there will be no Aussie deploring any of their teams conduct throughout the summer.

Hayden wants Ishant in Boxing ring. Why dont he pick someone his size? Why didnt he challenged him to a basketball game? Cos he knew he will loose there?
Yeah, just let's just pick a non contact sport. :rolleyes:
Sharma's the one whose been sledging Hayden anyway, the idea of what he said was that someone should teach the kid some respect.

And oh, Indian fans do defend the actions of what their players do. I mean, weren't you one of the Indians who supported Harbhajan calling Symonds a monkey? Or a mark-ee or whatever the excuse was?
Your very artistic the way you changed what i said around to suit your argument.....

You've said absolutely constructive and have then tried to subvert it by calling me...artistic. Seriously, if you cannot address my points, do not come with some pathetic shot calling me 'artistic'. Fact is, you've called the entire Indian cricket watching public 'feral'. If that isn't some sort of racist term meant to denigrate I don't know what is.

In fact I expect an appology from you. The term 'feral' especially used in your original context is extremely hurtful.
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So Harbhajan is pure as the driven snow and Hayden and Symonds are big bad bully boys. Why are the Indian fans so fractious about Harbhajan copping what he dishes out? And please don't drag in that tired old racism rant again. Its previously been done to death.
No. The point is obviously the medium through which Hayden made his comment. I wouldn't care too shits if Hayden sledged Harbhajan during the game. For example, I don't care if Hayden called Bhajji a bad boy or mad boy or whatever. But if you're going out to the media specifically attacking someone, that just shows that you're either really stupid or you just want some press coverage.

When Australia next tours India which fans will be burning effigies when something goes wrong?
The same ones who always seem to be on the TV channels but nowhere in sight in real life.

Which grounds require wire netting to assist with crowd control?
Which idiot would ignore a problem instead of solving it? Are you judging all Indian crowds based on a few pathetic ones that cannot take defeat? Are all Indian cricket fans now effigy-burning, bottle-throwing maniacs?

Why are there hundreds of armed police and soldiers stationed at cricket grounds in India?
Because you and other teams will refuse to tour otherwise. And to have security. Really, what do these points have to do with Hayden opening his big mouth?

Given the supposedly civilised nature of Indian cricket fans I must assume that such measures would be designed to stop the thousands of well-behaved gentlemen in the crowd from being attacked by eleven ferocious cricketers and two desparate umpires. Very scary. Its only a matter of time before other countries do the same thing when Australia tours. Especially the English. They are very scared of Australian cricketers.
What are these comments meant to do other than have the Indian fans disgruntled at your shortsighted viewpoint? They are not on topic. Where did the fans ever come into this? Hayden said something juvenile on a public medium--even CA agreed. You're just using this as an opportunity to take a dig at Indian cricket fans.
There is no point fighting with Aussies. Atleast Indian fans dont just defend any action of their players or board. You will not find any takers for Bhajji in India but yet there will be no Aussie deploring any of their teams conduct throughout the summer.

Hayden wants Ishant in Boxing ring. Why dont he pick someone his size? Why didnt he challenged him to a basketball game? Cos he knew he will loose there?
1) That's not true, you guys defend your players for deplorable conduct as much as we do.

2) It was a joke obviously, but Hayden is a big guy, he could certainly hold his own.
Just like nothing gives your country the right to threaten to boycott a tour just because you don't get your way even though it's pretty clear you're in the wrong. To me, that's 10 times worse then a player being 'arrogant' in the headlines, which Hayden wasn't even doing anyway.

Okay, so then you agree that Hayden is an arrogant twat, but since you don't have anything else to back up your argument, you bring up a completely irrelevant topic. Good luck riling up other Indian fans.

Harbhajan's an idiot. What his acchieved his cricket absolutely pales in comparison to what the likes of Hayden, Ponting, Symonds, etc have acchieved.
What's your point? What if you're bad at Math and some kid in your class who is really good at it makes fun of you and others who pale in comparison to him on a daily basis in public about it? He's good, so he has the right to be arrogant?

This is hilarious that Harbhajan actually thinks his winning the verbal battle. What Hayden said on that radio article absolutely blew anything what Harbhajan said out of the water.
Kudos, Hayden! You won the insult battle! Congratulations on having fans such as aussie_ben91 who clearly help your cause!
So when did 42 off 50, 25 off 21 & 54 off 62 become slow in ODI's? You also forgot the 3 centuries he made in the Test series?

The reason the Kiwi's & English are rallying behind the Aussies is become they (much like the rest of the world) are sick and tired of India whinging over the studpiest things and getting away with things that they deserved to be punished for.

What Hayden said was completely 100% correct. Couldn't of sumed it up better.

He's averaging 26.39 at a strike rate of 69... thats slightly below dravid career strike rate. And i'm talkin about the one day series buddy. He's well below his standard. You might recall his one day success last year... all i'm implying is that both Hayden and Harbhajan give up their childish name-calling, grow up, play some cricket and success might come your way. Two other blokes in the thick of it is Sreesanth and Symonds and well you can see their form in this series too. Perhaps they're being defocused by the petty verbal wars as well.
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