Hayden's 'weed' comment adds fuel to fire

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I think he may have been looking at the test series as well. Or maybe he's seeing into the future. ;)

Oh is he now. Just randomly bring in the test series as well. Well Hayden had a great test series averaging 82 thus he has the right to um say anything he desires (aussie way of thinking). Sharma was raw back then and averaged 45 with the bowl. Now unlike Hayden Sharma has been improving in Australia who now averages 22 in his ODI career with the bowl... tell me a bloke who averages 19 against the mighty Aussies in Australia. If we go by that logic then Sharma has all the right to be arrogant.
EDIT: Unlike the many aussy fans on this forum i would be against Sharma's or any Indian's arrogant behaviour (if it ever occured).
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^^They've kissed and made up... the defining moment in the Indo-Aussie (or Aussie-indo) relationship.
No. The point is obviously the medium through which Hayden made his comment. I wouldn't care too shits if Hayden sledged Harbhajan during the game. For example, I don't care if Hayden called Bhajji a bad boy or mad boy or whatever. But if you're going out to the media specifically attacking someone, that just shows that you're either really stupid or you just want some press coverage.

Exactly!, and I'd bet my bottom dollar Harbhajan is an arrogant piece of work, but what Hayden did in my book was just stupid. At first I was just like "Okay, Hayden was probably just fired up in the heat of the moment and said something stupid" and I didn't care, but then this morning I wake up and see Hayden going on about his 'innocence' in the matter and that it was said as a joke and sorry haydos, what you did was immature and just plain stupid.

If you don't like someone, I don't care and I don't have to know, neither does the public. It's fairly simple. And of course, what Hayden is doing obviously is going to spark a bite back from Harbhajan (which it already has) and just create so much tension and draw concentration away from cricket.

I'm sure Hayden is a lovely bloke but wow, that was a really immature thing to do.
He was probably doing an interview.
Someone asked him what he though of bhaji.
He replied i think hes an obnoxious litte weed, probably wanted to say a swear word but hes on radio so had to come up with a diff word so went with weed.

Seriously guys grow up i cant believe a tiny little comment like this can be blown so out of proportion.
Its not a big deal.

Little kids in schools get called worse stuff than this an they dont go crying to mummy about it.
^^Quite likely if money is involved...
EDIT: everyone posted all at once. I was reffering to sohummisra's previous comment.
This babyish behaviour needs to end, the ICC needs to tell every one of these cricketers to grow up. It's been going on since the incidents in India and it's getting tiresome.

Either these cricketers have turned into babies, or they have babies telling them what to say, I'm all for sledging but let's grow up.
He was probably doing an interview.
Someone asked him what he though of bhaji.
He replied i think hes an obnoxious litte weed, probably wanted to say a swear word but hes on radio so had to come up with a diff word so went with weed.

Seriously guys grow up i cant believe a tiny little comment like this can be blown so out of proportion.
Its not a big deal.
Oh, how nice of Hayden to tone down his language, I guess? The point, as jordox made, is he is a professional cricketer. He has responsibilities outside of playing cricket. What if the next generation of Aussie cricketers think it's perfectly okay to ridicule your opponents in the public eye just because you have bad blood with them?
If its not racist you can call each other anything. Is this what holds true in Australia. Then all Aussie members get ready for some abusive words I can use for you cos then Im not being racist.

Oh, how nice of Hayden to tone down his language, I guess? The point, as jordox made, is he is a professional cricketer. He has responsibilities outside of playing cricket. What if the next generation of Aussie cricketers think it's perfectly okay to ridicule your opponents in the public eye just because you have bad blood with them?

Aussie Under 19 team were all over Pakistan Under 19 team. Abusing them as if they had made 500 runs when the truth was they got out for just 129.
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If its not racist you can call each other anything. Is this what holds true in Australia. Then all Aussie members get ready for some abusive words I can use for you cos then Im not being racist.

Obviously in Australia you can't call each other anything, they took offense to racist comments like "monkey" and such. Weed isn't racist mate, it sure is an insult, it's not racist at all though.
1)Who called who a monkey??

2)He is'nt a weed, he's a tool. Quite a useful tool.
1) That's not true, you guys defend your players for deplorable conduct as much as we do.

Sreesanth, Bhajji and even Ganguly has not been backed by Indian supporters. Even Dhoni in his glove controvercy has not found much support. If you doubt it go look at that thread where even I have said that it gave him unfair advantage.

Obviously in Australia you can't call each other anything, they took offense to racist comments like "monkey" and such. Weed isn't racist mate, it sure is an insult, it's not racist at all though.

Thats my point, you just can't insult other person in public. okay if he called it on field where frankly noone in world would have known.

And oh, Indian fans do defend the actions of what their players do. I mean, weren't you one of the Indians who supported Harbhajan calling Symonds a monkey? Or a mark-ee or whatever the excuse was?

Bhajji only got support cos there was no proof. Had it been conclusive he would have been most hated Indian in India.
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