Hayden's 'weed' comment adds fuel to fire

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If its not racist you can call each other anything. Is this what holds true in Australia. Then all Aussie members get ready for some abusive words I can use for you cos then Im not being racist.

But they are on a sporting field against one another. Just like a ordinary match such as Victoria vs NSW.

If you think a sledge or insult automatically is racist then that just smells of unsecurity and an overeaction.
But they are on a sporting field against one another. Just like a ordinary match such as Victoria vs NSW.

If you think a sledge or insult automatically is racist then that just smells of unsecurity and an overeaction.
Didn't he know that Harbhajan was part of the plant growing community of Punjab. He was head plantee. Calling him a weed is racist!!

</poor attempt at joke>

Weed is definitely not racist. As I have said, I have no problems with Hayden bad mouthing Harbhajan as long as it is on the field and not somewhere where millions of people will read it. Can you imagine the backlash that the Indian media is marinating? It sucks! When Hayden next comes to India, he's going to get booed and that's a shame because he's a great batsman.
But they are on a sporting field against one another. Just like a ordinary match such as Victoria vs NSW.

If you think a sledge or insult automatically is racist then that just smells of unsecurity and an overeaction.

We are not overreacting or unsecure. Its you guys who say that everything is legal if its not a racist comment. Doubt me then just read the previous 3 pages of posts.

Hayden did immature thing when he knew the volatile situation in series. And to top it off he pleads innocense. I bet he ment every word he said and if given choice he could have said even nastier things.
Yeah, right. It just like exponential series in maths.:p
But seriously, that's what probaly going to happen. There is always a percentage of crowd in every cricket crowd of every cricketing nations who are boorish and completely stupid. becoz of them, the whole crowd gets a 'nasty' label. I guess this kind of behaviour will only make the Indian crowds angry and i guess like aussies booed Harb, they'll boo hayden. And we'll be waiting for another flame war.:p
Is it safe to come out of here yet. Shame my 10 hot models only have their bikinis on and they can't come out as it is too cold


I'm wearing this just in case a stray insult catches me

Is it safe to come out of here yet. Shame my 10 hot models only have their bikinis on and they can't come out as it is too cold

I'm wearing this just in case a stray insult catches me


You can come out :) no problem for you but it will be a risk for the Models :p Don't worry i can repalce you anytime there, will be fun :D
Oh that's right. I know your plan. Lure me outside and then you ambush me on all sides with flying insults. Then when my weary body is giving out you run into my bomb shelter and steal my girls. I'm not having it. I'm going back inside for a nice back massage. Humph :mad:
Is it safe to come out of here yet. Shame my 10 hot models only have their bikinis on and they can't come out as it is too cold


I'm wearing this just in case a stray insult catches me


Ummm..... I guess wearing that, u might be having a hard time to ha...err...doing what you want.
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I was only wearing that outside. Back inside I slip back into my tiger striped thong :eek: ;)
Well, invite me in then. I got some pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni. I also have a some lasagna. And some bottles of sparkling wine. And I carry a gun too.:D
Well, invite me in then. I got some pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni. I also have a some lasagna. And some bottles of sparkling wine. And I carry a gun too.:D

I can come up with some good warm clothes for the models as well as some blankets :D
1)Who called who a monkey??

2)He is'nt a weed, he's a tool. Quite a useful tool.

1) Harbajan called Symonds a monkey.

2) Both are true.

Things are going way over the top for the following reasons:







Lets boycott the whole series on the site before things get ugly.
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1) Harbajan called Symonds a monkey.

2) Both are true.

1) Oh yes, quite right. And u guys talk us abt whinging. Why did'nt u tried to give the evidence which u obviously have to the aussies?:rolleyes:

2) He's a weed brand tool to beat ozs i guess.
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