Help with batting some questions


School Cricketer
Mar 8, 2010
Online Cricket Games Owned
Im having trouble with batting specially in career mode , i have some questions:

1)is batting in pro in normal matches easier than batting in pro in career mode?
2)Im having trouble in career mode even when i defend i get lbw the batsman itself goes too left while defending, i have problems with footwork it never goes right , should i handle footwork shot selection and theres no bowling cursor either everything happens to quick? How should i get better with footwork is there an option for auto footwork and sometimes the batsman goes on backfoot himself, its really frustrating to get out while defending because the batsman goes too left with the foot.
3) i havent used backfoot shots at all , are they handy , should i stick to front foot only as most of the delvieries are in front mostly?
4) finally need tips with batting?
Im having trouble with batting specially in career mode , i have some questions:

1)is batting in pro in normal matches easier than batting in pro in career mode?
2)Im having trouble in career mode even when i defend i get lbw the batsman itself goes too left while defending, i have problems with footwork it never goes right , should i handle footwork shot selection and theres no bowling cursor either everything happens to quick? How should i get better with footwork is there an option for auto footwork and sometimes the batsman goes on backfoot himself, its really frustrating to get out while defending because the batsman goes too left with the foot.
3) i havent used backfoot shots at all , are they handy , should i stick to front foot only as most of the delvieries are in front mostly?
4) finally need tips with batting?

I don't have the game but I have spent a long time playing the nets which is why I can't understand the problems you are having. As a rule, if the ball is full, play it off the front foot, if the ball is short, play it off the back foot. If your foot movement isn't correct it could be because you aren't moving the RS in the desired direction.
For example, if the delivery is full and outside off stump move the LS towards the 2 o'clock position followed by the RS in the direction you want to hit the ball in. i.e. On this occasion possibly a drive through the cover region.
I move my feet ( yes @Biggs and @blockerdave :-) ) slightly before I play the shot, as I would if playing a real game of cricket.
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His question is right. I haven't played a single shot off the backfoot yet. But I have made plenty of score in PRO.
His question is right. I haven't played a single shot off the backfoot yet. But I have made plenty of score in PRO.

I can't see how you can bat properly and play proper cricket shots without playing of the back foot as well as the front foot.
I can't see how you can bat properly and play proper cricket shots without playing of the back foot as well as the front foot.

Exactly. For example, how can you effectively play a bouncer or short pitched stuff aimed at your ribs off the front foot?
Got to remember too that in career your players skills are low compared to international players in other modes...
Im having trouble with batting specially in career mode , i have some questions:

1)is batting in pro in normal matches easier than batting in pro in career mode?
2)Im having trouble in career mode even when i defend i get lbw the batsman itself goes too left while defending, i have problems with footwork it never goes right , should i handle footwork shot selection and theres no bowling cursor either everything happens to quick? How should i get better with footwork is there an option for auto footwork and sometimes the batsman goes on backfoot himself, its really frustrating to get out while defending because the batsman goes too left with the foot.
3) i havent used backfoot shots at all , are they handy , should i stick to front foot only as most of the delvieries are in front mostly?
4) finally need tips with batting?

1. Yes. It would seem so in the beginning. This is because in normal matches you are playing with international players with relatively higher skills. In the career mode, you're just starting out as a 16-year old boy who won't be as skilled as a Michael Clarke or K. Sangakkara. So, yes.

2. It did happen with me, too, for a couple of times. But then I realize that I wasn't moving my RS in exact 12'0 clock position. You see, our thumb moves in an arc-like position. Sometimes, if you lose concentration, you might defend (unknowingly) with your thumb slightly tilted towards the leg side (or the off-side). So that would happen every now and then. Concentration is the key here. Make sure to present the straightest of bat while defending.

About auto-footwork, there is no such thing in the game. You will have to play all the balls on merit. You will get better after playing the game for a reasonable time; we all are struggling at the moment. The red balls are usually short, so try switching to backfoot to play them, and the green balls are usually played on the front foot for best results.

3. Backfoot is essential, obviously. You will have to master it at some stage. Only playing front-foot shots won't get you too far.

4. Concentrate, focus, practice, bat, rinse and repeat. Even I'm struggling in career-mode batting right now, so I can't give you a lot of tips at this stage. However, "seeing the ball" carefully is something that you should concentrate on. It will help you judge the footwork you will have to play the ball with. Moreover, I usually keep my concentration on the front foot. If the bowler balls a short delivery, I try to jump back and play the shot. I believe that the short ball gives you an extra fraction of second, allowing you to make that split-second decision. I have been improving slowly, by using this technique, but I'm still a long way to go.

Good luck and have fun.


I don't have the game but I have spent a long time playing the nets which is why I can't understand the problems you are having. As a rule, if the ball is full, play it off the front foot, if the ball is short, play it off the back foot. If your foot movement isn't correct it could be because you aren't moving the RS in the desired direction.
For example, if the delivery is full and outside off stump move the LS towards the 2 o'clock position followed by the RS in the direction you want to hit the ball in. i.e. On this occasion possibly a drive through the cover region.
I move my feet ( yes @Biggs and @blockerdave :-) ) slightly before I play the shot, as I would if playing a real game of cricket.

Are you sure about moving the LS with an angle? Because I didn't know about this. I have been playing the shots with LS either forward or backward, and then pulling the RS stick towards the angle I want to play the shot.

But now as I think about what you said, it does make sense. My method might be resulting in the bat-pad gap. Can you (or anyone else) please confirm this? Thanks in advance.
1. Yes. It would seem so in the beginning. This is because in normal matches you are playing with international players with relatively higher skills. In the career mode, you're just starting out as a 16-year old boy who won't be as skilled as a Michael Clarke or K. Sangakkara. So, yes.

2. It did happen with me, too, for a couple of times. But then I realize that I wasn't moving my RS in exact 12'0 clock position. You see, our thumb moves in an arc-like position. Sometimes, if you lose concentration, you might defend (unknowingly) with your thumb slightly tilted towards the leg side (or the off-side). So that would happen every now and then. Concentration is the key here. Make sure to present the straightest of bat while defending.

About auto-footwork, there is no such thing in the game. You will have to play all the balls on merit. You will get better after playing the game for a reasonable time; we all are struggling at the moment. The red balls are usually short, so try switching to backfoot to play them, and the green balls are usually played on the front foot for best results.

3. Backfoot is essential, obviously. You will have to master it at some stage. Only playing front-foot shots won't get you too far.

4. Concentrate, focus, practice, bat, rinse and repeat. Even I'm struggling in career-mode batting right now, so I can't give you a lot of tips at this stage. However, "seeing the ball" carefully is something that you should concentrate on. It will help you judge the footwork you will have to play the ball with. Moreover, I usually keep my concentration on the front foot. If the bowler balls a short delivery, I try to jump back and play the shot. I believe that the short ball gives you an extra fraction of second, allowing you to make that split-second decision. I have been improving slowly, by using this technique, but I'm still a long way to go.

Good luck and have fun.


Are you sure about moving the LS with an angle? Because I didn't know about this. I have been playing the shots with LS either forward or backward, and then pulling the RS stick towards the angle I want to play the shot.

But now as I think about what you said, it does make sense. My method might be resulting in the bat-pad gap. Can you (or anyone else) please confirm this? Thanks in advance.

If you don't move the LS towards where the ball pitches you will probably miss it. For example, if I play back to a short ball on leg stump I move the LS towards the 8 o'clock position. If you move the LS towards the 4 o'clock position your player will move across the crease and you will probably miss the ball. This all depends, of course, on where you are position on the crease when the ball is bowled.
Im having trouble with batting specially in career mode , i have some questions:

1)is batting in pro in normal matches easier than batting in pro in career mode?
2)Im having trouble in career mode even when i defend i get lbw the batsman itself goes too left while defending, i have problems with footwork it never goes right , should i handle footwork shot selection and theres no bowling cursor either everything happens to quick? How should i get better with footwork is there an option for auto footwork and sometimes the batsman goes on backfoot himself, its really frustrating to get out while defending because the batsman goes too left with the foot.
3) i havent used backfoot shots at all , are they handy , should i stick to front foot only as most of the delvieries are in front mostly?
4) finally need tips with batting?

Try and pick a foot to predominantly play most of your shots from. I reckon it works better that way than it does if you wait until the ball is bowled to choose both footwork and direction. Especially against fast bowlers, against spin and slower bowlers you can choose your footwork after ball is delivered.

Been implementing these tactics on VETERAN and been making quite a few 30s and 40s at over a run a ball

Just because your initial footwork is back does not mean the batsman wont be able to play drives down the ground, they still end up in decent positions to drive the ball.

Same goes for when you are on the front foot. A lot of time they will still hit a nice pull shot even if your initial foot work is to come forward.

Always go straight back or straight forward if you try some of the other ones they end up down the wrong line of the ball a lot.


I can't see how you can bat properly and play proper cricket shots without playing of the back foot as well as the front foot.

The circle around the ball appears a bit later during matches compared to nets. They still get in decent positions even if your initial footwork is back or forward. Not ideal, i know but more effective than the other way of waiting until ball is released to decide footwork.
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Aways go straight back or straight forward if you try some of the other ones they end up down the wrong line of the ball a lot.

You won't be able hit the ball well if you go straight forward or straight backwards to balls which aren't straight. To play a cover drive well your feet would have to move forward and across, or to get inside a wide, short pitched delivery you might want to go back and across to play it successfully.


The circle around the ball appears a bit later during matches compared to nets. They still get in decent positions even if your initial footwork is back or forward. Not ideal, i know but more effective than the other way of waiting until ball is released to decide footwork.

Thanks. I guess I will only be able to offer a more educated answer once I have played the game.
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You won't be able hit the ball well if you go straight forward or straight backwards to balls which aren't straight. To play a cover drive well your feet would have to move forward and across, or to get inside a wide, short pitched delivery you might want to go back and across to play it successfully.

In real cricket yes, what i have found so far in this game is once you start using those back/front and across footworks they end up bowled or LBW a lot of the time because the footwork is so exaggerated and they end up a metre outside leg/off stump.

I see where you are coming from its not very ideal or realistic but i do hit a lot through cover and over cover just going back or forward. Its a sacrifice you have to make if you want to make runs. I found when batting in nets you have a little more time to decide footwork and line but in match situations it is a little different.
The only way I've been able to consistently make small amounts of runs is to keep my fingers ready to block anything that isn't on the leg side. If I see its on leg or the stumps I slap it to the leg side and usually get a 4 or a single. It's annoying though that I still go out just playing defensive shots. I will block a ball on just outside off stump with the foot work aimed at 1-2 oclock and my player slides way across the pitch and is bowled, other times I do the same position and block fine. I think it may have to do with the mechanics of the bowlers skill vs mine. Also I have no clue with spin. I will try to sweep off the pads or just nudge it with the spin but it never works. My new bowling all rounder is averaging 13 with the Bat and 4.5 with the ball. My first game I got man of the match and took 4-4 and 3-6. I'd like to make bowling harder but haven't got the batting yet. Also don't comment if you don't own the game not being elitist but in career batting feels way different to the nets and tutorial. I can get steaks going the the nets but in game feels like I have way less time and it's harder to pick up. At least im not making ducks now I guess. I don't mind having to defend alot top wait for the right balls for my player but I hate that defensive shots are just as risky and sometimes feel like im not in control or the game hasnt done as intended. A good control scheme shouldn't feel like that and personally I don't think a game should be made difficult by having a clumsy control scheme, that's the ai and game plays job in real cricket defensive shots are easy unless you've misread it badly
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Are you sure about moving the LS with an angle? Because I didn't know about this. I have been playing the shots with LS either forward or backward, and then pulling the RS stick towards the angle I want to play the shot.

But now as I think about what you said, it does make sense. My method might be resulting in the bat-pad gap. Can you (or anyone else) please confirm this? Thanks in advance.

Generally you'll edge it as you'll be playing away from your body.
In your player selection right at the start you select Front or Backfoot, that's your "go to" foot when you're batting, so execute 80% of your shots from that foot.

Eg: I chose front foot so I've gone back to basics and play most of my shots off the front foot as it's the skill I'm predominantly getting skill points in. If it's a short ball I'll leave it or cut it backwards of point from the front foot, NEVER forward of point, cause it'll spoon up in the air. The only time I play off the back foot is to defend full length Yorkers
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I have not tried this with pace bowlers but def tried it with spinners. Sometimes a spinner will bowl very outside off stump, in that case if your LS is just straight forward, you'll miss the ball, otherwise if you move the LS 8'o clock and then RS to 8'o clock as well which is cover drive, you will see batsmen playing a nice shot.

As I said I have always played this with spinners, with fast bowlers they normally bowl close to the wicket so i just push the LS to either forward or backwards.

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