hmmmm is this the first of many? Real?

I don't think it'll make June 21st but I don't think it'll be as late as September either... I don't really want a half baked release now patched later job, if I have to wait an extra couple of weeks for a good product that's fine by me:yes

Steve S.
To be honest it's not a good look for a company CEO to be sarcastically slagging off a rival game on an internet forum. Sure, it'll get some shits and giggles from the other forum members but it's not professional.

Hopefully Ashes does get released on time but I unfortunately wouldn't be surprised if it weren't.
To be honest it's not a good look for a company CEO to be sarcastically slagging off a rival game on an internet forum. Sure, it'll get some shits and giggles from the other forum members but it's not professional.

Hopefully Ashes does get released on time but I unfortunately wouldn't be surprised if it weren't.

Ross does seem to be a bit unconventional as far as CEOs go and I mean it in a good way. He sounds like a chap you wouldn't mind having a beer with and so far he's the only CEO I can say that about.
To be honest it's not a good look for a company CEO to be sarcastically slagging off a rival game on an internet forum. Sure, it'll get some shits and giggles from the other forum members but it's not professional.

Hopefully Ashes does get released on time but I unfortunately wouldn't be surprised if it weren't.

This thread was in the Big Ant section of the forum but it got moved.

I give it and I take it. It's a game.

To be honest it's not a good look for a company CEO to be sarcastically slagging off a rival game on an internet forum. Sure, it'll get some shits and giggles from the other forum members but it's not professional.

Far be it for me to be defending another grown adult, but that's exactly what a good number of us are. Adults. If you don't like the discussion, then don't click on the thread. Forum browsing is elective... there's also always the "report" function if the kitchen is too hot for you. I bet this stuff bothers Chief about as much as some of the whingers around here bother me...

I imagine Chief has a good laugh about it, actually... while he's browsing the forums at the bank cashing cheques or having gold-planet cappuccinos...

Gotta have thicker skin, mate. As long as he's not openly baiting some of the younger kids around here, Ross is just fine. Don't like it, don't click on it.
To be honest it's not a good look for a company CEO to be sarcastically slagging off a rival game on an internet forum. Sure, it'll get some shits and giggles from the other forum members but it's not professional.

Hopefully Ashes does get released on time but I unfortunately wouldn't be surprised if it weren't.

I'm more surprised chief has not said anything back to ross yet, maybe on the 21st of june when the game is out and it's great:eek: he says something smart back. Time will tell as every time I come on here I am waiting to see a delay for the game and nothing yet.:spy p.s I hope that delay never comes and I will be playing a cricket game soon.:thumbs
Game, Amazon & Play are all still showing a 21st June release date but and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere but the PC version price is ?14-?17... suspicious, why? Are us PC owners getting half the game on disc then the other half on DLC via Trickstar website... going to buy Xbox version and cover my rear for now!!!

Steve S.
Could have something to do with this game being "built" for PC and then downgraded for console gamers, as opposed to the other way around. I imagine there is a higher cost involved for printing console disks vs. PC discs. Or something like that... No idea really. I imagine whatever "updates" console gamers get would be transferred via a free-patch for PC gamers. So I can't honestly see any risk in just getting the PC version, assuming your PC is decent enough...

Plus... Whatever mods happen on will be for PC...



Yeah, I'm reliably informed there are much higher-costs for sticking it on a Console disk vs. PC Disk...
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Could have something to do with this game being "built" for PC and then downgraded for console gamers, as opposed to the other way around. I imagine there is a higher cost involved for printing console disks vs. PC discs. Or something like that... No idea really. I imagine whatever "updates" console gamers get would be transferred via a free-patch for PC gamers. So I can't honestly see any risk in just getting the PC version, assuming your PC is decent enough...

Plus... Whatever mods happen on will be for PC...



Yeah, I'm reliably informed there are much higher-costs for sticking it on a Console disk vs. PC Disk...

Thanks for that, I've got an Alienware which runs Ashes 2009 with everything enabled so AC2013 should be ok :-)

Steve S.
To see if there was any chance of this game running on my laptop I downloaded the Ashes 2009 demo and to my surprise it was running incredibly smoothly and the graphics looked to be better than the Xbox 360 version! Wasn't expecting that.
...and the graphics looked to be better than the Xbox 360 version! Wasn't expecting that.

Yeah, it's a decent little game. No FIFA or anything, but with a decent GFX card it looks damn good. I've seen some folks talk about "jittery animations" but it's always been smooth on my computer... Especially the pre-animated cut-scene stuff always looked impressive.
To be honest it's not a good look for a company CEO to be sarcastically slagging off a rival game on an internet forum. Sure, it'll get some shits and giggles from the other forum members but it's not professional

Who the **** cares? If we all follow the status quo everything exciting from this world will vanish. Besides, any signs of life and activity, or rivalry (something we've never had before) in cricket videogaming is godsend at this point.
Remember, I'm the little guy, the indie, the underdog, I need to shout to be heard as I don't have the same marketing spend and development budget. I am not backed by publisher money, only hard work from a dedicated team.

PS:Like or loathe the style I can only hope that I have brought some interest, and maybe a cheeky laugh or two :)

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