How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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I hand pick players and upload my teams. You can then just download them yourself by searching my username.

Casper that's what we need mate, to get good players in one place, check rajsvm (Robin Peterson) add him to ur team and do so with others,,,going through thousands and thousands of created players is a hussle really

I didn't mean I was actually going to do that. It being a hassle for me is exactly the same as it being a hassle for you. What happens if I think Israr has made a better Robin Peterson? You'll end up changing it yourself anyway.

The way it works at the moment, it takes into account community votes, so you would hope the majority think the best teams are the best available. It provides the base from which individuals can then make changes.

Then that gets confounded even further by who you think should be in the squad. My Australian squad doesn't have Adam Voges in it at the moment because I can't fit him in. Some people would probably want him in the squad ahead of a player like Xavier Doherty who is also on the fringe. Not everything can be done by one person/one group of people. You do have to customise to suit yourself.
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Hi Guys

This is completely off topic but I would like to know how the career would start off. Does your career start of in either Australia or England no matter that you selected that you are South African?
Hi Guys

This is completely off topic but I would like to know how the career would start off. Does your career start of in either Australia or England no matter that you selected that you are South African?

When you start your career, you select a domestic team you would want to play for (besides your international affiliation). The game, by default, only ships with English and Australian domestic teams. However, it is possible to manually add domestic teams of other countries and play for one of them.
I believe Ross said on IVG that the day one patch lets you start as any nation in career mode, I'll see if I can find a link...
I believe Ross said on IVG that the day one patch lets you start as any nation in career mode, I'll see if I can find a link...
Not the day one patch. That (plus co-op) will be in a future patch. I'd get the link but I can't be bothered...

Edit: Okay, I'm bothered.

the post
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Not the day one patch. That (plus co-op) will be in a future patch. I'd get the link but I can't be bothered...

Edit: Okay, I'm bothered.

the post

Cheers mate, I misread that as the day one patch! That's a shame...
So before we get that patch we have to start our Career in Aus or Eng?
No. You'll just need to spend a bit of time in the team list editor to add in local teams for the career mode.
Yep, I'll be hand picking my teams, and in most cases, uploading my own.

How do you ensure every team has correct names? Hand pick your downloads.

Personally speaking this is what I am downloading and in this order (i assume order matters as duplicates get overwritten so you want the creations with the most time spent on them downloaded last ie international teams)

1 Rucks associate teams
2 Chandrakifs IPL teams
3 Munkeymomos English county teams
4 Snowys (Casper) Aussie state teams
5 Blocks (mrdconnors) international teams

On top of that I have already edited the associate lineups to better reflect recent matches and am in the process of amending the county squads and lineups to reflect off season moves. Not reuploaded anything yet though.

Just my tuppence worth.
No. You'll just need to spend a bit of time in the team list editor to add in local teams for the career mode.
@Exo asked me by PM for a bit more detail, but it would help anyone else if I just posted my answer here.

Here's a video of the interface in the current cricket academy - showing the 'team list' editing option - along with how to get the teams in the first place,

Next, here's a photo I took at the World Premiere, showing the menu option for Career Team Lists -

Putting the two together suggests that menu option just gets you to pick the team lists for the career mode, and then they would appear as options for when you start a career.

Hope that helps.
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What I was going to do is download the 'linkable teams' first.. THEN go through each player and if I find a players likeness I don't like, ill simply download a better looking one.

What I think would be ideal is an option to visually compare your downloaded version (of say Clarkey) next to other community created player versions of Clarkey.
@Exo asked me by PM for a bit more detail, but it would help anyone else if I just posted my answer here.

Here's a video of the interface in the current cricket academy - showing the 'team list' editing option - along with how to get the teams in the first place,

Next, here's a photo I took at the World Premiere, showing the menu option for Career Team Lists -

Putting the two together suggests that menu option just gets you to pick the team lists for the career mode, and then they would appear as options for when you start a career.

Hope that helps.

Thanx alot Matt, I really appreciate it.
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Personally speaking this is what I am downloading and in this order (i assume order matters as duplicates get overwritten so you want the creations with the most time spent on them downloaded last ie international teams)

1 Rucks associate teams
2 Chandrakifs IPL teams
3 Munkeymomos English county teams
4 Snowys (Casper) Aussie state teams
5 Blocks (mrdconnors) international teams

On top of that I have already edited the associate lineups to better reflect recent matches and am in the process of amending the county squads and lineups to reflect off season moves. Not reuploaded anything yet though.

Just my tuppence worth.

I would reccomend this as everyone's base when they get the game. Probably better than the "get best" option.
I would reccomend this as everyone's base when they get the game. Probably better than the "get best" option.

So would you be able to use the get best option, and then do this? That would fill in blanks for the other teams right?

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