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As we get closer to the date, which is now, I'd really like feedback on whether the best rated teams are mostly right. I understand that it's an subjective opinion based thing - but are they?
As we get closer to the date, which is now, I'd really like feedback on whether the best rated teams are mostly right. I understand that it's an subjective opinion based thing - but are they?

Yesterday I used the "Get Best" and honestly, some of the players there don't look good really, I had tweaked my team and players, to look better and the players they were replaced with, NAH!

Its good looking indivuals that could make a team, I don't know if its possible for guys at Big Ant to search for best looking players and create a team out of that, because downloading "Gentors" team doesn't guarantee one a best looking team/player.

I've been following this game for long to know that I can mix my players from different creators in the academy but what about the guy on the street who'll just buy the game when its available, he'll expect to see some likeness where as some players are nowhere near best or likeness
Yesterday I used the "Get Best" and honestly, some of the players there don't look good really, I had tweaked my team and players, to look better and the players they were replaced with, NAH!

Its good looking indivuals that could make a team, I don't know if its possible for guys at Big Ant to search for best looking players and create a team out of that, because downloading "Gentors" team doesn't guarantee one a best looking team/player.

I've been following this game for long to know that I can mix my players from different creators in the academy but what about the guy on the street who'll just buy the game when its available, he'll expect to see some likeness where as some players are nowhere near best or likeness

We need to leave it to you guys to assemble however I'm willing to do all we can to facilitate the best experience possible.

There is a new CA next week so anything we can do to help we will work towards.
Likenesses will always be subjective. Rosters have a bit of a quirk in how you define 'accurate'

For example, the on disc Western Australia team has a Travis Birt link. However Travis Birt doesn't play for WA anymore, so the WA team I uploaded doesn't include Travis Birt. In that sense it is accurate of reality, but not accurate as of the original (in this case out of date) original on-disc team. If I uploaded an Australian squad with a linked James Muirhead, it would be accurate of reality, but not accurate of the original on-disc team.

On the flip side, blocker has linked the original on-disc teams. So for example, there would be no Chris Tremeltt in his England side, as the Tremlett link wasn't originally in the on-disc England side. So in that sense, it is accurate of the original on-disc team, but not accurate of reality (if in your opinion Tremlett would be in a 30 man England squad)

Let me know if this doesn't make sense....but basically its not as if people are getting absolute garbage when downloading via Get Best in terms of roster 'accuracy' (I can vouch for the teams I've uploaded at least, which appear to be the highest rated in their respective categories)
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I'll get Mike involved until I get back to Oz, bit hard to do on the road.
I mentioned a while back I think get best should also have an option for people to create and submit team lists - user curated collections of the 'best' teams - which in turn are rated.

The 'get best' button would then grab the best one of these - not each individual best rated team. That way you can maintain cross-team consistency of how you've gone about designing/skilling/etc.
I have a few guys here who their creations look good, but its not on every player,,,you'll find that @rajsvm's(Robin Peterson) looks out of this world,,,and say @kasabian21's(Warner) that's for e.g.

@Mrdconnors, @Casper, @Isra, @Casper @monkeymomo, @rajsvm, mention but a few, ur work looks great guys

And no offence to those not mentioned

But you'll find that by taking 2 or 3 from this creator and another there, you'll have the best looking team, so my take is, look check into these guys creations and get the best team out of their creations

Someone maybe have created a best looking Dale Steyn and fail miserably at others
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Yesterday I used the "Get Best"
I know this is a different discussion, but I feel as if I'm missing something here. Whenever I press "replace with best" on specific teams it says that it will be enabled in the future, and the one in the team menu is still greyed out.

As we get closer to the date, which is now, I'd really like feedback on whether the best rated teams are mostly right. I understand that it's an subjective opinion based thing - but are they?
In terms of the highest rated versions of each on-disc team, I think it's right at the moment. The best teams available seem to be at the top. As you say, it's subjective, and I just want them to be somewhat accurate as long as they are linked and skilled (because I'm lazy) so don't care how they look. In my opinion, the best teams are the highest rated ones.
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I know this is a different discussion, but I feel as if I'm missing something here. Whenever I press "replace with best" on specific teams it says that it will be enabled in the future, and the one in the team menu is still greyed out.

Yesterday/last night it was enabled,,,I was able to replace and download all 73 teams, it was working together with the other new added button,,,something "Linkable"
Ross, I don't know about your strategy for CA players (because I didn't spend enough time in it) so the following ideas are all I can give here:

1. First of all, I think it would be necessary - at some stage - to have the luxury to copy and paste the players offline. This will also facilitate the option of "packing" all the best players (from different creators) and share at forums, via USBs to friends, etc. So the user doesn't have to manually hand-pick each and every player. Good packs can then be modified and it'll go on and on and on ... It'll be specially easy - and helpful - whenever the squad changes. A new player can easily be added and the file (pack) will be updated.

2. Secondly, I don't know how much effort can the BA guys put at this stage, but I think you can create another "tag" for some CA teams. This tag can be something like "Recommended by BA". It'll be hand-picked by your BA staff (recommended by guys here at A simple call for help will get you many volunteers here - especially the ones who have created some players. You can then hand-pick the best available players, create other teams and title them as "recommended by BA", "recommended by the developers", something on these lines. So the end-user (who wasn't involved in the process at all) could easily download the best teams, without having the time to conjure up excuses to bad-mouth about the game.

Good luck.
A recommended by Big Ant would be tough because they can't be officially endorsing players that aren't licensed.
1. First of all, I think it would be necessary - at some stage - to have the luxury to copy and paste the players offline. This will also facilitate the option of "packing" all the best players (from different creators) and share at forums, via USBs to friends, etc. So the user doesn't have to manually hand-pick each and every player. Good packs can then be modified and it'll go on and on and on ... It'll be specially easy - and helpful - whenever the squad changes. A new player can easily be added and the file (pack) will be updated.

That seems even more complicated than what we have now. Someone is still hand picking a team, and sharing it online is easier and more convenient than USB...

Oh the team has changed? Just let me get my USB, somehow access the offline file (?) and update it. Or you can just download it because someone else has already updated it...

I hand pick players and upload my teams. You can then just download them yourself by searching my username. No real need for any offline sharing...
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