How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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And the international teams by Blockerdave.

edit: His DBA username is mrdconnors.

i have to be honest, as of today my international teams may not be the best to use, there have been some excellent recent additions in the "your player cards" thread by snowy, kasabian (notwithstanding his terrible jimmy anderson), prav and others and i need to update my teams. Aiming to spend some time doing that over the weekend... and certainly before release.

sadly i can't do much player creation at the moment as my ipad is up the swannee and i usually have the players pic on the ipad and the CA on my laptop... didn't enjoy using the iphone instead... annoying as i still have a few teams to go to complete my SA rebel series squads, plus i wanted a go at some of the associates too.


Likenesses will always be subjective. Rosters have a bit of a quirk in how you define 'accurate'

For example, the on disc Western Australia team has a Travis Birt link. However Travis Birt doesn't play for WA anymore, so the WA team I uploaded doesn't include Travis Birt. In that sense it is accurate of reality, but not accurate as of the original (in this case out of date) original on-disc team. If I uploaded an Australian squad with a linked James Muirhead, it would be accurate of reality, but not accurate of the original on-disc team.

On the flip side, blocker has linked the original on-disc teams. So for example, there would be no Chris Tremeltt in his England side, as the Tremlett link wasn't originally in the on-disc England side. So in that sense, it is accurate of the original on-disc team, but not accurate of reality (if in your opinion Tremlett would be in a 30 man England squad)

Let me know if this doesn't make sense....but basically its not as if people are getting absolute garbage when downloading via Get Best in terms of roster 'accuracy' (I can vouch for the teams I've uploaded at least, which appear to be the highest rated in their respective categories)

i have been changing my teams to be more accurate of reality rather than the on-disc. originally i was unsure if the linking would work if they didn't match the on-disc roster, but since it was confirmed it wouldn't matter i've tried to reflect reality rather than the on-disc roster. broke my heart taking KP out of England.
Oh apologies, I wasn't aware of that (only because I've been updating my Aus teams). I should really have a new look.
But you'll find that by taking 2 or 3 from this creator and another there, you'll have the best looking team, so my take is, look check into these guys creations and get the best team out of their creationss

to be honest this is always going to be the best approach and it's what i did. i (mrdconnors on CA) generally only made players where there wasn't one, or i wasn't happy with the "best" i could find... as mentioned above there have been some great ones added recently and i need to update mine.

i think the way for each person to get the best results for them personally is download the teams in linked thread, and then maybe check the few individual players or teams you consider more important and would actually recognise, check those against the "best" you subjectively find on the server, and then re-download those only if you think the one you've found is better than the one you have.

At most, that's gonna take 20-30 minutes... and can be done before release, then you can upload any teams you've customised under your own name, and download them on day one.
For the historical teams, I'm guessing Blocker is the way to go?

i have found that in terms of historical teams and some of the All Time teams there is very little choice... mostly the players were created by @Chevo and are generic looking but have correct names, most were linked but not all. i have updated a few players here and there (either my creations, or using those i found on the server including your excellent bodyline players) and made sure all linking was done as well as attributes and corrected errors i spotted such as the England 1930s (bodyline) squad not having Eddie Paynter.

these teams are by no means as good as the "current" international teams, and could certainly be improved, but they are correct, and as finding good images of some of these players is difficult and who would recognise them anyway, i haven't bothered changing many of the generic players except for more "high profile" ones like Jardine / Larwood etc.
A recommended by Big Ant would be tough because they can't be officially endorsing players that aren't licensed.

How about having a Planet Cricket recommended. Would that get around the not being allowed to officially endorse players or does the same restriction apply to us here?
How about having a Planet Cricket recommended. Would that get around the not being allowed to officially endorse players or does the same restriction apply to us here?

Thats a great idea actually!! It can also help in ensuring the balance in online matches, as there can be an option to allow only 'Planet Cricket Recommended' teams online :yes! This will ensure that when I play against Australia Online, I dont come across a David Warner that bowls leg spinners like Shane Warne (and bats like Glenn McGrath!) :p!

I think @BigAntStudios should definitely look into something like this. So we can have three options when creating online matches:

a) Play with the default fake teams on the disc
b) Play with Planet Cricket Recommended Teams
c) Play with Any created Team
i have found that in terms of historical teams and some of the All Time teams there is very little choice... mostly the players were created by @Chevo and are generic looking but have correct names, most were linked but not all. i have updated a few players here and there (either my creations, or using those i found on the server including your excellent bodyline players) and made sure all linking was done as well as attributes and corrected errors i spotted such as the England 1930s (bodyline) squad not having Eddie Paynter.

these teams are by no means as good as the "current" international teams, and could certainly be improved, but they are correct, and as finding good images of some of these players is difficult and who would recognise them anyway, i haven't bothered changing many of the generic players except for more "high profile" ones like Jardine / Larwood etc.

Ahh okay thanks mate. I may have some time to improve some of them, since I have a PC setup over here now, but I cannot be certain. Nevertheless, the players should be all linked for bodyline and invincibles teams, even if they are rather generic looking.
Ahh okay thanks mate. I may have some time to improve some of them, since I have a PC setup over here now, but I cannot be certain. Nevertheless, the players should be all linked for bodyline and invincibles teams, even if they are rather generic looking.

yeah they are all linked and all names are correct.
Thats a great idea actually!! It can also help in ensuring the balance in online matches, as there can be an option to allow only 'Planet Cricket Recommended' teams online :yes! This will ensure that when I play against Australia Online, I dont come across a David Warner that bowls leg spinners like Shane Warne (and bats like Glenn McGrath!) :p!

I think @BigAntStudios should definitely look into something like this. So we can have three options when creating online matches:

a) Play with the default fake teams on the disc
b) Play with Planet Cricket Recommended Teams
c) Play with Any created Team

This will help immensely when it come to online leagues being played, then the league creator doesn't need to create the players that were bought in the virtual bid to ensure that the players aren't over stated. He can just link the "Planet Cricket Recommended" players that were bought to his teams, and then the teams will have the actual skills that their managers have bought.

Great idea
A few suggestions For CA:

1.I think an option to view the most downloaded player or team will also be good while searching, cause i think many are not bothered to rate while downloading and often you see good works down the list when sorted by ratings.

2.Automatic updating or notification whenever the original creator updates the Team/Player.

3.Like Angad has mentioned, it would be great to have an option of 'best teams recommended by PC or a particular dedicated group', rather than based just on ratings, which skews up certain players like angad mentioned.
It will take some legwork to setup but would make the get the best option much better and help people alien to PC.
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i think it's fine as it is...

Get Best is the "catch all" option, and should get you reasonable results as I think @Ross previously confirmed it applies only to properly linked teams

If you want something more tailored to your subjective preferences, you should be prepared to put in time making your own experience of the game better. i've no sympathy whatsoever for people picky enough to complain of the get best results, but too lazy to do anything themselves

for a halfway house, there are the teams from trusted creators in the linked teams thread

big ant can't be expected to think of every possible outcome and wipe people's arses when they're too lazy to do it for themselves.

ultimately people can very simply and with very little effort end up with the teams and exact rosters and lineups they want. if they want to put in no effort get best still gets them the "best" as voted by the community.

it really needs nothing more than that.
just been having a look through the tours in the academy and they don't seem to come with any type of warm up matches.

what i would like to know is if we were to add warm up games in does the game recognize this in career mode?

So say you added in a warm up match as western australia to a touring england side would we play in these warm up matches in career mode if you were in a career with western australia or does it only recognize sheffield shield and one day type matches until you become an international player then go on tours?
What is the best way to start this game Ina career to start easy or play as an international team on low settings until u get used to it then kick ass in career mode. It's nice to have these types of dilemmas in a cricket game

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