How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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have paused my career as tbh i am not good enough to take on pro-level. will hopefully get back to it soon.

i have made 1 run in 3 innings (first class pair, a single in a one dayer) and took 6 wickets (3 in each innings first class, 5-for in the one dayer)

made myself a batting all-rounder, fast bowler for gloucestershire. like mike procter, but sh*t.

Well Kind of same problem I dont want to play on Amateur and Pro is like living hell my highest is 12 and then I inside edge to the wicket. I need a lot of time in nets to improve my batting at pro level.

After 3 FC matches I avg mighty 5 and skipper didnt used me as a bowler although I got 5 wickets in last match I bowled. :facepalm
After my first season as a number 3 batsman (don't bowl) for Victoria and the Sydney Sixers, my batting averages looked like this.

FC: 5.54
List A: 7.81
T20: 8.60

So I knuckled down in the nets and in match practice, with batsman skills on Very Poor and bowler and overall skill on Very Good/Legend. Once I found myself hitting the ball decently with only a few dismissals, I went back to my career mode.

Four rounds into the 2nd year, I top the FC runs and am 2nd in the List A runs, with a FC high score of 232 and a List A high score of 130*. Practice makes perfect.
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Closing in on the end of my batsmans first season my avgs are
Fc - 28
Od - 22
T20 - 15

Ive reached the 50s in my last 4 shield innings now but keep hitting bugs
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Put my career on hold ! I'm playing as a batsman got the game now for over a week and the pro difficulty is just to hard and not fun if you can't get a score over 50 in in that time on more then 1 occasion I got tons of skill points but it doesn't seem to improve anything ! In another career as a all rounder same thing batting I get nowhere bowling way to easy and batting lol avg of 5.23 after 2 seasons !

I do appreciate to have a learning curve but come on seriously this is just to much
I play games since the old Atari 64 or whatever that thing was !
But this just frustrates me !

Please put amateur in career not everybody is a full on gamer the idea with starting the career at a later stage is all good and nice but you couldn't enjoy the whole 20 years
Just ad amateur without being eligible for the leaderboard !
^My advice to you is commit to front foot against paces and spinners both. If the ball is short you can still play cut or pull. Do not look to block too much. Exploit the gaps in the field. I was just as bad as you but when I found this way of play, I have been doing well as a batsman. I now have fifties in all three formats.
have paused my career as tbh i am not good enough to take on pro-level. will hopefully get back to it soon.

Fully suggest you keep on keeping on with career @blockerdave and just persevere. As long as you're clocking up even a few XP per match, it gets easier in your second year and just put focus on staying-in during 4 day first class matches... spend time getting used to the bowling and just have one or two "go to" shots you know you can get off strike with.

...then go slam some chunnster chump in an online match, like I did the other night before he "quit"
Fully suggest you keep on keeping on with career @blockerdave and just persevere. As long as you're clocking up even a few XP per match, it gets easier in your second year and just put focus on staying-in during 4 day first class matches... spend time getting used to the bowling and just have one or two "go to" shots you know you can get off strike with.

...then go slam some chunnster chump in an online match, like I did the other night before he "quit"

i'm off work tomorrow so got a 3 day weekend to put some time in... planning to get a bit more comfortable in co-ordination terms - i am terrible for playing off the wrong foot or pushing the stick in and leaving a straight one (like on my first ball in first class cricket :facepalm) once i'm a bit more confident in that i'll be back into the career.
Just wondering what are the xp points for ?
Overall ranking in the game what does this mean ?

Thanks Sami I give it a go
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There's two types.

There's XP for your overall level/score in the game for the online leader-board (shown as a shield in the top right hand corner) and then separate XP points/awards during career mode, which level-up your player according to the specific XP you get.
I don't know why but I think I deserve MOTM award for my bowling figures. :rolleyes


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Thanks Biggs !
but except leaderboard stuff it doesn't do anything ?

We'll suppose after your 20 year career you can compare with other people how many you got in that time !

Makes all sense now cheers
No worries, no idea what it does other than leader-boards. It may have a function whereby it uses that number to pair you against people with similar XP in online matches?

Honestly, the XP stuff you want to get as much as you can, is the career mode specific XP for front foot, back foot, offside, onside and so on for your career batter. There's similar ones for bowling (drift, for example, in spinners)
Anyone know how to check if the difficulty in career mode went up from pro to veteran?
Finally had a breakthrough innings getting 65 of 56, mainly batting with the tail when i tried to play an on drive which registered as a flick to square leg and i was subsequently bowled around the legs, :mad

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