How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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    970 might want to replace that before your pc catches fire, just sayin'

Yeah, It's under warranty still, so it has gone back to the supplier. Unfortunately they don't have stock so I have to wait 2 weeks for the replacement :(


The temptation to pull/hook a short ball seems to be my downfall every time I get going in my career matches... those guys hardly ever drop the catch, and I always kick myself for not holding RT and LT down when playing into that area. :lol :(
Playing on Veteran - I've genuinely no idea where this spell of bowling just came from! :eek:


Edit - I just got another with the third ball of my next over. Innings figures of 6-11, off 5 and a half overs, with 4 wickets in 9 balls! :eek:
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Playing on Veteran - I've genuinely no idea where this spell of bowling just came from! :eek:


Edit - I just got another with the third ball of my next over. Innings figures of 6-11, off 5 and a half overs, with 4 wickets in 9 balls! :eek:

Wow! Nice bowling!

My best bowling is 7-15 in 4 overs in a T20... putting a slower ball into an over at just the right time makes even the best batsman look like an amateur, going from 136km/h to 100km/h makes for some interesting shots :lol
Bit the bullet and started a new career on PC - had this excellent display of failure to deny me my third career wicket.

Bit the bullet and started a new career on PC - had this excellent display of failure to deny me my third career wicket.

Smooth. I had a match earlier where one of the fielders dropped the same batsman twice in a couple of overs off my bowling. To add insult to injury, they got overthrow runs after as well. I'd have been shouting at him if that had really happened, haha! I also had a few edges that didn't quite carry so I wasn't in the best of moods after that match, haha! On the plus side, things seem to have been picking up for me overall, and showing a bit more promise for the next seasons.

Just finished my second year, and it was a tough one with the jump to Veteran but things seem to be starting to slowly come together, though I'm still ruining good starts with the bat by getting out too early. Anyway in two years, I've taken 197 wickets, scored 1455 runs, taken 6 five-fors, and scored 8 fifties. Best score with the bat is 89, and best innings with the ball is the 6-11 mentioned a few posts ago. Not too shabby overall, though I'm sure others are probably doing much better. Need a break from it for a bit now though. I've already logged 140 hours on Steam in the past month, haha!
Doing well so far. Started a career as an English off spinning all rounder.

A few first class games bowling miserly and taking wickets. And whacking the odd few runs.
Promoted to England test team.

2 tests and 10 wickets thus far and with bat 3,0 and an unbeaten 54 off 63 balls.
Just finished my first year, does the difficulty go up a level?

It goes up when you go up a helmet level. I reached helmet level #2 a few games into my second season, so the difficulty went up then. Much of the next year was a bit of a struggle, but still had some high points, particularly towards the ending, which show promise for the next season - at least until I get called up by England and the difficulty level goes up again, haha!
Back to sucking as usual as a no. 3 career batsman (on Legend). Have finished 3 seasons and just started the 4th one and my stats have tailed off like Captain Cook's batting :(

FC: Ave 32 with 4 100s and 18 50s
List A: Ave 29 with 3 100s (or maybe 4) and 4 50s
T20: Ave 28 with 5 50s

I was close to national team selection half a season back and then my career player fell off the cliff. Aus 50 over cup I was able to get delected in was a disaster. I played 15 games in the tourney and averaged 14 with a high score of 47. Aus domestic teams have lot more fast bowlers and you have to pre-meditate lot more resulting in getting caught on the leg side. Or, you end up playing early to a slower ball. Now I have to do it all over again as I'm "Long Way Off" in almost all selections afte getting quite close barely less than a season ago. Quite disappointing and have to find a way to tackle fast bowlers.
Just started a career on legend, playing an Associate career - replaced Aus domestic with Irish domestic sides plus Italy, Denmark and Russia, and replaced the international sides except Bang and Zim with Associates.

Payed the first FC game, as a opener for North West Warriors. Made 37 & 50 vs Italy though we lost by 8 wickets.

That's my first 50 on legend!
How on earth are some people managing to get real-like scorecards? How do they manage to have that much patience :eek:
Can someone please tell me after how much xp will I be choose as an international player ?! Thanks a lot

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