How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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surely it would be possible to create a club league on the cricket academy?? maybe make a generic set of clubs that you could choose to start with, before moving to state and beyond?
I think given the large squad sizes it would be the easier option to start in 2nd xi state or county in future versions rather than model village or club cricket. That would be a reasonably good compromise.

If you wanna be a big fish in a small pond, f**k off up the model village!!! Lol

Yep I think 2nd XI cricket would probably be best, and I'd like to see international u19s too!!

@whitey it does happen but its rare!
Hopefully BA can incorporate some sort of league structure into the career mode. I'm intending to purchase DB14 purely for this mode and was hoping this would be implemented.

TBH, its not a deal breaker - I'm happy to 'wallow' in the midst of state cricket for a while trying to jostle for position in the eyes of the selectors. It would be great in the future (DB15 perhaps??) for this mode to be extended. I don't know about everyone else but its the challenge that keeps me playing a game - if I started at 16 and by 17 was the No 3 in Aust's test team scoring a century every other match...I wouldn't touch the game again. Its got to be hard so that you EARN your place. Look at the likes of Hussey, Boof, North, Marsh, etc most of these guys didn't get a lookin until they were close to 30 or something with 000's of shield cricket runs under their belt before selection.

i think ross suggested it's possible to be playing test cricket within a "few" (or "couple") of years, but not likely to be happening all the time, so i don't think it's gonna happen at 17 :)

a lot of it will come down to how the career mode customisation happens (is it just setting up new countries, or can you define whole structures) but as someone pointed out it's a game for the masses who may not want to be fannying around in club sides for years (plus BA would have to then create several "park" grounds, because Stenchville 3rd XI aren't gonna be playing at the SCG and that's gonna be a budget thing) etc.

then remember how much testing you'd have to do with each additional structure to make sure you go up/down the levels in the right way etc. and it all adds up to huge development costs.

maybe in the future, especially if they do get the stadium editor thing going and people can make their own park grounds, a deeper career structure might be viable, but for now what we have is very exciting.
surely it would be possible to create a club league on the cricket academy?? maybe make a generic set of clubs that you could choose to start with, before moving to state and beyond?

You can definitely create a club league but you will not be able to import it into the career mode as a lower level competition, as that would require the whole structure of career mode to change and is beyond what the customisation of Cricket Academy provides.

If anyone wants to create a club league at any level, heck it could be under 12s, then they can do so and just play individual leagues.
i think ross suggested it's possible to be playing test cricket within a "few" (or "couple") of years, but not likely to be happening all the time, so i don't think it's gonna happen at 17
I think this post helps a bit:
Is it possible for a player to play for an international side within a year of starting the career? Also if he does that, would he struggle in the beginning if he did not get his stats high enough to be able to compete for an international match?

How fast can you reach International level? Can we actually do a Sachin? I know playing past 36 is not possible but can you start early?

Not in the first year, but it won't take 5 for a very good player either.
yeah I hear ya. Still...would be great. I'm assuming that the core game has been completed and they're just polishing up stuff rather than looking to add additional complexities like a full club league structure, extra grounds, etc. Maybe in DB15? :D
yeah I hear ya. Still...would be great. I'm assuming that the core game has been completed and they're just polishing up stuff rather than looking to add additional complexities like a full club league structure, extra grounds, etc. Maybe in DB15? :D

I'd imagine that the past few months were spent gameplay tweaking, bug testing etc, rather than small new features like new grounds :thumbs
Can you play with your career mode player in other modes? I know you can create yourself and put him in your team, but I'd quite like to have the current skills, stats and attributes for my player and use him in another game mode if I want a break from only controlling one player, but like using my "project".
Can you play with your career mode player in other modes? I know you can create yourself and put him in your team, but I'd quite like to have the current skills, stats and attributes for my player and use him in another game mode if I want a break from only controlling one player, but like using my "project".

Interesting. Not sure, but outside of career mode you can make players of whatever skill you want (within reason) so you could in theory manually put in all his attributes to match the career. It'd be a bit of a pain though. Stats even moreso, but they're not as important.
can I just say this while we're on ages.

why 36?

how many players actually retire at 36? I mentioned earlier will we see stat atrophy in players, tbh, that would really only set in at 33-34, so imo, extending it to a more realistic potential 38-39 would allow that to actually play a more interesting part.
^ IMO, 38-39 is a going a bit too far. 36 seems a good enough figure. As soon as a cricketer crosses 32, people start talking about how long would he go on for. So 36 seems like the right age at least w.r.t a video game.
202 players have played at 38 and over.
285 players have played at 37 or over.
373 have played at 36 and over.
497 have played at 35 and over.

this means if you are playing at 35 there is a better than 1 in 2 chance you would still be playing at 37, and roughly the same chance that if you're still playing at 36 you'd still be playing at 38.
What about players in their 30s that are just a bit crap at cricket?

They can just take a leave and blame it on KP or depression. ;););)

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