How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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Here's another quick question - in the career mode, will BA develop a list of future stars for each team? ie.

- S Africa - Smith, Steyn, Kallis
- Aust - Clarke, Warner, Johnson
- India - Kohli, Tendulka, Dhoni
etc etc

You get the idea. I mean, surely as you progress through your career, you won't just come across randoms....and that every test team will have its stars (that start around the time you start).

I'm assuming this would be 'controlled' by BA?
There is a lot to be said on the Career mode. Hopefully with the release date announced this week, we will start seeing more information soon on two of the key points that BA haven't spoken a lot about: Multiplayer and Career Mode.
There is a lot to be said on the Career mode. Hopefully with the release date announced this week, we will start seeing more information soon on two of the key points that BA haven't spoken a lot about: Multiplayer and Career Mode.

I think they should leave it as a surprise now. I would rather have me going "dayummm that's in the game too?!" Than to be like "ohh yeah Ross mentioned this on PC"
I would prefer a little more clarity on Career Mode for non-English and non-Australian players. Career Mode is one of the key things that I am looking forward to in DBC14.
I think its been mentioned before but while I'm hoping that the Career mode is going to be everything we've all dreamed it could be, I feel that a note of caution is important.

This is the first career mode ever in a cricket game so I would be happy if they had just focused on getting it "right" rather than so packed full of features that it doesn't work fully as a career mode. Of course if I'm wrong and it works, is packed full of features etc then I'll be over the moon!
I would prefer a little more clarity on Career Mode for non-English and non-Australian players. Career Mode is one of the key things that I am looking forward to in DBC14.
Your created player has a nationality which will be what side they'd play international cricket for, and while it only comes with Australian/English domestic out of the box, there's a career team list editor for adding/changing the competitions in the career mode.

So out of the box, not as good outside Australia/England - but you can still play for your choice of national team; and with a bit of time editing, you can play with whatever setup you like (though you may not be able to replicate the exact structure of some of them)
can we see records of our player in career mode, example top ten high scores, top ten fastest 50's, top ten best bowling, etc..
Your created player has a nationality which will be what side they'd play international cricket for, and while it only comes with Australian/English domestic out of the box, there's a career team list editor for adding/changing the competitions in the career mode.

Career team list editor is great, but I couldn't see from your play-session career mode videos how you can add custom competitions to your career mode. Did you see that while playing?
Your created player has a nationality which will be what side they'd play international cricket for, and while it only comes with Australian/English domestic out of the box, there's a career team list editor for adding/changing the competitions in the career mode.

So out of the box, not as good outside Australia/England - but you can still play for your choice of national team; and with a bit of time editing, you can play with whatever setup you like (though you may not be able to replicate the exact structure of some of them)

So if I select Scotland does that stop me from playing test cricket? Or does it let Scottish players play for England?
Career team list editor is great, but I couldn't see from your play-session career mode videos how you can add custom competitions to your career mode. Did you see that while playing?
I didn't see it, but considering what team lists are in the other parts of the game that we can access - groupings you make of like teams - it's fairly logical as to what the options are.


So if I select Scotland does that stop me from playing test cricket? Or does it let Scottish players play for England?
I don't know on that.

The wording in the career mode is 'International Affiliation' rather than the nationality that it is more broadly. Australia was auto selected for me so I didn't look at the options there.

I'd hope that you can pick any team that you categorise as 'international' and can play test matches for them.
Will future editions of the game have a manager career mode alongside a pro career mode? I am 100% for a be a pro mode over a manager mode, but I feel that the manager mode would still be good fun (especially after reading some of Ross' posts from 2012), and it would be nice to build a team over many years. I'm not particularly concerned about this as it probably won't be worth the cost of implementing it and wouldn't work as well with cricket as with other sports (hence scrapping it in the first place), but I'm interested on what the plan is for career mode.
Will future editions of the game have a manager career mode alongside a pro career mode? I am 100% for a be a pro mode over a manager mode, but I feel that the manager mode would still be good fun (especially after reading some of Ross' posts from 2012), and it would be nice to build a team over many years. I'm not particularly concerned about this as it probably won't be worth the cost of implementing it and wouldn't work as well with cricket as with other sports (hence scrapping it in the first place), but I'm interested on what the plan is for career mode.

I'm definitely more keen on the Pro career mode, but the option of having a manager mode would be good too in future iterations.

In fact, having something like FIFA does that you can start as a player and then move over and become a manager with the ultimate goal of becoming the manager/coach of your country. Obviously, this would be a huge amount of work from a development stand point. But definitely something I'd like to see down the track.
After playing the nets for the first time last night... I now see the value in pro-mode over manager mode.

By putting all your energy into 1 player I think it'll be a hell of a lot easier to immerse yourself in the game and feel like you're actually out in the middle!

Your wicket is the only one you need to protect and therefore I think you will take greater ownership of every shot and decision making moment
I'm sure I've asked this question but I can't remember if its been answered:

- with the ability to download unlicensed players via CA (to replace the 'placeholder' players), does BA control the individual player ratings, etc to ensure its consistent across all platforms, or is this left to the individual creator/designer?
- do these CA downloaded players replace the placeholders in the career mode as well?


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