How are you going in Ashes Cricket 2009?

Played my verry first finished ODI match. Brilliant fun, though both of the teams were slogging as if it was a 15 over match. D: I (Pakistan) won a great victory of 51 runs. England were about 160 all out (thanks to awesome bowling of Gul, Aamer and to finish the match, Afridi). Btw this was a Semi-Final Tournament stage and I unlocked Melbourne and another stadium. I think it was Antigua and Barbuda but I have already unlocked it. :p

Anyway enough chit chat and here's some pics.

WHAT are your stats for aamer of pakistan and have you created any more players, if so can you please post the stats.

ashleyj123 added 2 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

Final match has been conquered.

No Aussies, you didn't win this final. :sarcasm

Aus won the toss and elected to bat. Every single batsman was slogging as if it was a 2 over match. :p Michael Clarke was flaming away with 44 off 16 balls followed by ole Ponting 37 off 17 balls. :eek:

Aamer as usual did a brilliant job of mopping the top & middle order. Aussies were unrealistically 157 all out in 13.2 overs. :facepalm

Anyway I started out calm in the second innings but lost wickets and my concentration, followed by a HUGE collapse and then as usual a total rescue from Razzaq and helped a bit by Ajmal.

Here are the pics:

Match Summary


Pakistan hold aloft the trophy:


The trophy:


I'm looking forward to finish Botham's impossible batting challenge #6, after that some more tournaments and finally to finish the game, Ashes Series and a few more Exhibition matches to unlock many rewards in there.

What are your stats for aamer of pakistan and if you have created more payers can you please post the stats thaNKS
Stumps day 1. SA well on top, Broad the only successful bowler. England will hope for early wickets on day 2.


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Stumps day 1. SA well on top, Broad the only successful bowler. England will hope for early wickets on day 2.

Keep it coming mate! On hard im gathering? do you try and land the ball in the yellow all the time?

Good to see the AI batting well!
Played my verry first finished ODI match. Brilliant fun, though both of the teams were slogging as if it was a 15 over match. D: I (Pakistan) won a great victory of 51 runs. England were about 160 all out (thanks to awesome bowling of Gul, Aamer and to finish the match, Afridi). Btw this was a Semi-Final Tournament stage and I unlocked Melbourne and another stadium. I think it was Antigua and Barbuda but I have already unlocked it. :p

Anyway enough chit chat and here's some pics.

WHAT are your stats for aamer of pakistan and have you created any more players, if so can you please post the stats.

ashleyj123 added 2 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

What are your stats for aamer of pakistan and if you have created more payers can you please post the stats thaNKS
Eeh, I have the International Roster v5.1. Get it here.
Stumps day 1. SA well on top, Broad the only successful bowler. England will hope for early wickets on day 2.

You got a hell of a game going on there surely surey the ai is gonna get a big total.

Keep us updated please. :D
Jonah, what difficulty are you playing on?

I'm not happy that the Batting AI hits whatever bowl, from whoever, on whatever pitch for a six on every single delivery I bowl. :|
I thought with the patches added the ai were no where near as agressive now??

Are you bowling in light green areas??

Giggs11 added 10 Minutes and 30 Seconds later...

Also can anyone post some videos of the patched game showing new bowling length and wickets ect as i have not seen no footage of patched game. If anyone can it woud be really apprciated but keep all the pictures coming please:D
Hi guys, I'm playing on hard level, using the Beta 2 patch. When I installed the patches, they were on a fresh installation of Ashes 09, first applying Beta 1, then Beta 2, without playing a game in between. The first time I loaded the game up was after applying both patches.

9 times out of 10 I try to land the ball in the light green/yellow area, with the meter on light green/yellow (hence all the no-balls!). Occsionally, further to Kev's advice, I'll put the marker in a darker green area, but find that then, if you don't get the bowling meter in light green/yellow, the cpu will punish you.

I try to bowl realistic line and lengths, occasional shorter pitched spells and the odd full length/yorker ball.

Don't know why I'm finding it so difficult to get wickets, when others are dismissing the cpu for 200-300 (maybe it's because I'm playing SA?). But I'm glad of it, as it's a real challenge, with very realistic run rates. Also, another big thanks to Shailesh's HowsDat program, which allows me to 'reset' the batsmen's confidence levels to timid after a break (lunch/tea/start of the day).

My main bug bear is the cpu field placings, but I live in hope that someone with the necessary skills will have the time and patience to make a field editor, like we had in c2k5 and c2k7.

Now, to work on my batting, and I'm confident on having a few Tests last 5 days!

Unfortunately, due to work, I won't be able to play further until tomorrow pm, but I'll kepp you guys posted on my progress.
9 times out of 10 I try to land the ball in the light green/yellow area, with the meter on light green/yellow (hence all the no-balls!). Occsionally, further to Kev's advice, I'll put the marker in a darker green area, but find that then, if you don't get the bowling meter in light green/yellow, the cpu will punish you.
I have got wickets in the dark green area, but it is risky and it needs to be very occasional and delivered spot on. Like you say, for most deliveries you need to land in the yellow, or just outside. I don't know if the batsmen respond to being setup with outswingers followed by an inswinger or any other real life tactic. They do seem to respond to sustained pressure, if you can tie them down you can slip in the odd well placed ball outside the yellow and tempt them into making a mistake. Most edges i've got have come from landing the ball in the yellow and delivering it well time for a while, then keeping the cursor in roughly the same place slightly mistime the delivery, just in the green and if you are lucky you'll get an edge. Although most seem to go to leg slip or pretty much any slip position that you don't have a fielder!
Hi guys, I'm playing on hard level, using the Beta 2 patch. When I installed the patches, they were on a fresh installation of Ashes 09, first applying Beta 1, then Beta 2, without playing a game in between. The first time I loaded the game up was after applying both patches.

9 times out of 10 I try to land the ball in the light green/yellow area, with the meter on light green/yellow (hence all the no-balls!). Occsionally, further to Kev's advice, I'll put the marker in a darker green area, but find that then, if you don't get the bowling meter in light green/yellow, the cpu will punish you.

I try to bowl realistic line and lengths, occasional shorter pitched spells and the odd full length/yorker ball.

Don't know why I'm finding it so difficult to get wickets, when others are dismissing the cpu for 200-300 (maybe it's because I'm playing SA?). But I'm glad of it, as it's a real challenge, with very realistic run rates. Also, another big thanks to Shailesh's HowsDat program, which allows me to 'reset' the batsmen's confidence levels to timid after a break (lunch/tea/start of the day).

My main bug bear is the cpu field placings, but I live in hope that someone with the necessary skills will have the time and patience to make a field editor, like we had in c2k5 and c2k7.

Now, to work on my batting, and I'm confident on having a few Tests last 5 days!

Unfortunately, due to work, I won't be able to play further until tomorrow pm, but I'll kepp you guys posted on my progress.

Hi mate, certainly a good game going there though been some hard work for you, a flat track may be ;). When bowling, I normally start with a straight delivery on perfect length (yellow circle), then near delivery point I change it to swing or cut. You can try this if you haven't. Other than this my bowling strategy is pretty much same as yours i.e. realistic line/lengths. Also once the ball is old I tend to rely more on cut than swing, till reverse swing is available. Ishant took 10 wickets using this strategy ;) (was hard work though) then again, the only game I've played was aginst WI, will give it a try agaist SA/Aus next.

Update: Aus v Pak (me) at Sydney: Aus 1/104 at lunch (Pak ruing a missed chance of Ponting on 0 :facepalm)
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I thought with the patches added the ai were no where near as agressive now??

Are you bowling in light green areas??

Meh, the patches require the CD and I have a nocd patch so that I don't destroy my poor CD anymore. :( I'm also trying to bowl yorkers but they just smash it for six. Must be the wrong line & length.

Maybe I'll try a game on Hard.
Meh, the patches require the CD and I have a nocd patch so that I don't destroy my poor CD anymore. :( I'm also trying to bowl yorkers but they just smash it for six. Must be the wrong line & length.

Maybe I'll try a game on Hard.
So you play a seriously bad game instead of the mythically harming your CD by reading from it just the once each time you load the game? Yeah, pull the other one, we all know why you are using the no cd patch.

Anyway. I have high hopes of my 3rd Ashes match. Didn't declare and didn't manage to add many at the start of day 3 either. Lost Prior in the first over of the day and out steps Big Fred, the saviour of my first innings. He's dropped fist ball and didn't last much longer, facing 6 more ball before getting out for nowt. Lost Bell soon afterwards as I continue to struggle against spin.

Aussies have come in and played much better. Both wickets came from sustained periods of landing the ball in the yellow and delivering them well. Hussey has edged a couple off Broad but they have either not carried or gone to positions sans fielder.

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Since when did I say it was a seriously bad game? I have bought it legally for 27.53 pounds if you don't believe I purchased it. No need to flame me about it.

I am not trying to offend or disrespect you in any way. Let's not argue anymore.
Then seriously. Dump the no cd patch and download the beta. You'll kick yourself for not doing it sooner!

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