How are you going in International Cricket 2010?

England (AI) vs Codemasters XI (me)

England- 1st Innings: 131 (39.2 overs)

A.Cook 52 (72) - D.Vettori 5/33 (9.0)
J.Trott 31 (71) - S. Al Hasan 3/9 (4.2)

Codemasters- 1st Innings: 19/0 (6.0 overs)

S.Tendulkar 9* (16) - J.Anderson 0/8 (3.0)
I.Farhat 9* (21) - S.Finn 0/11 (3.0)
Ive got a test going at the mo thats just gone into day5!! :banana2
I'll post the match summary up once its finished.
Update on my test match at Lord's;

England (AI) vs Codemasters XI (me)

Codemasters won the toss and elected to field.

England 1st innings- 131 (39.2 overs)

A.Cook 52 (72)
J.Trott 31 (71)

D.Vettori 5/32 (9.0)
S.Al Hasan 3/9 (4.2)

Codemasters XI 1st innings- 138/4 (28.4 overs)

J.Kallis 55 (67)
R.Taylor 28 (30)

Anderson 6/56 (12.5)
P.Collingwood 1/33 (4.0)

England 2nd innings- 57 (15.0 overs)

A.Cook 22 (28)
K.Pietersen 14 (19)

D.Vettori 5/33 (7.0)
D.Steyn 5/24 (8.0)

Codemasters XI 2nd Innings- 6/0 (1.0 overs)

I.Farhat 5* (3)
S.Tendulkar 1* (3)

Codemasters won match by 10 wickets

Thats going to be my last game on IC2010 for a while, the AI in the game make the game boring, I may come back to it at a later date, but I think thats me done for now.

Edit; The comment above was very harsh and I did indeed jump to conclusions, I was just very annoyed that Steyn got the last 4 wickets with inswinging yorkers that each batsman missed! I will be playing the game again :)
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Update on my test match at Lord's;

England (AI) vs Codemasters XI (me)

Codemasters won the toss and elected to field.

England 1st innings- 131 (39.2 overs)

A.Cook 52 (72)
J.Trott 31 (71)

D.Vettori 5/32 (9.0)
S.Al Hasan 3/9 (4.2)

Codemasters XI 1st innings- 138/4 (28.4 overs)

J.Kallis 55 (67)
R.Taylor 28 (30)

Anderson 6/56 (12.5)
P.Collingwood 1/33 (4.0)

England 2nd innings- 57 (15.0 overs)

A.Cook 22 (28)
K.Pietersen 14 (19)

D.Vettori 5/33 (7.0)
D.Steyn 5/24 (8.0)

Codemasters XI 2nd Innings- 6/0 (1.0 overs)

I.Farhat 5* (3)
S.Tendulkar 1* (3)

Codemasters won match by 10 wickets

Thats going to be my last game on IC2010 for a while, the AI in the game make the game boring, I may come back to it at a later date, but I think thats me done for now.

Edit; The comment above was very harsh and I did indeed jump to conclusions, I was just very annoyed that Steyn got the last 4 wickets with inswinging yorkers that each batsman missed! I will be playing the game again :)

I think your within your rights to make that comment. The AI has been improved with the run out bug, but thats it. I still think for a good test the AI needs to pace its self. It seems it always goes to take 3 or 4 off an over. I find spinners are usually knocked about and conceed at least 6 - 8 an over. You shouldn't be punished for a perfect line and length ball, and the AI should leave alot more wide deliveries. I would be happy to bowl for 120 overs and conceed 450, than bowl 60 - 70 overs all the time conceeding 250 -300. So my plan was too give this game up after this test too. Until they sort out, yorkers hooked for 6, super human keepers never giving away a single bye or leg-bye, spinners that are actually hard to bat against, and the adition of rain/bad light delays and pitch's that actually do what they should, (ball swinging normally after 40 overs in india and pakistan. whats that all about)??!! then i may give ICC2011 a miss. Ive got ICC2010 on p.c now, so i hope that keeps my mind off this.
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Game: Australia (AI) vs England (Me)
Toss: Aus won toss and chose to bat first

Australia 1st innings: 157 (40.4 overs)

R.Ponting 42 (71)
S.Watson 27 (49)

G.Swann 7/86 (15.0)
S.Broad 2/7 (4.4)

England 1st innings: 75/0 (19.0 overs)

A.Strauss 39* (65)
A.Cook 34* (51)

Pretty much on top of the game at tea on day 1. Yet another poor batting display from the AI, something which needs to be sorted out for IC2011.
First game for ages - test match on hard. Turns out the game isn't unrealistic after all... (I even gave Yousuf batting stats of 96)


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lol. Jeeeeezzz! :doh Thats some serious good bowling though if its on hard. Best ive bowled a team out for on hard was bangladesh for 60 i think. They just go for to many shots. Not enough left and not enough defended. And i HATE being punished for bowling perfect line and length.
Finally got the game

well I finally got the game today. I didn't realize it had been released elsewhere in the world. Didn't realize we got so jipped here in Oz. I've started the game on Hard minimal HUD. Seems a fair bit harder than 09 which is great. One minor gripe is the time it takes to cancel a run. Oh and that the commentary seems to be the same as 09? Well Warnes commentary was. That's a little unforgivable. I guess I will turn it off and give my own commentary. I'm told I do good impersonations. :) The pacing seems good for now. I haven't batted too long though so I'll come back with some more constructive and experienced views. HUD off seems quite hard. I'm not sure how playable it will be given the time it gives you to play shots etc. It would be interesting if we could find out exactly the amount of time it gives you. That would shed some light on whether or not it gives us enough time to react. As a persons reaction to seeing a stimuli and then acting on that stimuli is measurable and know. (what it is I'm not sure, can't remember but could find out with a simple google search.)
well I finally got the game today. I didn't realize it had been released elsewhere in the world. Didn't realize we got so jipped here in Oz. I've started the game on Hard minimal HUD. Seems a fair bit harder than 09 which is great. One minor gripe is the time it takes to cancel a run. Oh and that the commentary seems to be the same as 09? Well Warnes commentary was. That's a little unforgivable. I guess I will turn it off and give my own commentary. I'm told I do good impersonations. :) The pacing seems good for now. I haven't batted too long though so I'll come back with some more constructive and experienced views. HUD off seems quite hard. I'm not sure how playable it will be given the time it gives you to play shots etc. It would be interesting if we could find out exactly the amount of time it gives you. That would shed some light on whether or not it gives us enough time to react. As a persons reaction to seeing a stimuli and then acting on that stimuli is measurable and know. (what it is I'm not sure, can't remember but could find out with a simple google search.)

The problem is not necessarily the reaction time you have. A batsmen facing a 145km/h cricket ball over 22 yards has little reaction time to decide which shot how and when to play. This is in principle the same with this game. However the problems lies in the control set-up to play the shot. Whereas a batsmen instinctively uses his two hands in quick movement to place the bat in the way of the ball, we are confronted with different fingers having to press different buttons as well as pointing the joystick in a suitable direction. This task takes much longer for the brain to work out and put into action. Only with practice or an even more intuitive batting control will it work. Maybe there is a way to combine the power stick with shot choice: no pressure is defensive, more pressure is attacking, with even more pressure to force the ball more fully....
The problem is not necessarily the reaction time you have. A batsmen facing a 145km/h cricket ball over 22 yards has little reaction time to decide which shot how and when to play. This is in principle the same with this game. However the problems lies in the control set-up to play the shot. Whereas a batsmen instinctively uses his two hands in quick movement to place the bat in the way of the ball, we are confronted with different fingers having to press different buttons as well as pointing the joystick in a suitable direction. This task takes much longer for the brain to work out and put into action. Only with practice or an even more intuitive batting control will it work. Maybe there is a way to combine the power stick with shot choice: no pressure is defensive, more pressure is attacking, with even more pressure to force the ball more fully....

I can not entirely agree with you there. A person in real life has the whole time from the ball leaving the hand to the ball reaching them. Most good players pick up the approx line and length just before or after the ball has left the hand. (before coming in to affect when the bowler is later at releasing the ball, thus suggesting a short ball.) Where as in the game the reaction time is cut well short of that as you have to commit to the shot direction and timing well before the ball has reached the batsman.
The reaction time against quick bowlers is comparable to that of a fighter pilot. Decisions have to be made in under half a second, multiple decisions.

If they allow more time then people will just bitch that the bowling "does not feel fast"

You just got the game today, give it a bit more time before you make a final decision. You can't have played it more than a few hours.
furthermore reaction time is all about seeing a stimuli (ball leaving hands or in this case, marker showing up) then deciding what to do about the stimuli, then actually completing the task. (making the shot (bat on ball)) and the time it takes to do all this. This is obviously different in the game as we don't have the luxury of utilizing the time up to bat on ball. I think a slider to adjust the time we see the cursor would help allot as suggested by others. We may need only another fraction of a second to make it playable and more enjoyable. I don't like our odds on that happening though. I would love to be proven wrong. Having said that I haven't played this enough yet to be too good at min HUD yet anyway. So as for now it won't bother me with my half hour of play time. :) But having said that I just think it would be interesting to compare the two required reaction times. Thats all I'm sayin. Maybe I'll do it when I'm bored one day

Jocar83 added 11 Minutes and 28 Seconds later...

Reaction time does become slower as additional response options are added too though. Choice reaction time or something? Long time ago since I knew this kind of stuff well. So your comment on having too many things to decide at once is a valid one too. Hence something does need to happen in order to either simplify or give that extra .1 of a second or so.
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Well i have the same gripe with how fast you have to be with quick seamers. With hud off any leave is pure quess work. What about a new way of getting perfect timing? For example, you have to press the shot button as close as possible to when the ball strikes the ground. Youde still have to be fast, but not as fast. Giving you time to judge if you wanted to leave alone or not.
With hud off any leave is pure quess work.

Well there we have it. A leave as we know requires no controller manipulation at all. If hud off doesn't allow you enough time to judge whether or not you can successfully do nothing at all safely, then we obviously don't have enough time to react up our sleeves making HUD off simply nothing more than a novelty. Sad but true. Please trickstar fix this major oversight.

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