How are you going in International Cricket 2010?

Played this game for the first time in three months! I was pleasantly surprised at how good it actually can be. I suppose that it is the key to any game, however good or bad it is. if you overplay it, it will get boring and predictable. I had a good couple of games and it was very enjoyable.

Same for me. But you just have to play against a non licensed team and adjust the stats, as i cant bowl against england or australia and have them score more than 200 on hard. True i could turn off the hud, but then im bowling 3 no balls every over and thats just as unrealistic.
I'm not sure whether to buy this game, just came out in Australia. What do you need to do to the stats to make the AI play well? do you need to change your own stats? also are there still instant wicket balls, like bowling an in cutting half volley from a left armer to a right hander and have him play a back foot shot and get bowled? do spinners get heaps of wickets too? coz these were the two things that ruined ashes 09 for me. i want to be able to get a good game without adjusting my playing style, just opposition stats.
Same for me. But you just have to play against a non licensed team and adjust the stats, as i cant bowl against england or australia and have them score more than 200 on hard. True i could turn off the hud, but then im bowling 3 no balls every over and thats just as unrealistic.

True. My game was Holland against Scotland, and was very realistic...i.e. they were both crap!
True. My game was Holland against Scotland, and was very realistic...i.e. they were both crap!

lol nice one!! I think i found a way to get the best game i can possibly get. If you give the bowlers really high acuracy, and the batters high timing and placement presision then you should have a better game. Give batters very low strength and youll decrease the AI smashing boundries, lower their running speed too and you may get a few more run outs. (never thought ide say that after AC09) Ive said it a million times before, but if the pitch/weather conditions actually made a difference then perhaps that would help too!
lol nice one!! I think i found a way to get the best game i can possibly get. If you give the bowlers really high acuracy, and the batters high timing and placement presision then you should have a better game. Give batters very low strength and youll decrease the AI smashing boundries, lower their running speed too and you may get a few more run outs. (never thought ide say that after AC09) Ive said it a million times before, but if the pitch/weather conditions actually made a difference then perhaps that would help too!

Yeah, there are areas that need improving but overall I would still buy this game as it is by far the best thing out there at the moment.
Yeah, there are areas that need improving but overall I would still buy this game as it is by far the best thing out there at the moment.

And I bet that was sad to say. Knowingly getting ripped off by a sub-par game is pretty much what you can expect from Codemasters.
And I bet that was sad to say. Knowingly getting ripped off by a sub-par game is pretty much what you can expect from Codemasters.

My god your bitter! All i ever read from you is negative comments and rude remarks to people. You've expressed your disgust at codemasters many many times now. You dont need to keep putting the same thing every time. And on a personal note to you captainoz, i dont care if i am 30 and make a few spelling mistakes. I have my own house, a steady job, a wife and 2 kids. I put food on the table and dont hurt anyone. So i say ive done quite well for myself even with this "condition" of mine! If my bad spelling upsets you so much, just ignore me. But im getting tired of reading your replies that have reference to my spelling mistakes. Get over it!
My god your bitter! All i ever read from you is negative comments and rude remarks to people. You've expressed your disgust at codemasters many many times now. You dont need to keep putting the same thing every time. And on a personal note to you captainoz, i dont care if i am 30 and make a few spelling mistakes. I have my own house, a steady job, a wife and 2 kids. I put food on the table and dont hurt anyone. So i say ive done quite well for myself even with this "condition" of mine! If my bad spelling upsets you so much, just ignore me. But im getting tired of reading your replies that have reference to my spelling mistakes. Get over it!

You can get over yourself, mate. Sounds like you're protesting a bit too much.

By the way, learn how to use apostrophes. "ive" should be I've. And "dont" should be don't. And "your" in the first sentence is "you're".

Obviously you don't read any section of the forums if you think I only write these so-called "negative comments and rude remarks". Then again, reading isn't your strong point, is it mate?

Next time, think before you type.
And let's be fair here - a lot of us very jaded people really gave Codemasters support this time. We got behind the new game and tried to remain enthusiastic about it. And once again, this company shafted us.

I wish I could be happy with a broken game, but I just can't. The small window of "some decent AI matches on minimal HUD with Hard settings" is not enough for me, and wasn't solely what I paid for.
The big Ant news is even worse, ps3 move only, it will probably be very ████ and arcadey.
Yeah, it doesn't look promising at all, to be honest.

We keep finding ourselves saying things like "maybe next year, maybe next year....." in the hope for a quality game
I've already given up, it will be a decade at least until cricket games are comparable with the Show and by then who knows what baseball games will be like.

I'm just glad I like baseball
Well I will step in here and say that this thread is getting off topic. It is for people wanting to discuss how they are getting on with the current game of IC 2010. There are other threads for discussing the pros and cons if the game. I think it is important to remember that views will differ. I personally very much like the game and can still use it with pleasure. For others it is clearly different. please respect all views and don't try to paste your view on to somebody else or be annoyed with them because they have another view to yours. That is what forums are about. Here endeth the sermon....
Sermons don't work on me, but the people on this thread will just have to agree to disagree. After today, I have no more time left for IC10 and Codemasters, unless they come out and support/fix the game.

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