So after a rather poor experience with Twenty20 I played a Test match. The AI behaves much more conservatively. Got them at 60/0 at lunch, both batsmen have starts and now Im having trouble removing them.
Played a game online last night, was very realistic and I think there were barely any sixes at all :happy
That was a fun match. Although you dominated throughout but you gotta remember I am just an average player
I will hopefully do little better after getting use to the controller.
My first impression about the game (played on hard, full hud):
- In 20-20 like everyone else pointed out AI were pacing their innings really well. They scored 206 in one of the match I played. I did enjoy bowling with the action cam although I am going to try broadcast cam just to see how much ball is swinging and stuff.
- Batting with action cam is real fun, it does improve the entire experience and no action cam is not over-hyped. It does deserve a special mention in every single review which has been the case so far. I got out for 60 in response to 206!. Still getting use to the controller & action cam.
- Fielding in my opinion is almost the same as in AC 2009, I have only played one match so haven't seen any new animation like diving. But AI still gives up easy on the boundary when the ball is within the reach of being stopped. It's like they are hearing the commentary and if Ian Bishop "Good Shot" then it has to go past the boundary.
- Yorkers are definitely effective in bowling but are slightly easier to bowl which should not be the case. Bowl does swing and spin which is a definite improvement over AC 2009. I haven't yet tried out reverse swing but will soon when i play a Test.
- AI running between the wicket is far too conservative, but I will take that as oppose to the game breaking run out bug of AC 2009.
- Played one online match which was super fun. I have to say there was no LAG it almost felt like playing offline plus playing against human AI is challenging. Sixes are not easy to come-by unless the batsmen has high confidence. I was totally bogged down by mark and had to do 1s and 2s to bring confidence of mr. yuvraj up after which I was able to hit some boundaries. To sum it up, it is not a complete slogfest in my opinion with bowling variations.
- I had super hard time doing a custom field in one of the online match i played where when i click on edit and try to move the fielder it starts bowling with a random field. I am slow with the controller but not that slow ! Hopefully will get use to it.
- While animations are the same, I felt graphics looked more polished and slight improvement over the previous version.
- Sound is a definite improvement: running, grunting, etc sounds add more to the realism.
Overall I would rate this game 7.5/10 and is a must buy for any cricket fan.