India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Do you think Kumble will retain the captaincy after the series??

I think he should, nobody in the team is more of a leader and determined as he is, not to mention he is a genius. Sometimes he gets little negative with field placements, but he always fights till the end, and I think most people see that he is definitely suited to the job.

However, he is not getting any younger. If it was my choice, he'd 100%, without a question keep the job.

Sean - come on! We all know that's not true. :rolleyes:
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your papers are just trying to stir up trouble an make u hate australia even more.

We are extremely upset over what indian fans did to symonds over there that is the worst racism i have seen in any game of cricket anywhere it wasnt just 500 or so drunken idiots it was half the crowd.
ANd nothing was done by crowd controllers or indian cricket board to put a stop to it.

Here in australia we have cameras setup an police patrolling ready to catch anyone being racist,causing trouble etc if they are caught they face $$fines and lifetime bans.

oh umpires completely changed the 2005 ashes series if it wasnt for them decisions at them times things would have been so much different maybe we should get the ICC to call that series unoficial.

Instead of crying to the ICC and foreiting etc.
Do what australia did take it on the chin and make sure u never let that happen again and come back an smash them next series.
If they keep crying over this forever it doesnt help make india better
We dont hold a new record.. We have equaled it.

I've decided to just sit back and laugh at you guys now... Seriously guys, take your anger else where. We are sick of it.

And we are sick of all this gloating too. And we are members of this forum, just as you are. So you should stop reading all this if you feel it's not worth reading.

Really, this has gone out of control now. I think we all should just relax a bit. We are whining because it is our right. You are gloating because it is your right too. It thought this forum was about expressing ourselves on cricket.

My anger and outrage has been fuelled mostly by reports in our papers about the Australian media accusing our players of being racist.
"Irish bowlers are better than our pace bowlers", is what always I say. ;) Jumbo has been the only hard worker.

Well, yesterday, Wasim and Waqar have been commenting on Pathan's bowling. In particular Wasim, he was found to spend some part of his time with Pathan and had been giving tips. He was suggesting many mistakes made by Pathan openly in post tea show and told how to rectify those as well. This is where I always believe our so called current bowling coach, Prasad have nothing to do with Team India from the time he has been appointed.

I actually don't think the Indian pacemen did all that bad Suren. Sharma showed a lot of promise and RP had moments of sheer brilliance as did Zaheer. I think not taking Sree along might have been a mistake though. I actually think they showed more danger than Sri Lanka's quicks did ;)
A strong email has been sent by BCCI to ICC. Wonder what written in it.

Where are those journalist who get leaked reports.
And we are sick of all this gloating too. And we are members of this forum, just as you are. So you should stop reading all this if you feel it's not worth reading.

Really, this has gone out of control now. I think we all should just relax a bit.

My anger and outrage has been fuelled mostly by reports in our papers about the Australian media accusing our players of being racist.

We haven't gloated much. We showed our happiness when it happened, like you guys would if you won such a Test. Now we have stopped, but Indians haven't stopped complaining.
I feel sorry for Sharma. He got absolutely no reward. He was really unlucky.

And I agree. If Aussie fans want Indian fans to stop whining, maybe they should stop gloating themselves.
I actually don't think the Indian pacemen did all that bad Suren. Sharma showed a lot of promise and RP had moments of sheer brilliance as did Zaheer. I think not taking Sree along might have been a mistake though. I actually think they showed more danger than Sri Lanka's quicks did ;)

Finally non biased post by you.
What the hell ?

Why should Anil Kumble not retain the captaincy ? He definately will.This is becasue,the team has fought and he has lead them well.Ofcourse,if you discount the other factors that attributed,in your opinion,partly to India's loss.
I do not think that he will be asked to relinquish it,seeing as the now ODI captain,M.S.Dhoni is not ready for the Test mantle.
Kumble should continue till the mid of 2009.

I asked because if you look back, about 10 pages now, a few indian fans commented he will loose the captaincy for loosing the series.
calm/settle down guys. Lets take it sportively. After all a game. No need to panic about Indian team. There are many worst collapses like this in Battrick. :D lol.
We haven't gloated much. We showed our happiness when it happened, like you guys would if you won such a Test. Now we have stopped, but Indians haven't stopped complaining.

I will not stop complaining. My anger is not going to die easily. :noway
I think he should, nobody in the team is more of a leader and determined as he is, not to mention he is a genius. Sometimes he gets little negative with field placements, but he always fights till the end, and I think most people see that he is definitely suited to the job.

However, he is not getting any younger. If it was my choice, he'd 100%, without a question keep the job.

Sean - come on! We all know that's not true. :rolleyes:

Thanks, hope he does, always been a fan of Anil.
Jordox - Sree is injured, hence why he wasn't taken. I think that a half healthy Sreesanth would have put more effort though.
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