India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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I don't need your sarcasm. If Matthew Hayden were playing he would've caught that catch. What next? Going to start blaming Australia for Jaffer or Singh's selection?

Irony my friend is that it would have been catch of a no ball and im sure you were not given footage by home broadcaster channel 9.
We have beaten England in England recently, so we're better than them and we could have easily won this match at Sydney had all things been even.

Ok lets just see how the next test goes, looking forward to some good cricket played in the spirit of the game.
Had a feeling Indian fans like myself would be in outrage over the horrible umpiring. Yes, Australia won by poor umpiring which mainly (exception of 1 case with Ponting) benefited the home side. Its sadly part of cricket. At least now those two might not umpire again in the next match. If i was the Indian team i would take this lose and work for the next match and absolutely white wash Australia. Let the team management work out everything else with the poor decisions and stuff. As for Harbhajan i'm beginning to think its a ploy by Ponting and co to remove him. There is no video evidence, the umpires heard nothing (and they're close) and the only witness is Symonds himself. Convenient to get rid of him considering Ponting is struggling against him. Conspiracy theory, i think so.

Stick to your views mate. No matter what anybody here tells you.

It's so easy to be "sporting" and say that umpiring wouldn't have made a difference. A lot of people might even praise you for that. But to me, I have to be honest to myself and say that umpiring did do India in. Nothing can convince me otherwise. I watched most of the match live myself and don't have to rely on third parties to know how pathetic Bucknor and Benson were.
Had a feeling Indian fans like myself would be in outrage over the horrible umpiring. Yes, Australia won by poor umpiring which mainly (exception of 1 case with Ponting) benefited the home side. Its sadly part of cricket. At least now those two might not umpire again in the next match. If i was the Indian team i would take this lose and work for the next match and absolutely white wash Australia. Let the team management work out everything else with the poor decisions and stuff. As for Harbhajan i'm beginning to think its a ploy by Ponting and co to remove him. There is no video evidence, the umpires heard nothing (and they're close) and the only witness is Symonds himself. Convenient to get rid of him considering Ponting is struggling against him. Conspiracy theory, i think so.

This just keeps getting better, up there with the Simpsons Movie. :D
Maybe aussies r not good enough to win this match on their owm, has'nt this thoght crosed ur mind?
Irony my friend is that it would have been catch of a no ball and im sure you were not given footage by home broadcaster channel 9.

Yes it was given. But now are you going to judge umpires for everything they do? Do you Indians not get the Cricket Show over there? It is such a difficult job to spot No-Balls, and in all honesty they deserve better. They have made it to the elite level for a reason and mistakes were made. 95% of the time, umpires have great games but it was just a bad run. When are umpires ever credited? Never.
rabbitoh rob said:
So what your saying is your third best? After Australia and England?
To me = not good enough

In my opinion, SouthAfrica and Kiwis have better potential to win Aussies than India and Lankans but somehow they always fail to do so. ;) In particular, I personally rate SouthAfrican's bowling higher than Aussies.

I don't understand what you mean by 1) still. So, you mean that the thumb has to come from the seam to the side whereas Pathan holds it at the side and keeps it still?

Oops.. Really a TV replay of that show or picture of it would make you clear. And ya, Pathan was holding his thumb over the ball in sides as per Wasim. He stressed that it(first half portion of thumb) has to bend so that it comes across the ball( you can also say in front..). I am saying from what I saw.. Will try if I can get any pictures of it later. If I find it, I will PM you or post it in Pathan thread. The show was called " Waz and Shaz " show along with Waqar making a special show yesterday.
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Maybe aussies r not good enough to win this match on their owm, has'nt this thoght crosed ur mind?

Ok i didnt want to but you forced my hand. so here goes
Not really because we are the world champions ------> the best test cricket playing nation in the world and nobody can dispute that.
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Maybe aussies r not good enough to win this match on their owm, has'nt this thoght crosed ur mind?

Not one to bring things up like this and brag. But did you not watch the demolition in Melbourne?

The game could've completely changed if one decision were made, it could've been a different scenario.
Yes it was given. But now are you going to judge umpires for everything they do? Do you Indians not get the Cricket Show over there? It is such a difficult job to spot No-Balls, and in all honesty they deserve better. They have made it to the elite level for a reason and mistakes were made. 95% of the time, umpires have great games but it was just a bad run. When are umpires ever credited? Never.

We watch match on Star which takes partial pictures from Channel 9 and thank god we dont have to listen to the australian commentators.
We watch match on Star which takes partial pictures from Channel 9 and thank god we dont have to listen to the australian commentators.

hahahaha this is a bit off topic, but has anyone ever seen a rugby league match that foxtel broadcasts from NZ when the kiwis are commentating on the NZ thats biased commentry :eek:
Stick to your views mate. No matter what anybody here tells you.

It's so easy to be "sporting" and say that umpiring wouldn't have made a difference. A lot of people might even praise you for that. But to me, I have to be honest to myself and say that umpiring did do India in. Nothing can convince me otherwise. I watched most of the match live myself and don't have to rely on third parties to know how pathetic Bucknor and Benson were.

Well i've been raging on the train with the umpiring decisions and now i've realised there's nothing i can do except whine (which is a complete waste of time). So now i realise that the team need to play for pride and absolutely hammer Australia in the next two. I've never played International cricket ever but in grade cricket my team suffered a defeat where a few questionable umpiring decisions cost us the game. That was two-day cricket. The one day game against them was a fortnight later and all we did was focus on that game. We hammered them (with fairer umpires) and badly. I've never bowled so fast and so angrily. Nothing verbal. Just intimadated them with our bowling, fielding and batting. While the standard of cricket is far above my mine in the international level (duh) i'm sure the Indian team would have similar sentiments for Perth.
Exactly... If one decision was made india could've saved da match.
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