India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Heres something i found on net

There are four main places where immigrants of Indian and African ancestory live together:
1. Uganda
2. South Africa
3. Caribbean
4. USA

Indian immigration to USA is fairly recent. It cannot be considered. Wherever people of these two races (Indian and African) settle to reside, it is seen that there certainly is tension. There is always conflict between these two communities in the above listed regions. Remember Idi Amin, Durban riots and Indo-African relations in West Indies. These tensions are reflected in umpire?s decision. I wish that my prediction about future Indo-African disharmony in USA does NOT come true.

This tension is a two-way traffic. Even in my town (Mysore), I have seen that people welcome every other foreigner but do not like African tourists and African-turned-Indian citizens.
Nah mate. We have the money and the funding unlike the West Indies. We could keep going as number 1 for a whi;e.

While thats correct it won't mean Aus would be number 1 in say 2 decades. Players come and go just as class come and go. Australia are ahead but they way they played this test match it suggests India are creeping up (though we have old players as well).

Anyway, i say we stop the whole "umpires lost us the game" because we know it and we're wasting time and emotion. Changes for the 3rd test. Anyone interested?
While thats correct it won't mean Aus would be number 1 in say 2 decades. Players come and go just as class come and go. Australia are ahead but they way they played this test match it suggests India are creeping up (though we have old players as well).

Anyway, i say we stop the whole "umpires lost us the game" because we know it and we're wasting time and emotion. Changes for the 3rd test. Anyone interested?

Agreed on all counts. Looking 2 decades ahead is too far... who knows where the game will be then?

Again, I think you're right. We fans have exhausted the umpiring topic. I think the ICC can take it from here ;)

OK, time for a break from me.
You get back only what you give.

The complaint is not just from fans but from the Indian team as well. So stop singling me out...

On Ponting: He's lost the respect of the Indian team and fans after he claimed a false catch. Period.

You do know that he had the chance to end Dravid's (I think it was?) innings, everyone was jumping about and he told everyone he didn't catch it.

Ponting was asked in the press conference (by an aggressive Indian journalist) if he did catch it and he reacted very well and I think he honestly believe he caught it.

I've had it with the Australian players doing the smallest of things, and everyone blowing it out of proportion.

By the way harishankar, I'm sorry I replied to you I know you don't like it but I would've replied to anyone who said that. ;)
Nah mate its not the smallest of things, they are absoulute pricks on the field and if it means to be an absolute prick to win the match they will do it. But it comes naturally to them so i guess they dont have to try that much
Thank god someone stopped the complaining. Though i am culprit cause i complained to my Aussy friend the whole way back home. So i sorta unleashed the anger on him...

Well India would be stupid not to drop Yuvraj now. Sehwag in for Jaffer MAYBE cause Jaffer isn't clicking. Pathan needs a recall in place of Sharma and i think Kartik should come back in for maybe Yuvraj. Who else is there in the fringe?
This is slowly turning into a "Ponting vs Sachin" debate.

Anyway Johnson is prolly gonna be dropped. Tait in or does the other fringe bowlers like Noffke or Hilfy have a chance.
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