India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Sledging is for sissys.
If you cant get person out with your skill you start sledging. It was never part of cricket and never will be. Just because English, Australian and SA guys do it does not mean its part of game.

Mental toughness, including sledging has been part of the game for years. Read any players autobiography from the 90's forward and learn that all teams sledge and have done for a while. Don't pretend that your team don't, because they do.
Who are the best sledgers in the game? Australia
Who are the best team in the game? Australia

Anyone noticing the correlation yet?

I dont wanna go into umpiring decision cos frankly i have had enough. You say what you wanna say we have already discussed and burried the subject. too bad you joined the party when its off.
Im going off now and hope you will find any Aussie and waive about their heroics.

Chin up sunshine. It's not my fault you lost either.
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Oh how very original. I don't think you've ever blamed the umpires before.

Yeah Ponting was acting like a third umpire today.I am blaming Ponting and that guy Benson who instead of refering to third umpire asked ponting.And the biggest joke was he didnt take a catch.It was clarke who took the catch so why was Benson asking Ponting?Got the answer?
It's not just us on that's complaining about the umpiring. THE BCCI HAVE FORMALLY LODGED A COMPLAINT WITH THE ICC.

Now that's serious. I doubt whether the series can be continued in this atmosphere of animosity between the two sides.

Add to that the Harbhajan race row. Now it's a situation where India are well justified in pulling out of this tour.

It's no longer about winning or losing. It's about national pride and prestige. India cannot take this abuse from the Australian media any more.,8414911,8416378

No wonder Indian fans are outraged. We've had the integrity of our Indian team questioned based on half-truths and falsifications of India's history.
There is no need to pull out of this tour.That will be rubbish.The best thing is to answer them on the field with our performance.
y r u blaming aussie,r u expecting that when umpire raise his finger and they say don`t give him out we were just asking.
Going that far is to extreme, and if the BCCI go that far i really do hope Cricket Australia never plays India again.

Ask CA to try doing that, seriously, TRY DOING THAT! We dont mind. We dont need to play you at all. People are queing up to play us.
Cricinfo seems to suggest that this game got pretty intense in a not so pleasant way towards the end. If Cricinfo said this, I'm not going to look forward to reading what the biased Indian and Australian fans would have bantered in this thread... so I won't.

Australia won it in the end and that's what counts. A lot of "what-ifs" could be read from this test match but I believe it would be a useless exercise trying to justify them. Australia were definitely much luckier than India in this test match and though one can say India could have made their own luck by keeping their heads up, one can definitely understand how it's harder to keep it up especially when so much luck goes against you and that too against the best team in the world.

We had a realistic chance to win this test at some point to square the series. I don't think India have any chance to come back in this series. I think we may end up losing it 3-1 or 4-0. This series is definitely not going to become any prettier as the accusations flowing over the media have suggested.

There are a few things I hope came out of this test match for India: (1) Get a proper ****ing opening pair. (2) Get Yuvraj the hell out of the team until there is place for him. (3) Seriously evaluate the performance of umpires, especially a certain umpire who had a similarly poor series when these two teams last played in Australia, and make decisions based on them. I don't think that anyone can disagree that the umpiring in this match has been well below-par--and that's not just from an Indian perspective. Both teams copped poor decisions, though it also has to be agreed that the Indians did bear the brunt of it.
There is no need to pull out of this tour.That will be rubbish.The best thing is to answer them on the field with our

Somebody alleges that your players a racist and calls your team selection casteist and you would still play with that country?

Sounds like accepting a slap meekly to me.

I don't care any more about the cricketing action after all this rubbish that's happened on and off the field.
In my opinion Australia didn't deserve to win this test match, a draw would have been a fair result. I feel sorry for India as they continue to have hardly any luck in this series. If Symonds had been given out in the first innings we could well be sat here with the score at 1-1 but due to poor umpiring, I think the draw was the only fair result. To see this take Australia equal to their record makes it a little bit sickening in my view.

Also there were some questionable calls from Australia regarding their sportsmanship, personally I'd have no problem with them claiming everything/over appealing if it wasn't for the fact that Ponting always gets on his high horse and expects the rest of the world to worship Australia as being untouchable and always correct.
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