India in Australia

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Why would the tour be cancelled because Harbhajans done something wrong? It's his fault not the Aussies. Or did those 2 things have nothing to do with each other
Just heard on NEWS:

Harbhajan banned for 3 tests.

Why would the tour be cancelled because Harbhajans done something wrong? It's his fault not the Aussies. Or did those 2 things have nothing to do with each other

because that would mean the Indians accept the verdict, which I clearly doubt they would do...

All the while the news was that there was no evidence against him.

it also means that Tendulkar was a liar -- which is ridiculous. Just as you guys won't accept that Ponting lied about it, we cannot accept that Tendulkar lied as well.

The outrage would be huge. If Tendulkar's word as a witness is not accepted I don't think that India will even think about continuing the tour.

It's a matter of national pride and prestige.

Does anybody even realize the sense of outrage I'm experiencing at this moment. My blood is literally boiling.
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What did Tendulkar say? The people finding him guilty wouldn't have taken this decision lightly given the situation so I believe they must have had some sort of evidence, they won't have just decided to take Ponting and the Aussies word over the Indians.
What did Tendulkar say? The people finding him guilty wouldn't have taken this decision lightly given the situation so I believe they must have had some sort of evidence, they won't have just decided to take Ponting and the Aussies word over the Indians.

We still don't have any details of the hearing. The news has just come in.

But Tendulkar and Kumble were testifying in Bhajji's favour and Tendulkar was at the crease when the incident took place. Clearly there was no videotape or audio evidence so I guess it was just the Aussies' version against the Indians. The umpires have clearly said they didn't hear any abuse from Harbhajan.

If Tendulkar says Harbhajan didn't say anything offensive, it should be accepted. At least the doubt should have been in favour of Harbhajan because it guilt should be proven beyond doubt.
Wow without any audio and video?These are biased people there in ICC.
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Wow without any audio and video?These are biased people there in ICC.

No details have come out yet. We should wait for the news of all that happened in the hearing to come out.
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The BCCI secretary Ratnakar Shetty is speaking to an Indian channel live at the moment and he says he's disgusted with the verdict.

Things not looking good for the tour going ahead.

There is too much heat now between the teams. It will take a long while for this to be forgotten.

Remember, that unlike the Mike Deness issue where the South African board supported India, this time, the Australians themselves are responsible for this situation. So it's unlikely to improve.
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The BCCI secretary Ratnakar Shetty is speaking to an Indian channel live at the moment and he says he's disgusted with the verdict.

Things not looking good for the tour going ahead.

CNN-IBN reporting that tour will go on!
Better to listen to Rajiv Shukla,NDTV and Ratnakar Shetty rather than old Niranjan Shah-We dont know how the hearing took place.
Honestly,who made him the Board secretary.

Hari,you think the Board would have reacted faster to the umpiring fiasco had Dalmiya been in charge ?

CNN-IBN reporting that tour will go on!

Not sure as of now.
Depedns upon who they are talking to.
Also,the Board hasnt had a word with the players,whihc will happen tomorrow.
Never know,if Tendulkar and Kumble dont feel like,the tour wont go on.

Personally,after all this,i think they should pressurize the Aus Board.
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CNN-IBN reporting that tour will go on!

Lots of conflicting reports on at the moment. Let the situation clear out first...

Better to listen to Rajiv Shukla,NDTV and Ratnakar Shetty rather than old Niranjan Shah-We dont know how the hearing took place.
Honestly,who made him the Board secretary.

Hari,you think the Board would have reacted faster to the umpiring fiasco had Dalmiya been in charge ?

Certainly would have. I think the situation is not different from when the Pakistanis were accused of being cheats by umpire Darrell Hair and they abandoned that game...

Look, whatever the truth behind this, it's not going to help. There will be no point in playing in such an atmosphere.

It's going to take a long, long time for this controversy to die out.
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Get your toys back in your pram please.

You think this is a joke?

You think that Indian pride will allow us to continue this series as though nothing has happened?

This is no longer about cricket... it's about our national pride and prestige. We cannot never accept this situation.
I know its not looking good at the moment.But,the truth is always bitter.
India is,and has always been a team that has accepted all decisions and in all fairness.Histroy says that disciplinary actions have always gone against the Indian players.There is but obviously a saturation level-and the players have had it now.
It is time to challenge,not the time to take things lying down.
Yes it is...How big cheats are australians and specially thier captain....was evident in this test match..No wonder they won 16th....most of them by cheating.....
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