India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Mate, bias remarks in the media is what is making most indian's feel this hatred against the Australian cricket team. In fact, you could go on a much larger scale and say that an extremely Nazi bias newspapers in the 1940's in Germany attributed to the election of the Nazi party and made many many people die. You see my point? Yes, I understand that you guys are bias, and honestly I have no problem with it mate, however being bias in the media and newspaper is shocking, really a bad thing to do because it presents unfair information to the public.

But, different country, different culture I guess. If an Australian paper ever had a headline as biased as that, the editor would be fired.

From where do you draw your comparisons. Nazi and Indians. :p
Your cricket board lost any claim to integrity when the blackmail started. Nobody's having a go at your country

@ ALL AUSSIES :- we didnt make such a hue & cry after we lost the match,
yes we were miserably disappointed esp with the umpiring.....
but what added fuel to the fire was the racism remark over bhajji !!

and if you ask my opinion, i have nothing against the australians APPEALING !!
a team is entitled to appeal all they want (until they dont breach the excessive appealing code) ! its upto the umpires to decide whether to give it or not !
No post by any Aussie is deleted. There was one post where wfdu_ben91 posted this

then you have the nerve calling us racist.

Very little Australian posts have been deleted because a large number of them, although they are very imature, are actually debating a point with some civilised talk. Where as, many of the Indian posts are much more vulgar and "EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME I AM AN INDIAN AND I HAVE A POINT AND I HATE AUSTRALIA". You can't say it is because of Aussie bias, because there are quite a few english mods on here, and of course there is Suren!
Punter's not arrogant. He has confidence in his team. There's a difference.

But I don't think you can make the claim that India would never appoint an arrogant captain. A) Sourav Ganguly. B) The captain changes basically every tour so I'm sure at one point we'll see another arrogant captain.

Sourav Ganguly was aggresive,not arrogant.
There is a code of conduct that a captain needs to follow while he is addressing a press conference.

An ex-captain of your team merrily showed his middle finger to the Indian public.

I am sure if Ganguly were the captain,the team would not have taken the field after Dravid's dismissal.
wdfu said:
In the Sydney Test Match that just transpired, what if after calling Symonds a monkey, Symonds had've dropped Harbhajan and then proceeded to rip off Harbhajan's turban and throw it into the crowd, only for the crowd to use the turban as a beachball?

It's posts like this that polarize even the moderate fans. And I'm a curry now? So racism only works if it's against an Australian player I guess.
Ricky Ponting started it by accusing Harbhajan of racism and then claiming a false catch too.

We respect Australian cricket in general, but Ricky Ponting has really acted in an unbecoming manner in the last few days.

Steve Waugh was a tough guy and is well respected in India because he shows proper respect to his opponents while the likes of Ricky Ponting and Michael Clarke cannot even show respect to a stalwart of the game like Sachin Tendulkar.
Well A) Harbhajan was racist. B) In the speed of taking a catch you don't really have time to look and see if it's hitting the ground. You're more focused on, you know, taking the catch. Maybe he was certain he took the catch and didn't know it'd hit the ground.
Your brainwashed, seriously, get a life.

Now you have to stoop to ridiculous levels.

WE're not brainwashed. Most of us saw the match first-hand and we know exactly what happened.

WE don't need the media to tell us what happened. We saw it ourselves. The media is just echoing our outrage and our feelings. Nothing more or less.

To say that we are so dumb that we can let a few sensationalist headlines affect us is insulting to the extreme degree and yet I refrain from reacting in a similar manner.
Ricky Ponting started it by accusing Harbhajan of racism and then claiming a false catch too.

We respect Australian cricket in general, but Ricky Ponting has really acted in an unbecoming manner in the last few days.

Steve Waugh was a tough guy and is well respected in India because he shows proper respect to his opponents while the likes of Ricky Ponting and Michael Clarke cannot even show respect to a stalwart of the game like Sachin Tendulkar.

Hang on, from Ponting position he wouldnt be able to see if the ball was knicked off the bat, and he DID catch the ball and he appealed for the umpire to make a decision. (thats if you open your eyes and watch the replay)

And once again, watch the replay of clarkes catch, HE CAUGHT IT.
We're not calling you (Indians) racist. We're calling Harbhajan racist.

Read the post again and read what said by wfdu_ben91.

In other post he calls Indian members of PC curry. If that aint racist then what is. You all aussie think you can bully us is nonsense. We will not take any crap lying down.
Very little Australian posts have been deleted because a large number of them, although they are very imature, are actually debating a point with some civilised talk. Where as, many of the Indian posts are much more vulgar and "EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME I AM AN INDIAN AND I HAVE A POINT AND I HATE AUSTRALIA". You can't say it is because of Aussie bias, because there are quite a few english mods on here, and of course there is Suren!

Yes Generalizing and Ad Hominem attacks! Thank God we still have them aplenty to belittle an opposition and ignore their points!
Some of you Indians are just making bad names for Indians fans. Half of you guys now I've lost so much respect for. Thats not even funny man, get a life.

Same here. I use to respect a lot of respect for the people around. But you guys have made a name of these direct insults at Australia.
Very little Australian posts have been deleted because a large number of them, although they are very imature, are actually debating a point with some civilised talk. Where as, many of the Indian posts are much more vulgar and "EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME I AM AN INDIAN AND I HAVE A POINT AND I HATE AUSTRALIA". You can't say it is because of Aussie bias, because there are quite a few english mods on here, and of course there is Suren!

You are definately setting a fine example yourself as to who is civilised and who is not.

There were many posts yesterday evening that were actually saying -Aussie assuie aussie oi oi oi.....
Atleast Indian posts havent done that.
@ ALL AUSSIES :- we didnt make such a hue & cry after we lost the match,
yes we were miserably disappointed esp with the umpiring.....
but what added fuel to the fire was the racism remark over bhajji !!

and if you ask my opinion, i have nothing against the australians APPEALING !!
a team is entitled to appeal all they want (until they dont breach the excessive appealing code) ! its upto the umpires to decide whether to give it or not !
Maybe you should just go read the posts. It's the biggest cry after a game I have seen. EVER.
Very little Australian posts have been deleted because a large number of them, although they are very imature, are actually debating a point with some civilised talk. Where as, many of the Indian posts are much more vulgar and "EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME I AM AN INDIAN AND I HAVE A POINT AND I HATE AUSTRALIA". You can't say it is because of Aussie bias, because there are quite a few english mods on here, and of course there is Suren!

Suren logs in once every week.
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