India in Australia

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Face it, without India, Cricket would die.

I hate to bring back a quote from pages and pages back, but that is the most arrogant and untrue comment I have ever seen.

Here are my views on the situation.

1. They shouldn't have banned Harbajan, there as no proof and even if there was it wouldn't have deserved a three match suspension.

2. India pulling out of the tour is just childish. Grow up and play some cricket.

3. This has been blown out of all proportion.
I hate to bring back a quote from pages and pages back, but that is the most arrogant and untrue comment I have ever seen.

Here are my views on the situation.

1. They shouldn't have banned Harbajan, there as no proof and even if there was it wouldn't have deserved a three match suspension.

2. India pulling out of the tour is just childish. Grow up and play some cricket.

3. This has been blown out of all proportion.

So you expect India to sit back and accept a ban which you have stated was incorrect? I now think the ban was perhaps justified but you are contridicting yourself.
I didn't contradict myself in the slightest. I said I don't think he should have been banned, but there is no need to pull out of a tour because of it. Please explain to me how I contradicted myself.
I didn't contradict myself in the slightest. I said I don't think he should have been banned, but there is no need to pull out of a tour because of it. Please explain to me how I contradicted myself.

I misread your post, I have reread it and you don't contridict yourself whatsoever. Apologies.

But you see it's great proportion that is needed to make sure India don't pull one of these stunts again. For an aussie this is getting one back on them...although to be honest the aussies aren't involved in this whatsoever - it was poor umpires, and poor behaviour from an indian....passing the blame to the aussies is pathetic.....believe me the indians need to be made an example of. For all the cr*p the aussies put up with about their poor sportsmanship/behaviour/skill - you can lie/cheat/steal (ashes 2005 :D) from us but we will always finish the deal on the field...not hide behind childish black mail threats and BS denial. Every time one of our players does something stupid they deny it...but CA, with non selfish interests...always force them to make some sort of apology and they punish them to uphold the best interests of the game because unlike others, we don't want to look like we don't take our players behaviour hard can it be? It is a great chance for us to show another country how it feels - even though we are perhaps blowing it out of proportion to get the message through - doesn't feel good does it? Just learn to deal with it....and if you can't, you have no business in cricket....unless sponsers are keen to back racists.....oh but that's generalisation isn't it....oh man, that's racist as well....oh well......i'm probably right though, i mean one racist indian means all indians are racist right? geez...what a predicament the indians are in - perhaps they should call their monkey friends to get some advice on how to deal with this.
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So you expect India to sit back and accept a ban which you have stated was incorrect? I now think the ban was perhaps justified but you are contridicting yourself.


On a day of rapidly shifting events and wild rumours, which began early in the morning with the fallout of the previous day, the focus shifted to some degree from the umpiring in the Sydney Test to the three-match ban imposed on Harbhajan Singh for racial abuse.

Some crucial issues relating to the Indian tour were sorted out: rumours of the tour being called off were denied by the Indian team management, and the Australian board asserted it had not received any indication to that effect; the Indian board said it did not accept the ban and would appeal against it; and the Indian team, deeply disappointed and downcast, remained in Sydney, instead of leaving for Canberra on Monday morning as scheduled, waiting for a copy of the match referee's ban order which it received in the evening.

There has been speculation over the future of the tour but no official decision has been made yet. "As of now the tour is on," India's assistant manager MV Sridhar told mediapersons in the Hotel Radisson this evening. "We will await instructions from the BCCI."

The team was set to leave for Canberra by coach at 10.30am local time but decided against it. Around 4.15pm, Sridhar confirmed the team had been instructed by the board to stay in Sydney till further instructions. Apparently they wanted them to remain there as the paperwork regarding the filing of appeal on behalf of Harbhajan needed to be done in good time. The players spent the day mostly in their rooms.

An hour later Sridhar said the team had received the official document regarding Harbhajan's ban, one where he was accused of a 'monkey' taunt against Australian allrounder Andrew Symonds. The team was intent on reading the detailed written order from the match referee, Mike Procter, to find out what the exact racism charges were. It was made clear that the team was upset with the extent of the punishment, especially since they felt there wasn't any evidence to prove the crime.

James Sutherland, the chief executive of Cricket Australia, said Sharad Pawar, the BCCI president, had indicated that the Indian squad would not be heading home early and that the remaining two Tests should be played. "There's nothing to suggest that it won't [go ahead]," Sutherland said. "Sharad Pawar has overnight made such commitments, so that's good enough for me. We're looking forward to Perth now."

However Pawar had contradictory views when speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald. He was quoted as saying: "We are giving serious thought to whether we should continue. We feel that we must take action, enough is enough. We would like to keep an extremely good relationship with the Australian board. Our relationship is extremely cordial and we would like to continue that, but this [Harbhajan's ban] is totally unacceptable." The BCCI has called an emergency Working Committee meeting in New Delhi on Tuesday evening.

Meanwhile the BCCI decided to appeal against the ban. "BCCI is filing an appeal challenging match referee Mike Proctor's order on spinner Harbhajan Singh," a statement from Pawar said. "Unfair allegation of racism against our Indian player is wholly unacceptable. The game of cricket is paramount but so too is the honour of India's cricket team and every Indian."

Ricky Ponting added to the debate on Monday in an interview with Channel Nine, when he declined to reveal what was said between Harbhajan and Symonds on the field but offered a blunt assessment when asked if the situation "smacks of racism". "I think that's been proven," Ponting said.

Ponting also said he was surprised by the speculation that India's tour might be cancelled and that they had not sent their players to Canberra as planned. "They're entitled to do whatever they think is appropriate at the time but for me that would be a little bit extreme, I must admit," he said. The day's first press conference was in fact a holdover from Sunday. Chetan Chauhan, the Indian team manager, spoke to reporters around 3:30 am, shortly after the ICC hearing conducted by Procter and attended by members of both camps. Chauhan announced the decision and said the team wasn't thinking of a boycott. However, it turned out the players weren't keen to continue until the issue over Harbhajan was made clearer.

The events come in the wake of India losing the second Test in Sydney in controversial circumstances, with a host of umpiring decisions going against them. The Indian board has already filed a complaint to the ICC on the standard of umpiring by Steve Bucknor and Mark Benson.
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Its funny how people were talking about teams not challenging the Aussies in tests and when it looked like a side would challenge them , it was spoiled by some bad umpiring !
Reports coming in that Bucknor will officiate at Perth as well.
I cannot believe that the ICC can be that blind. Bucknor must himself step down. You cannot have an umpire officiating when a side does not have faith in him.
I hope that the Aussies too take a stand against Bucknor officiating at Perth.

Brin in Aleem Dar or Rudy Koetzon.
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I dont mind if we are called 'cry babies' and whatever BS. for us, the honour is more important. if there is no proof against harbhajan, we should not continue playing and should come back home. i fully support the indian team's sentiments (they want to come back!). what if others think we are cry babies? does it mean we are really going to be cry babies. its their opinion. opinions are not facts!

I would want to see what will happen in the next few days. Either put a stay on Harbhajan's ban and go in for a fresh hearing on it in a neutral place (ICC headquarters in Dubai) with a different referee, or India has to come back home and take rest before the South Africa series at home. No more tests and ODI's in Australia until Harbhajan is given a fair justice.

Its funny how people were talking about teams not challenging the Aussies in tests and when it looked like a side would challenge them , it was spoiled by some bad umpiring !
Reports coming in that Bucknor will officiate at Perth as well.
I cannot believe that the ICC can be that blind. Bucknor must himself step down. You cannot have an umpire officiating when a side does not have faith in him.

We are going to see another black test match with Bucknor standing in at Perth (that is, if we continue the tour).

On the side note, seems like Australia's ego was hurt when India won the T20 world cup and the way they celebrated. The way the Aussies celebrated at Sydney in the end and the way Ponting and Gilchrist pumped out at the audience assembled there showed clearly that they were mimicking India's celebrations. Showed that we have made inroads into the ego of the world's best team. I am happy, very happy!
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The whole country is behind you Team India! I don't mind if we cancel the tour or not, I will still be proud of the way our team took all the blows on the face but still continued to fight. Thats the spirit!
It confidence not arrogance, confidence is something your intitled to when you are world champions.:hpraise

Would he have said the same thing against some other country against whom he was playing? He was clearly irritated by India's good work in Sydney and was trying to invoke them by saying what he said.
On the side note, seems like Australia's ego was hurt when India won the T20 world cup and the way they celebrated. The way the Aussies celebrated at Sydney in the end and the way Ponting and Gilchrist pumped out at the audience assembled there showed clearly that they were mimicking India's celebrations. Showed that we have made inroads into the ego of the world's best team. I am happy, very happy!

Or maybe because they had pulled off an astonishing win? Bad umpiring or not, they won the match by getting 3 wickets in the penultimate over. Tell me how that is not exciting.

Of course Australia's big, big, big, big, etc egos were hurt but they've retaliated by winning the first 2 Tests so I fail to see how the joke is on them?
Recent history, ok, still 0 series wins in Australia.

Being World Champions, you guys couldnt win a series in India for like 31 years, and one of your best captains ever (Steve Waugh) considered it "The Final frontier" and still couldnt break it through (which eventually was done only in 2004). Very very very pathetic!

I can keep saying things like this too.

FFS, you Aussies are so lucky that you have a great team. I reckon on our current form (after Pak series, we'd have blown away any nation other than the Aussies).

The ODI's will be interesting, because I'm sure Yuvi will come in to the fray properly then, I'm sure Sree would be back as well and with Bhajji in the team, there's going to be a lot of fireworks, not to mention Uthappa likes to murder the Aussie bowlers at times.

Wait and see if the ODI's are even played at all.
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The whole country is behind you Team India! I don't mind if we cancel the tour or not, I will still be proud of the way our team took all the blows on the face but still continued to fight. Thats the spirit!

By 'continued to fight', do you mean complain about the opposition and umpires post match and then threaten to cancel the tour?
Or maybe because they had pulled off an astonishing win? Bad umpiring or not, they won the match by getting 3 wickets in the penultimate over. Tell me how that is not exciting.

Of course Australia's big, big, big, big, etc egos were hurt but they've retaliated by winning the first 2 Tests so I fail to see how the joke is on them?

Added to the fact that the Australian's had just equal a world record for successive wins, I think that added to the amazing win allow them to be pretty happy with themselves.
The new spoilt little girls of world cricket. I think after this the ICC should cut it back to 9 test playing nations. This is pathetic from India, a disgrace and embaressment

Ask them to do it, DO IT, DO IT! We wont be flustered at all. We have the strength to create a new ICC and create an altogether new cricketing world.
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