India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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They have no leg to stand on after they swept the monkey business under the carpet after the aussie tour to india.
Reps for the pun! :D

In all this flurry I'm disappointed that I may not get to see Sehwag at Canberra. There have been 40 frikking pages of argument in this thread and I'm just not patient enough to respond to them. I tried and gave up.
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Arguments? The test practically began on Page 9X and the arguments began at around 14X and it's been going on since then. So that's around 2,700 comments surrounding the game...
Great point. Right now I dont see India anywhere near a tough proud nation. Seriously dudes, get over it then I will have that old respect back in place.

Oh how sad! Seriously dude, please get back that respect in place, or we, the whole nation, is going to die tomorrow:rolleyes:
Arguments? The test practically began on Page 9X and the arguments began at around 14X and it's been going on since then. So that's around 2,700 comments surrounding the game...

...and that doesn't include all the other threads we've not closed for some reason despite the fact most of them are repeating the same things...
their will be bad blood between the two teams and i am pretty sure every cricket fan will tune in to watch the 3rd test.

you know what? from now on, india - australia is going to be watched by way many people than before. its what all these can do. it can generate big revenue.
I think now is a good time to add...water under the bridge, lets move on to the next match. I think if this was somehow engineered to make this into that much more of a hyped up match for revenue, the man behind it must have been a genius.
I dont mind if we are called 'cry babies' and whatever BS. for us, the honour is more important. if there is no proof against harbhajan, we should not continue playing and should come back home. i fully support the indian team's sentiments (they want to come back!). what if others think we are cry babies? does it mean we are really going to be cry babies. its their opinion. opinions are not facts!
Yeah that does make you crybabies because your considering boycotting the tour after a loss and you're complaining about the umpires. England had the exact same luck as you in Sri Lanka but they didn't whinge about it at all.

On the side note, seems like Australia's ego was hurt when India won the T20 world cup and the way they celebrated. The way the Aussies celebrated at Sydney in the end and the way Ponting and Gilchrist pumped out at the audience assembled there showed clearly that they were mimicking India's celebrations. Showed that we have made inroads into the ego of the world's best team. I am happy, very happy!
Nah, I think most teams would celebrate like that after such a close finish. It was exactly like the Adelaide Test against England in 2006. It looked like no way we were going to win it but we did!

India are the biggest laughing stock in the sporting world right now. Stop being babies and get the bloodt tour back on. What a bunch of bloody sore losers.

India losing Harbhajan isn't so bad right?

7 wickets at 51.71.

Look at this. Very childish.
Bunch of cowards. They'd get mauled if they were in Australia right now.
Yeah that does make you crybabies because your considering boycotting the tour after a loss and you're complaining about the umpires. England had the exact same luck as you in Sri Lanka but they didn't whinge about it at all.

Bunch of cowards. They'd get mauled if they were in Australia right now.

Ive said this about 100 times now, and im yet to get a reply from an Australian.
We don't give a crap about the cricket. we've been treated like poo, our religion has been mocked, and the typical Aussie (people like you) make our country and people sound inferior. Were not going to stand for it anymore, were doing something about it and you just cant stand that.

At the second part of the quote, everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech, perhaps that law is unheard of in Australia? Perhaps not for the Australians themselves, maybe just for the immigrants?
Theyre idiots anyways. Its the minority.

You Australians would get "mauled" in India right now. Mess with our gods, we mess you up.
Fair call. Again, I make the point that it's the umpires fault we landed in that situation ashe shouldn't be asking players.

Ponting's whole before tour honesty thing looks pretty bad now though. Did anyone expect him to say no? I mean, the umpire says, shall I give him out? You get the decision, in the heat of the moment with the competitive mind set you'd say yes.

I don't know where this is coming from given he had already declared that a couple of close calls in this match, hadn't carried, one of which had the batsman already walking. People are making assumptions based on fragmentary video clips. Watching the game live in real time it looked to me that Benson gave Ganguly out and the Australians celebrated, he stood his ground and Benson confirmed to him he had given him out. He then spoke to someone and then reaffirmed his decision. Ganguly stood at the wicket for some time and eventually walked. Much later the TV came up with pictures of Ponting raising his finger, possibly in response to a question, confirming the catch had carried. Looking at the positions of the players in this clip, it is obvious that this was occurred well after Benson had initially given him out and confirmed the decision as the players had congregated from all over the ground. It may have been Ponting that was asked if it carried when Benson spoke to whomever but there is no sound and there is no wide view to confirm this. You must bear in mind that several people on the 9 coverage team have an anti Australian agenda and will always inflate any suggestion of anything to run down Australia and overlook and forgive even the most blatant misdemeanours of the opposition.
Ive said this about 100 times now, and im yet to get a reply from an Australian.
We don't give a crap about the cricket. we've been treated like poo, our religion has been mocked, and the typical Aussie (people like you) make our country and people sound inferior. Were not going to stand for it anymore, were doing something about it and you just cant stand that.

At the second part of the quote, everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech, perhaps that law is unheard of in Australia? Perhaps not for the Australians themselves, maybe just for the immigrants?
Theyre idiots anyways. Its the minority.

You Australians would get "mauled" in India right now. Mess with our gods, we mess you up.
I'll answer your little theory just to shut you up then...

You obviously do care about the cricket before people were trying to label the last Test as "Unofficial"!
You got some bad calls from the umpiring and you lost the match to a part-timer who has now destroyed you for the 2nd time!
Then all of the Moronic Indians (like you) are complaining about everything and starting throwing insults at our players and our supporters so we retelliated.
Then one of your players was accused of racially abusing one of our players (he looked pretty tensed when he was queried during the game & even attempted to apologise afterwards) so you think the world's against you. I don't care what Tendulkar says, on commentary it was said Tendulkar & Harbhajan were good buddies, so his probably just looking out for his mate.
Some Indians have accused Gilchrist's & Clarke's integrity, if that's so, why don't we question Sachin's?

Countries like England, South Africa are edging towards Australia because they're sick of India whinging about how they got screwed over when similar things have happened to other countries but they've shown sportsmanship and moved on.
They even know that India is the only country who would've acted out like this and comtemplated boycotting the series.
What I don't understand is why you would spend time building a nice effigie only to burn it down...
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I would really like to know why Pakistanis and Indians get stuffed dolls and burn them?

It's a damn sport, the Australians weren't burning umpire dolls when they got a handfull of bad decisions back in 2005 were they? No.

If my memory serves me correctly Sri Lanka didn't get a doll of Gilchrist and burn it even though they excused him of cheating in the final?
I think now is a good time to add...water under the bridge, lets move on to the next match. I think if this was somehow engineered to make this into that much more of a hyped up match for revenue, the man behind it must have been a genius.
Like I said, this is going to make both boards a lot of extra money in interest. I would very much like everyone to start talking about cricket in here, there are a few threads in the cricket chat forum about this topic, and if you want to discuss effigies and other customs in the subcontinent, start a thread in the general chat forum.
Ive said this about 100 times now, and im yet to get a reply from an Australian.
We don't give a crap about the cricket. we've been treated like poo, our religion has been mocked, and the typical Aussie (people like you) make our country and people sound inferior. Were not going to stand for it anymore, were doing something about it and you just cant stand that.

A couple of points here from an Australian:

1 - This is a cricket chat site so if the cricket doesn't matter find a site that fills your requirements. It is the cricket that matters and the majority of members are interested in the game not the politacal and religious carryings on. Sure you were on the receiving end of some rough decisions, but there were also some crucial decisions that went against Australia, particularly Tandulkar being given not out on 36 in the first innings. The thing with cricket, if you truly love the game and not are just a fanatical jingoistic follower of a national team is that you go with the flow. Sometimes you win sometimes you loose, but it is a game played and adjudicated by humans not robots or television crews (who incidently make errors, miss shots or have the wrong perspective), people make mistakes both in your favour and against you.

2 – My understanding, and correct me if I am wrong, is that Indians have several religions, but religion has nothing whatsoever to do with cricket and shouldn’t be raised here. If it has and you have been offended then whoever did so should be banned.

3 – India has threatened to withdraw over a guilty verdict on the Harbajan racist taunt. He was found guilty by the ICC match referee, who unlike everyone here has heard the evidence and judged him guilty. Your team, board and country have been condemned by others here because you have “spat the dummy” over decisions made by ICC officials not Australians in a sporting contest and haven’t been invaded, bombed or otherwise threatened.

4 – There have been many blatant threats on this board relating to the “power” of the BCCI and the money they have accumulated. At the moment India does have the lead in the controlling caucus of the ICC however tantrums like this will eventually wear thin and the tables will turn as they have in the past and cricket, whether international or a Sunday afternoon game in the smallest town will continue with or without India.
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5. If you have a specific issue with a post on this forum, please understand that I can not possibly read every single post. If there is one that you do not like, I urge you to report it or send a PM to me outlining your issues, and that member will be punished.

If this is an issue about the Australian cricket team, it is an overreaction. The only possible complaint could be that Michael Clarke may have lied about a catch. That is not Ponting or anyone else's fault.

If I were to weigh up racism with bad sportsmanship, I would certainly condemn racism.

The simple truth is, you Indian fans have no high road to take here, you are not morally superior to us. Your fans racially abused Andrew Symonds even after being informed that Symonds was offended in a racial manner.

I am not saying that any of the posters on this board are part of that group, nor am I condemning you as a nation for that, or for the barbaric practice of burning effigies to make a point. But many of you are condemning Australians as a nation because of the same sort of group of fans that you yourselves have.

Both sides of this argument are being borderline intolerant, not necessarily racially, but intolerant of other nations. It is definitely, at this current moment, hate. Hopefully emotions will die down.

For this reason, I have decided to temporarily close this thread, like the Indian team, until this is resolved. I do not feel that any good debate is coming out of this.
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