India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Why doesnt Australia open with Mike Hussey and get in Simon Katich in the middle order ?
Hussey used to be an opener for his state,i believe.
He did a while back, but he is settled in the middle order now and the Aussie team don't want him to change around at risk of ruining his form.

The only thing I have a doubt over is whether or not Symonds said something first.
I dont like Harbajan, but he doesnt seem like the type of guy to just call someone over and talk crap at him.

Anyways its over now, can we please just move on?
He admitted to saying something first, apparently defending Lee for the pat on the bum, but that is still no excuse to return a racist comment.

The comments about Australians being cry babies are from Boycott in his article in Daily Telegraph.
So why would anyone bother quoting it then?

No one is willing to believe that Harbhajan started off all this crap. He was provoked by Symonds, and he gave it back. Its not yet clear if it was racial (what Harbhajan said!). He is believedto have said "teri maa ki.." (a punjabi derogatory term abusing one's mother) which sounds like "monkey".

even if you say that the derogatory term used is offensive and he needs to be punished, the aussies have used worser terms than this. have we forgotten the fight between mcgrath and sarwan over mcgrath's wife? if the aussies provoke people, they must be prepared to get it back. or else, JUST SHUT UP!!!
My first point is that Harbhajan has changed his argyment twice, first he said nothing, and Symonds is lying, now he said something else that sounds like monkey, which is a convenient defence to come up with after the initial hearing. Why not use it in the initial hearing?

Secondly, it is fine for him to give something back, but if it is racist then it is unacceptable, and defending it just makes you a bad person.

We will find out if Hogg is found guilty tonight now, but personally even though I believe that he should be found innocent, I don't want him playing the next test anyway, Tait would be a better option.
Why doesnt Australia open with Mike Hussey and get in Simon Katich in the middle order ?
Hussey used to be an opener for his state,i believe.

yeah but now he doesnt want to open he preffers to stay at number 4. he wrote in newspaper some time.
My first point is that Harbhajan has changed his argyment twice, first he said nothing, and Symonds is lying, now he said something else that sounds like monkey, which is a convenient defence to come up with after the initial hearing. Why not use it in the initial hearing?

Secondly, it is fine for him to give something back, but if it is racist then it is unacceptable, and defending it just makes you a bad person.

Nowhere has Harbhajan or any team member defended him by saying that he said something else which sounded like Monkey. Its a sick joke which has been going on in news channels and done by stand up comedians ever since the controversy has started.

My XI would be this:

RP Singh

Laxman at no.6 is ideal cos its time when one spinner is on and he can control the innings from there from going down collapse way. If we have Dravid at 6 not only will the runs stop coming the game will come at stand still. Boooooooooooring.
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Katich deserves the spot but then again as an Indian fan they can go ahead and put someone like Rogers who to me didn't look all that impressive. John Rogers on the otherhand (any relation to chris?) looked far better than his more famous counterpart. If i were an Aussie i would keep Hussey at 4, he's doin a fine job there so far.
He did a while back, but he is settled in the middle order now and the Aussie team don't want him to change around at risk of ruining his form.

He admitted to saying something first, apparently defending Lee for the pat on the bum, but that is still no excuse to return a racist comment.

So why would anyone bother quoting it then?

My first point is that Harbhajan has changed his argyment twice, first he said nothing, and Symonds is lying, now he said something else that sounds like monkey, which is a convenient defence to come up with after the initial hearing. Why not use it in the initial hearing?

Secondly, it is fine for him to give something back, but if it is racist then it is unacceptable, and defending it just makes you a bad person.

We will find out if Hogg is found guilty tonight now, but personally even though I believe that he should be found innocent, I don't want him playing the next test anyway, Tait would be a better option.

totally agree with everything you said. Anyone must admit that that is dodgy from Harbhajan.
india has to go in with 5 bowlers,but for that dhoni has to be dropped and i dont think that ll happen.
india has to go in with 5 bowlers,but for that dhoni has to be dropped and i dont think that ll happen.

Dhoni has done nothing of note on this tour and last time he batted he was playing with his pads rather than bat. He is murdrer of spin bowling and was playing like Daryll Cullinana against Warne.
My first point is that Harbhajan has changed his argyment twice, first he said nothing, and Symonds is lying, now he said something else that sounds like monkey, which is a convenient defence to come up with after the initial hearing. Why not use it in the initial hearing?

Secondly, it is fine for him to give something back, but if it is racist then it is unacceptable, and defending it just makes you a bad person.

I never said Harbhajan changed his argument? Its being speculated that he might have said "Teri Maa Ki" (explained in my previous post). If what he said is not racist, then thats acceptable to give it back to some one who provokes you.

Yeah from what i have seen of Donhi he shouldnt be in he Indian team. They should put in another wicketkeeper batsmen IMO.

Dhoni has been doing his primary job (wicketkeeping) to expectations (in fact, more than I would say). He is too special a batsman, and his batting is facing its true test now and faith needs to be placed on such special players so that they come out as better players in the future.
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If he doesnt perform with the gloves and bat the next 2 tests. I will be interested to see what India will do with him.

Well he is ODI and T20 captain for India so they are not going to drop him. Behind Yuvi he is best ODI player for us since 2 years.
I never said Harbhajan changed his argument? Its being speculated that he might have said "Teri Maa Ki" (explained in my previous post). If what he said is not racist, then thats acceptable to give it back to some one who provokes you.

Dhoni has been doing his primary job (wicketkeeping) to expectations (in fact, more than I would say). He is too special a batsman, and his batting is facing its true test now and faith needs to be placed on such special players so that they come out as better players in the future.
No, you didn't say that, I did. You said that he might have said Teri Maa Ki, and I said that since he didn't bring that up in the hearing, it's convenient that he changed his defence.
With regards to the Harbhajan controversy, I find it rather strange that they did not produce a transcript of the hearing. I read that in Cricinfo, and also that the hearing was conducted in quite a peculiar format. There were also claims that Harbhajan went into the hearing rather unprepared and without any legal counsel--and that with a lawyer there would have been no case against him. I'll try to find the article, but the first point that they didn't make a transcript is rather weird.
Karthik isn't a bad keeper so If I were India I would think about giving him the gloves if Dhoni continues to fail. The fact that Karthik has opened the batting gives him plenty of praise. Dhoni has come on as a keeper and he does take chances as much as anybody now but he's one to pull out a big innings when its needed so I think the Indian selectors will still with him.
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