India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Wrong decision again! Diluting all the good work... It was an inside edge

I didnt like Kumble's celebration. He was trying to convey something ugly with that (or thats what I interpreted of it)

What is he doing? Get this RP off and bring on our hero of this innings Ishant in!! RP is bowling crap at the moment

"Everyone has a few bad decisions go against them, that's cricket"


Come on, keep quiet. Its their turn now.

Shocking bowling from RP!!!! Giving easy runs! Not happy at all with him today
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It depresses me that even if we win this test and the next, the trophy won't will still be their's.

Oh well, atleast we've given Australia the best challenge they've had in a while. Need to get Clarke as he's looking quite good at the moment; aggressive.
He was just excited. Kumble is not the kind of guy to "do something ugly".
Don't give people idea's :rolleyes:

Just said what I felt.. May be my interpretation. If people take up on it and abuse Kumble, its their headache.
Come on, Cricket Australia! Lets have a big cry and threaten to call off all our games! It's what's in right now :rolleyes:
****ing damnit this is the last time I'll say it. The threat to cancel had absolutely nothing to do with ****ing cricket. Get that through your head!

And Bucknor being kicked off the Test had nothing to do with the cricket either? ;)
prarara said:
****ing damnit this is the last time I'll say it. The threat to cancel had absolutely nothing to do with ****ing cricket. Get that through your head!


I felt it was a waste of time explaining that myself to some of the people who post such things

Edit: Yay! Ishant back in... Get those wickets for us, plz ISHANT!!!
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