India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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If his so pathetic against the bouncer then he can thank his lucky stars that Tait got given 12th man duties!
If? You know he is pathetic against the bouncer. :)

But it's not the bouncer that is required. Moving across the batsman at a shortish length is something Ganguly is not too good against.

You`ll find a fair few Indians at most places that India tour !
You'll find a fair few Indians at most places, is what you actually wanted to say. :)
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Wow, that was one hell of a six. My opinion of Hogg's performance in this test match so far is slowly but surely changing.

Fifty for Sachin; won't say anything more ;).

Have`nt left my seat for a while now !
Its 9:15 A.M here and Iam off for a shower !
How is ganguly so incredibly bad at facing the short ball? It's amazing how bad he is.

I remember andre nel giving him 5 bouncers in a row, each being hillariously played and then he bowled a regulation one and Graeme Smith went absouletly phsyco at him for doing it and was like "I TOLD YOU TO ONLY BOWL SHORT ONES"

Lol, good times.
Ganguly for a six now. Oh, Harbhajan must be delighted. :)

Not liking the new avatar Sohum.

Well, looks like these two are building a partnership. Let's hope they can build on this. In my opinion they should look to play more watchfully today and go out tomorrow with a more agressive approach to provide Yuvraj and Dhoni with a launching pad so we can begin to think of a lead.

I'm probably thinking too far ahead though...
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Got Him!!!!!!!! Stuey Clark!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cutting too close to the body and he's chopped it on! Massive wicket. But a very good innings from the little guy.
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