International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

I actually have low hopes for this. There's no real reason to believe that they'll make the game any better. AI has been the problem for the last 3 games and it most likely still will be. As long as they make it an easy 1000 Gamerscore!
^^^^ one of the main reasons i always emphasize on online play
i dont see AI getting much improved in near future for cricket unless they hire the ones who developed MLB The Show
in fact however improvement is there in AI it will still be using same basics as AC09
and so it will be exploited sooner or later
so plz improve online and listen to all the requirements of online community as playing with humans is much more realistic
also since it is coming only on consoles it has to have good online
i hope they dont mess with the catching on this game , the one thing they got right imo
I have another theory on why this game isnt appearing on PC - Codies is very sneaky.

It probably comes down to laziness, because Codies know that in order for them to release the game on PC they would have to bring out a product which improves on the patched AC09.

The PS3 and Xbox versions of the game never had any patches so all they're going to do is give them the patched games (which they never had) add a stupid useless gimmick like "Action Cam" and slap on a new name and price-tag...a la EA.
i agree, since players like myself who have played the game only on PS3 has no idea of a patch whatsoever, Codies might just sell a patched version of AC'09 to us.
it's a good idea to wait for player reviews before buying the game or exchanging it with AC'09 and getting some discount on it ;)
I have another theory on why this game isnt appearing on PC - Codies is very sneaky.

It probably comes down to laziness, because Codies know that in order for them to release the game on PC they would have to bring out a product which improves on the patched AC09.

The PS3 and Xbox versions of the game never had any patches so all they're going to do is give them the patched games (which they never had) add a stupid useless gimmick like "Action Cam" and slap on a new name and price-tag...a la EA.

I would imagine that one of the major reasons that there's no PC release is due to the difficulties in providing support. If you think about it, releasing on consoles is far easier as you have a known system to run on, and known peripherals it will be played with - on PC you have millions of permutations of these things. Plus, cricket games will never sell in the same numbers as football, American football, etc., so I imagine it would be hard to justify all the support overhead for it - especially when it gets pirated so much.
I think the absolute lack of a market for it based on AC09 is the reason for it rather than technical difficulties with regards to hardware variables, which would be a shocking excuse for an experienced developer.
Apart from the hardware variables being an issue when developing, it's also a big problem when providing after-sales service. They have to have a tech support team set up to help all the "it won't work on my ?25 laptop" people, and all that costs money.

Plus, like you said, the PC sales (as someone posted a link to it earlier) probably cannot justify this expense.
Also not to mention that they have to sell it for next to nothing in the Indian market, I think it was around 7 US dollars last time. I don't know who made that decision but they should be fired. Id rather not sell my product then sell it for such an insultingly low price (which they pirated anyways)
Also not to mention that they have to sell it for next to nothing in the Indian market, I think it was around 7 US dollars last time. I don't know who made that decision but they should be fired. Id rather not sell my product then sell it for such an insultingly low price (which they pirated anyways)
Oh no you know what? That was a brilliant marketing decision. They don't have to sell it for next to nothing in India, no laws against it. They chose to sell it for $7 here. I guess they probably followed GTA IV's lead. Rather sell for $7 and sell a 1000 copies than none. A few more top quality games follow this strategy, and piracy really CAN be fought. I know you think its rather unfair that you have to pay much more for the same thing than us, but then you yourself have pointed out the rather "low" average standard of living in India, which justifies it.

Kshitiz_Indian added 3 Minutes and 41 Seconds later...

I would imagine that one of the major reasons that there's no PC release is due to the difficulties in providing support. If you think about it, releasing on consoles is far easier as you have a known system to run on, and known peripherals it will be played with - on PC you have millions of permutations of these things. Plus, cricket games will never sell in the same numbers as football, American football, etc., so I imagine it would be hard to justify all the support overhead for it - especially when it gets pirated so much.
After sales support can be easier in some cases too though, for example, rolling out patches. Someone from Codies himself pointed out that.

Please, before anyone says I'm not sparking a PC vs. Console debate. I've long since accepted the fact that low sales on PC was the reason for dropping the platform, and although I don't necessarily agree with it, I understand its a business decision.
Kshitiz it would be justifiable if the game actually sold a semi-decent amount of copies. AC09 did not even sell 100,000 copies on PC.
Kshitiz it would be justifiable if the game actually sold a semi-decent amount of copies. AC09 did not even sell 100,000 copies on PC.
No No I'm not justifying the PC platform there, just the low cost in the Indian market. And even then your point kind of holds, but everything has to start somewhere.
I guess I did not explain my point fully and I can see how it might have come across incorrectly:

artificially reduced price + massive lack of sales = failure.

Honestly when they announced it was releasing in India for 500 rupees I though "they'll sell a few millions for sure" but it was less than what they sold on console!
I guess I did not explain my point fully and I can see how it might have come across incorrectly:

artificially reduced price + massive lack of sales = failure.

Honestly when they announced it was releasing in India for 500 rupees I though "they'll sell a few millions for sure" but it was less than what they sold on console!
I don't think they sold many console copies in India. I'll try and explain.

Imagine this situation. You developed this product, sold it in the US and UK. But you realize Cricket is followed like crazy in India and the game can sell a lot. A little case study tells you that Cricket 07 was mightily famous in India and yet it hardly sold any copies, and that it was pirated to such an extent that you couldn't find it even at pirated game shops. You study the market trend and see that there is a tremendous gaming audience in India but you cannot harness them because they've been addicted to "100 bucks game DVD's" and simply won't buy for anything like 2000 bucks ("What? These stores, they're looting people, I can get it for 100 bucks in the next door shop"). Those people do not realize the difference between a pirated copy and a genuine one.

Then you realize nearly every game has been legally released in India but never sold any copies (Most are more than 1500 bucks, console copies are around 3000). You know your game will be pirated to the hilt too and you will hardly get any money. But if you sold the original copies for a lower cost than usual (400-500 bucks), people might pick up the game from stores simply because it is cheap and looks and feels good. What do you do?

I think, that in this context, even 2000-3000 copies would have been a sales success for a company which was not going to get any money out of it anyways. What would you prefer? High priced games, very low sales or a bit lesser priced, but 10 times the sales?
It depends, were the 2-3 odd thousand copies enough to cover the cost of distribution and advertising in that region ?

Good on them for trying with AC09 but you have to understand why they are not willing to try again with IC09.

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