International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

Woah ! Sorry for making the second thread now, looking at the screenies it seems like a repackaged AC09, Post Beta Patch 2 with New Kits . This makes me feel that the texture artists from Trickstar need to pull their socks up . Heck I can take on em any day-any time & make em look like little schoolkids .

The release of this game being exclusive to consoles may be a blessing is disguise considering the way games get pirated on a PC . Anyways it seems like a good reason for me to get the game on a PS3 ( provided the experience & online community is good ) .

Apart from that im saddened at the thought of not being able to mod this game on a console :(
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That england kit is a plain blue kit with stripes and logos on. Get it right guys.
Very sad news that its not coming on PC.

At the same time, it might be a blessing in disguise as it seems nothing new. Only a patched version for XBOX and PS3, which I(PC buyers) already have. So no issues.

In any case, I don't expect a cricket game every year so not all that disappointed either. I am happy playing beta patch 2 on Ashes 09. :)

To all those who think its the end of PC Cricket games, don't loose hope guys. Just that, they can't release a patched version of Ashes 09 hence its coming only for PS3 and XBOX (which I suppose should have come for free :p ). So, not all is lost. ;)

With Transmission back in business, I for one, think the next title will do justice to our hopes. :)
yeah, it might be because they didn't release Beta patches for console so they decide to release whole game with patch on consoles. But on the other side, console users may gets upset and irritated as they have to pay for whole game just for patch :facepalm

PC users dont need it because we already have patch and we dont have to pay for whole game so it maybe benefit for us :)
Whats up with no one owning a 360 or PS3? Gaming is a far better experience on the consoles than the PS3. Hopefully they have a far more updated, and realistic squads. More realistic AI, and well just try and make things more realistic codies.
and you have this atitude because you aint a programmer. u do nothing for others ok:facepalm

No I have this attitude because Im not some selfish and inconsiderate fool. I dont have to be a programmer to understand when people's requests are bordering on fanatical and completely implausible.

I understand that in India cricket is like a freekin religion so Id have to bare with your ridiculous wishes and requests because it comes with the territory, but seriously. Sometimes you guys have to be realistic and stop expecting others to grant your every wish.

Im sure Abbh is doing his best and working his ass off to get a proper editor out. Try to be less fanatical and have some insight.

Sorry for the rant but this crap has been bugging me for a long long time and I had to get it out of my system.

Anyway, pretty disappointing and strange about no PC version for the forseeable future - I really dont know what the heck Codemasters is thinking.
Well, there you go!

It's easy to be pessimistic but at least the last (unfinished) game has a chance of being appreciably better than the last one.

I do acknowledge, however, the writings of Hmarka who indicated that the game will just be a patched AC09. I apologise if I have quoted you wrong, Mark. Please confirm or deny.

Well OZ, it seems dodgy that they have not mentioned a PC release. IS that because the PC guys already have the patch ? SO their just patching AC09 for the consoles and making it look a bit prettier?

I am buying this (obviously) when it comes out, but mentally preparing myself for it to be as bad as AC09. Graphics still look like shitt
AC09 post-patching is easily the best cricket game I've played. Even better than C2K4 patched up.

Won't be having a PS3 or Xbox anytime in the near future, so no PC version means I'm not going to be enjoying this. Oh well.
Anyway, pretty disappointing and strange about no PC version for the forseeable future - I really dont know what the heck Codemasters is thinking.

Fairly obvious I think, they probably hardly made money on the PC version considering piracy. It's also a tiny sales market. So why bother putting it out?
You guys did not notice, but the this game looks like it has more detail. Like the hairs look a lot better and even the faces are better. Moreover talking about the game is just an extension with the beta patch they released is senseless. If they wanted to do it this way then they won't have started those patches in the first place, they wanted to improve AC09 so they wanted to patch it up for us but due to the shutdown of Transmission games they were not able to complete the patch.
I saw people saying that Codemasters want us to pay for just the patch as it is a modded version of AC09, My reply to those people is - They are not forcing you to buy it.

Sorry if I was rude in anyway, but I just wanted to make a statement that you should respect Codemasters because they are the only gaming company who are releasing cricket games at this point of time, I still remember the time when we all talked here on PC about when the next cricket game from EA or Codemasters will come, and we literally begged for a cricket game.
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The fact that the main thing they're putting forward is this action cam tells me all I need to know. More substantial changes clearly aren't happening.
Why is this game called International Cricket if it only has the licenses for Eng and Aus :laugh

I hope the retards got the stats tracking right this time for online play.
Nice to see a developer ditching the disabled PC-gaming and concentrating on whats important, actual gaming machines. No I don't wish to get involved in a PC-Console debate, I'm merely stating that its good to see a developer getting away from a dead business in PC gaming.

I don't actually care if its just repackaged with better gaming, as I know full well most of us here will get it, and you're all moaning for the sakes of it, well I say all but obviously is just you PC-fanboys...

Cannot wait for the neg reps I'm gunna get for this post :)

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