International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

I think we should all sit back and wait for the new game to come out before too much critisism is directed at Codies although in saying that us console users were sold a lemon with as many gaming errors as any EA game I have played, we were mislead about a console patch even taking into consideration the unfortunate collapse of the developers we were informed as I remember that beta testing was complete and the patch was ready for release.
Whatever the pre hype from the developers or distributors will say we all know it wont be 100% correct as they are always going to say one thing and deliver another.
All I ask of them is if it is just an update of 09 then a suggestion would be to release a patch for us console users at a reduced price of the new game so that we may be tempted to buy it. I know until it has been tested out by those foolish enough to buy the new game I wont part with another 100.00 of my hard earned cash and if turns out to be a marked improvement on 09 then I will wait for a trade in and buy a copy then.
Unfortunately codies are yet to release a cricket game that wasn't flawed as with EA in the last 5 years so I seriously doubt the majority of hardcore cricket gamers are going to rush out and buy it until it has been proven by those that will be manipulated into buying it from the hype.
Part of the problem though is that the average gamers will buy it. AC09 might have been a failure in our eyes but it was a raging commercial success (on consoles) for Codemasters.

The were rewarded handsomely for a shoddy product, partly the reason why so many skeptics on here who think that IC10 will be no more than a rehash to cash in on the World Cup and Ashes hype for this year.
Part of the problem though is that the average gamers will buy it. AC09 might have been a failure in our eyes but it was a raging commercial success (on consoles) for Codemasters.

The were rewarded handsomely for a shoddy product, partly the reason why so many skeptics on here who think that IC10 will be no more than a rehash to cash in on the World Cup and Ashes hype for this year.

There lies the problem. Because it was such a raging commercial success on console sales am I to believe that the distributors think we are all suckers and will rush out to buy it again or do they believe we are reasonably intelligent so the best thing to do is just patch the consoles and add a few extras like reverse cam which I am assuming rightly or wrongly is action cam tweak up the graphics add a couple of extra stadium and release it in the hope we will buy it. I am not a programmer (I am an electrical instrument tech though) but releasing a complete new game in less than a year seems a little unachievable to me.
The good thing for me though is there is enough people foolish enough to rush out and buy it as soon as it is released as I have done in the past so I can sit back wait for the results before I think about purchasing. After all it is rugby league season here in Oz until October so if the game is released July or August as some suggest it will be a few months worth of reviews before I will need to worry about buying a cricket game.
Stats tracking - seriously, who gives a's such a minor thing to even think of considering when comparing to vital aspects like gameplay, graphics and animations...

If you were 'true' gamers like you claim you are, then you would realise this, stop your annoying whining and shut up for once.;)

So you think Graphics are a more important part of game play than Stats Tracking :facepalm.
Anyways I don't need to argue with you as most people who I think understand Cricket gaming, support the idea of Stats Tracking being an indispensable part of gameplay.
Graphics are much more important than stat can you say there not? Graphics add SO much to how it feels you guys would happily buy a game that looks like cricket 2002 but with amazing wouldn't happen it's all linked

Punk Sk8r! added 4 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

Look Guys, just be thankfull that there is a cricket game coming. And like fifa, it will get better and better every year. Atleast now we know that there will be a cricket game almost every year as codemasters are into it and so is trickstar. There was time when we were talking if there will be anymore cricket games after ashes09. Well i am happy to just get a new game and atleast there is hope that there will be more cricket games and each will be better than the last one (even if its small steps).

See now if thats actually the case then I wouldn't complain.

But hear this, Street Fighter 4 was released on console early 2009, amazing game (if you know how to play) and nothing really THAT wrong with it except some stuff, the community voiced themselves CAPCOM are now releasing Super Street Fighter 4...and it's NOT going to be full price...despite it having major updates, new characters modes etc....Codies will charge us full price for new kits and a patch
I never said Graphics are not important. I said Stats tracking will add a lot of value to the game. I will not mind if stats tracking is added in IC 10 at cost of updating graphics from previous title. Every one has their preferences. Mine is to see the impact of my matches on the averages and strike rates of my player rather than watching Afridi' hair bouncing in delivery stride.
My main gripe is that stats tracking shouldn't be that difficult to add. I'd reckon some of the PC members here could do it. So why doesn't it get done?
So you think Graphics are a more important part of game play than Stats Tracking :facepalm.
Anyways I don't need to argue with you as most people who I think understand Cricket gaming, support the idea of Stats Tracking being an indispensable part of gameplay.

Yes, that's what I did say. :yes

Most people who have ever played games would take graphics as being more important than stats....that's why every game ever released has had a greater emphasis over graphics than stats. ;)

And that's why so many people are obsessed with making mods for bats, uniforms, hair colour etc...and I bet your one of them....
alioz added 1 Minutes and 16 Seconds later...

Graphics are much more important than stat can you say there not? Graphics add SO much to how it feels you guys would happily buy a game that looks like cricket 2002 but with amazing wouldn't happen it's all linked

Punk Sk8r! added 4 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

See now if thats actually the case then I wouldn't complain.

But hear this, Street Fighter 4 was released on console early 2009, amazing game (if you know how to play) and nothing really THAT wrong with it except some stuff, the community voiced themselves CAPCOM are now releasing Super Street Fighter 4...and it's NOT going to be full price...despite it having major updates, new characters modes etc....Codies will charge us full price for new kits and a patch

Fair enough....But i would like to point out one thing. You have given example of street fighter. number of copies sold for street fighter is huge as compared to ashes09. street fighter was sold world wide and to the mass market in Japan, China, America, england, austrlia etc. Ashes09 was only really sold in England and Australia. and the mass market in India and Pakistan didnt really pay for it as we all know.

so you see my point here, codemaster didnt really make millions in profit out of it. Lets face it, Only Australia and England will buy cricket games. forget making money out of Pakistan and India. So i am just happy that someone is making cricket games and not just giving them up as the profit margin is not that big as you think it is. specially no way near street fighter.
forget making money out of Pakistan and India.

Have you heard about a Money spinner called the IPL ? Do you know that the BCCI is the worlds richest sporting board (even before IPL happened) i.e. the BCCI has more money than Manchester United/Chelsea/Real Madrid/Lakers etc. When AIG was in the doldrums Manchester United pleaded to Sahara to sponsor it . But then Soccer aint no Cricket , now is it ?

Those who know how to make money will always be rich and successful in India.

Mark my words, even a Console exclusive game or a game with DRM similar to AC2 (for PC) based on IPL with full rights which has all the bells and whistles that a cricket buff dreams of, can be a bigger chart buster in India than AC09 has been in England an Australia.

In simple terms, back yourself with a good product that appeals to Indian audiences & make sure that your Copy protection is the BLOODY BEST that money can buy . Afterwards, you can sit on your arse & watch the coffers fill with money.
Have you heard about a Money spinner called the IPL ? Do you know that the BCCI is the worlds richest sporting board (even before IPL happened) i.e. the BCCI has more money than Manchester United/Chelsea/Real Madrid/Lakers etc. When AIG was in the doldrums Manchester United pleaded to Sahara to sponsor it . But then Soccer aint no Cricket , now is it ?

Those who know how to make money will always be rich and successful in India.

Mark my words, even a Console exclusive game or a game with DRM similar to AC2 (for PC) based on IPL with full rights which has all the bells and whistles that a cricket buff dreams of, can be a bigger chart buster in India than AC09 has been in England an Australia.

In simple terms, back yourself with a good product that appeals to Indian audiences & make sure that your Copy protection is the BLOODY BEST that money can buy . Afterwards, you can sit on your arse & watch the coffers fill with money.

Originaly i am from pakistan aswell so i know what you are talking about. I know there is a lot of money in india etc, but there is a lot of piracy aswell. You think given a good cricket game will make people not pirate it? or if there is a good movie people wont download it?.

No matter how hard companies try, pirates will be one step ahead. Pirates hacked blue ray, iphone, softwares etc so what is a cricket game for them. IPL is totaly different to computer game so i cant even compare them. how can you compare reall cricket to a game in terms of making money. Fact is and i still beleive that its very hard to make money from a computer game, movie, software etc from India or Pakistan. And thats where the reall numbers are. I mean just look at the population of these to countries and how much they love cricket. codes only make money from England and Australia.
My main gripe is that stats tracking shouldn't be that difficult to add. I'd reckon some of the PC members here could do it. So why doesn't it get done?

The worrying thing is that the fact that stat tracking has not been confirmed most probably means that it has been overlooked once again, and as you mention it can't be too difficult to add, don't stress though as there's AUTOCAM!!!
I mean wtf, who decided that this was what was missing from the last installment?? Goes to show that everything that was written and suggested on these forum's will almost definately have been ignored.
I don't recall one single person on here suggesting an autocam, but what would we know?? We only purchase and play these games, release after release, disappointment after chuffing disappointment!!
You got a couple of month's left Codemaster's to get this sorted, please do............
Originaly i am from pakistan aswell so i know what you are talking about. I know there is a lot of money in india etc, but there is a lot of piracy aswell. You think given a good cricket game will make people not pirate it? or if there is a good movie people wont download it?.

No matter how hard companies try, pirates will be one step ahead. Pirates hacked blue ray, iphone, softwares etc so what is a cricket game for them. IPL is totaly different to computer game so i cant even compare them. how can you compare reall cricket to a game in terms of making money. Fact is and i still beleive that its very hard to make money from a computer game, movie, software etc from India or Pakistan. And thats where the reall numbers are. I mean just look at the population of these to countries and how much they love cricket. codes only make money from England and Australia.

Hmmm , Ali lemme Re-Quote my Last para for you ....

In simple terms, back yourself with a good product that appeals to Indian audiences & make sure that your Copy protection is the BLOODY BEST that money can buy . Afterwards, you can sit on your arse & watch the coffers fill with money.

You read the words with bold formatting above , they mean that if a game is unpiratable or too cumbersome to pirate like Assassins Creed 2 , then the Indian audiences will have no choice but to purchase the game. (After all they are Cricket addicts & junkies need their fix .....right):sarcasm

P.S. Stop em from pirating the game & they will eventually purchase it :)

Not to mention good marketing & a vast delivery network would certainly help.

Getting to Indian movies, piracy in India is dying a slow death. Should I dare to say whatever Indian movies are being pirated they are done so in Pakistan.(Not that I dislike them for it , after all they like our art & art is for transcends all boundaries) . Of late Indian movies have been raking in impressive collections from the box office & new records are broken every season. Imagine a movie like Ghajini raking in an equivalent of 10 Billion Pakistani Rupees, now impressive isnt it.

Ali, I think you are a smart guy & you know why ? because of this ;)

I know there is a lot of money in india
You read the words with bold formatting above , they mean that if a game is unpiratable or too cumbersome to pirate like Assassins Creed 2
What do you mean by cumbersome to pirate? From all reports about their DRM servers going down, there's a mention that the pirates have theirs keep going.

You cannot stop a single player game being pirated, save for perhaps a very expensive and obscure hardware dongle, which can be emulated if the desire is there. What you can do is do CD-Key matching for online play, and use other ways of limiting gameplay for non-legit users.

I personally would just limit it to steam sales, and have retail packages in the same way that Valve do for their own games on PC that are sold in stores. It certainly doesn't stop anything completely, but it is acceptable DRM, unlike the rubbish in AC2 that promotes piracy.

The best DRM is something a legitimate user will never notice.
save for perhaps a very expensive and obscure hardware dongle

There, the answer is right there !! I havent played AC2 on PC so i cant comment if its DRM actually promotes Piracy :doh . I did read that the pirates were having a hard time getting rid of it, and technically speaking if a game can stay from being pirated for around 1-2 months then the DRM has served its purpose.

But yes, as a solution specific to India & exclusive to Cricket im pretty sure that the best DRM (even if annoying to the end user) is the only answer.

Otherwise we must abide by Codies decision to be console exclusive only.

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