International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

The Aussie cover will most probably be Mitchell Johnson. I think if it was Ricky Ponting they would have already announced that he is going to continue on as the face of the Australian version.
Apparently it's Michael Clarkes ex: Codies have somehow got hold of some interesting photo's. Word has it that after the success of the Codemasters photo shoot Stuart Broad is to do a centrefold spread in the Playboy. In the interview people were of course interested in why he was fondly nicknamed Mr No-Balls. Stuart assured his fans that it had absolutely nothing to do with his bowling ability.


How about Stuart Broad & Michael Clarke do a little somethin somethin for Playboi , maybe they could play with each others balls :eek:

I can totally imagine (not that i want to) the two gentlemen having healthy discussion about balls in the shower after a long sweaty game of Cricket.
watch it be Hauritz :laugh

or use this picture

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^ Well since they have got Stuart Broad on covers for English Market, your wish may very well be granted. If that happens, Playboy would surely be a secret sponsor of IC10 :laugh
Heath posted the following in some other thread. Thought i post it here aswell if someone missed it as i did. :)

Sorry I won't be posting a lot, too busy working my a** off to finish the game for you guys. We're all working hard to make IC2010 bigger and better than Ashes 2009, with lots of the things you've been asking for, and a few surprises as well (unless Codies announce them first



P.S. I see someone noticed a stump get uprooted... ... ..... ... ;D
I was wondering if you're allowed to tell us about the 'Power Stick' which is in the advertising?

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