International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

What you can do is do CD-Key matching for online play, and use other ways of limiting gameplay for non-legit users.

That is all they need to do to ensure that like 90% of the people who pirate the game for single player will eventually end up buying original version just to play online.
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i just wanna ask 1 thing to codemasters

" Why can't they make scorecard at the bottom of screen... why r they using the little box oin the lest hand side of screen? it was a old thing now..... even local matches uses high quality graphics in scoring... and every match now a days broadcaste with bottom line scorecard...."

codemasters have to think on this... its 2010 now... they done this mistake in AC 09 and again in IC 2010.... after seeing the screenshots its clearly confirmed that we r gonna see scorecard box on the left hand side of screen........

how sick it is.... and they r talking about action cam... for TV-style broadcast... first they have to think on this criteria...
What do you mean by cumbersome to pirate? From all reports about their DRM servers going down, there's a mention that the pirates have theirs keep going.

You cannot stop a single player game being pirated, save for perhaps a very expensive and obscure hardware dongle, which can be emulated if the desire is there. What you can do is do CD-Key matching for online play, and use other ways of limiting gameplay for non-legit users.

I personally would just limit it to steam sales, and have retail packages in the same way that Valve do for their own games on PC that are sold in stores. It certainly doesn't stop anything completely, but it is acceptable DRM, unlike the rubbish in AC2 that promotes piracy.

The best DRM is something a legitimate user will never notice.

Just like the best football referees...

Ubisoft are way off the mark with their DRM though - anything that stops me from playing my game when the 'net connection is down/servers are down, is totally unacceptable and they've earned a boycott of all new games from me.
Ah ok then in that case,

I totally do not believe you, a "friends brother" is conviniently far enough removed of a relationship for you to not be held accountable for the statement or follow up to it with more questions/answers or even provide proof of the source.

In short, I call bullshit.

We will talk again ones the game is released for PC :)
Originally Posted by Le' Sexy Beast
In simple terms, back yourself with a good product that appeals to Indian audiences & make sure that your Copy protection is the BLOODY BEST that money can buy . Afterwards, you can sit on your arse & watch the coffers fill with money.

You think that microsoft doesnt have enough money to buy or make a software that will make people stop pirating windows 7 etc. Adobe software worth $2000.00 retail, is selling for $15 in a local weekend market in melbourne. you think people who made a $2000.00 software cant afford copy protection. how many Indians or pakistanies you think will spend 6000.00 rupees to buy a game when they have a option to buy same thing for 100.00 rupees.

We are not talking about few people, like maybe you who prefers to buy the original stuff. I myself like original dvds for their quality etc, but majority doesnt.

Look, i feel bad aswell for PC users who wont be able to play this game and are angry. I am not trying to say what codemasters are doing is right, all i am saying is that ecnomically its not best for them. and it is a company afterall and wants to make profit.
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You think that microsoft doesnt have enough money to buy or make a software that will make people stop pirating windows 7 etc. Adobe software worth $2000.00 retail, is selling for $15 in a local weekend market in melbourne. you think people who made a $2000.00 software cant afford copy protection. how many Indians or pakistanies you think will spend 6000.00 rupees to buy a game when they have a option to buy same thing for 100.00 rupees.

We are not talking about few people, like maybe you who prefers to buy the original stuff. I myself like original dvds for their quality etc, but majority doesnt.

Look, i feel bad aswell for PC users who wont be able to play this game and are angry. I am not trying to say what codemasters are doing is right, all i am saying is that ecnomically its not best for them. and it is a company afterall and wants to make profit.

Bad Zoila !! Bad Zoila !! Baaaaaaaaad Ziolaaaaaaa !!

Me no talking to you anymore , you = evil Somali Pirate !!

(^ kidding there , aight)

Piracy is evil & justifying it is BAD. PC games in India dont cost 6 Grand , they cost from 500 to 2500 rupees (Indian , thats 1500 to 7500 Pakistani Rupees to you).

BTW, do you know that in India if any professional company is found using fake softwares like Windows or Adobe Photoshop they are sent straight to the gallows ;) (NOT) . Actually the first thing the taxman looks at any professional company is if they are using genuine Windows , coming to artists its considered a great shame & mighty unprofessional of you if an Adobe employee catches you with fake software ( yep, Adobe conducts these commando style sneak peek operations to make sure that professionals are using Original Adobe products ) You know they will pose as these harmless clients who want to look at your 'arrangements & facilities' before giving you an assignment & booooooom if they catch you red handed they uninstall the software, show you their ID's and tell ya to use original software in the future :)

Remember, If you can afford it say with pride, "I hate Pirates" (unless we are talking about Cartman)


If I ever have a son i want him to be like Cartman - Ekdum Harami (Totally Badass) !!!
Just waiting for the aussie cover :). I feel it'll be Johnson this time.
Hmm, seeing as he was ICC Player of the year last year that's quite possible. Could be Watson too, or Ponting again.
I don't think so it'll be Ponting this time again. It should be someone new. I'd like Watson or Johnson or may be David Hussey (quite impossible) :p
Hmm, seeing as he was ICC Player of the year last year that's quite possible. Could be Watson too, or Ponting again.

Apparently it's Michael Clarkes ex: Codies have somehow got hold of some interesting photo's. Word has it that after the success of the Codemasters photo shoot Stuart Broad is to do a centrefold spread in the Playboy. In the interview people were of course interested in why he was fondly nicknamed Mr No-Balls. Stuart assured his fans that it had absolutely nothing to do with his bowling ability.
Apparently it's Michael Clarkes
Who knows, I never expected Stuart Broad on IC 2010 English cover. I was expecting Collingwood or Swann. Anyways, cover hardly matters. I don't think so Namco will even care about this thing.

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