International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

Dont count on it! Or bad weather/light stopping play! Or saving online! Or a big AI improvment! Or.............................
Dont count on it! Or bad weather/light stopping play! Or saving online! Or a big AI improvment! Or.............................

It seems someone from the Codemasters forum had a rain affected play during a test match in AC09!...
It seems someone from the Codemasters forum had a rain affected play during a test match in AC09!...

Thats a load of old cobblers.
Not once have i ever had a sniff of rain.

I would have chosen the word "nonsence" myself! Ive had agers say many times "we might not make it through the day" but its as though the rain was never programed to ever fall. Im sure it will be put in one year! Its not like the weather is an important factor in cricket, is it codies?!?!?!
(sarcasm level 9.5/10)
It may add to the realism, but I think you'll find that the majority of IC'10 players won't be interested in rain breaks.
I would have chosen the word "nonsence" myself! Ive had agers say many times "we might not make it through the day" but its as though the rain was never programed to ever fall. Im sure it will be put in one year! Its not like the weather is an important factor in cricket, is it codies?!?!?!
(sarcasm level 9.5/10)

yea but atleast they have some wind factor in there which is important!
Rain would be terrible, a huge waste of time. I hated it in EA and I would hate it here too. If you're trying to bowl someone out on the last day of a test match, rain is the last thing you need or want. Because, tbh, what does it add to the game? How does it make the game better?
You never get draws otherwise. Most games (especially in England) have rain delays. Accounting for that by forcing declarations, going for quick runs etc are a major part of cricket.
Nothing new about the game for a while.
Guess we will all have to wait till 4 june.
God codemasters, tell the aus release date.
Plus india to.
Hope it sells well, so we can have more money
into there next game.
Still looking forward to ic2010, should be a good
game but not a great game, hope im wrong.
Also i read somewhere that there was rain in
ashes but i never seen it to, hope a rain level in
this game or the next.
Rain, 1 to 5. If you hate rain, a turn off.:)
Im sure the aussies didnt want the bad light stoppage at the end of 2005 ashes! But it happened, cos thats what happens in cricket. Its a major factor in the game. Cant see how anyone can say it would be a complete waste of time. I guess different people will always have different opinions on what should and what shouldnt be added to the game. And hey, its not rocket science to add a "turn weather off" feature!! But to me, either this release or the next one. Rain is a must please codemasters. :yes Oh yes and incase anyones reading from codies.............Online save option too!
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The problem with the EA rain delays was that they always just rained out the day. If the implementation was as poor as that, then I don't see the point. But properly done rain would add to the tactical side of things a lot.

I wouldn't like to see that be an option, you run the risk of needing to throw in a pile of yes/no questions before gameplay. Just don't play in England if you want to play without rain.
Come on Codies, only 18 days to go. Its high time you surprise us and I mean in a pleasant way. Show us something that will intrigue us.

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